Part 6

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The morning light quickly awoke the sleeping boy and he jumped out of his bed feeling the most excited he's ever felt. (y/n) felt as though his body would explode from all the excitement he felt. He quickly rushed himself through his morning routine and got dressed in an all-black suit. After slipping on his dress shoes the boy then made his way over to his parent's room. "Mother, Father please get dressed I'd like to leave as soon as possible."(y/n) tried his best to wake his parents and speak to them in an appropriate manner but it was slightly difficult. "Elysium, take the boy to Diagon Alley to get his things." Alec was very irritated but let go of his wife anyway, "He's your son as well, Riddle." Elysium quickly got up while rolling her eyes. As tired as she was she quickly took clothes out, "Run along (y/n) you don't want to see me undress." After those words left Elysium's mouth the boy's face scrunched up in disgust and he quickly left the room. (y/n) waited for his mother to come down while impatiently bouncing his foot up and down. The excitement started to turn into frustration as the time seemed to slow down while he had to wait.

"Alright let's go." His mother opened a door in the house and they both stepped into it. "Mother, can I pull on the string this time?" The (e/c) eyed boy looked at his mother with excitement again and awaited her answer. His mother gave him a small nod and he jumped with excitement and pulled on it. As they appeared in Diagon Alley the small boy's eyes lit up in excitement. He finally felt excited for once. He was going to leave tomorrow! (Y/n) couldn't believe that he was actually going to get out of his home. "We'll need to get you, your robes first. While you get fitted I'll get your books." Elysium looked down at her son and noticed he hadn't been paying any attention to what she was saying. He had practically walked away from her and over to his favorite store. She walked quickly and grabbed his arm, "Your robes come first." She looked down at the boy who just huffed in response with a small pout on his lips.

He wanted to get some more things. If going shopping for his supplies meant avoiding his favorite store then he no longer wanted to go shopping. "Mother please, I want to go in." the (e/c) eyed boy looked at her with the best puppy dog eyes he could give. He knew that he really didn't have to give her those eyes whenever his father wasn't around but he thought it'd help him win her over one hundred percent rather than just a 'maybe'. "We might be able to go after... the fitting might take a while, you are what people call abnormally tiny." Elysium teased her son as she watched his eyebrows scrunch together in disgust. "I am not abnormally tiny! Don't tease me, mother. I am the right size for my age." (y/n) pointed his finger at his mother despite knowing that it was disrespectful and that he was taught better than that.

"Well then, since you've done wrong I suppose we won't go into your favorite store anymore." (y/n)'s mother held his finger and glared down at him. "Sorry, mother, I'll do better I promise. Let's go get my robes then." The boy knew not to protest on the fact that he had gotten punished. It was fair after all he did do something he wasn't supposed to. The walk to Madam Malkin's was silent and upon entering they were greeted as usual. "You're very late for shopping please follow me, mister Riddle." As instructed the boy followed closely behind and stood on the small stepping block in front of him. "I'm late because they were questioning whether or not to let me in." (y/n) spoke up still slightly irritated at the fact that they didn't know if they wanted him. Who wouldn't want him? His father always said he was destined for great things. "I understand, it seems Harry Potter will also be there." The witch spoke to him as she continued measuring.

"I don't understand! What does it matter if some Potter kid and I go to the same school?" The boy's irritation was starting to subside and be replaced with sadness that was soon replaced with anger. He was angry at how quickly he had gotten sad, "Well, if you don't know it's best I not say anything. While you're at Hogwarts I suggest you don't say your full last name." The woman stopped and gave the boy a sincere smile as he didn't seem evil. "I'm starting to get that, thank you." (y/n) sighed but was still very much gratefully that she had said that. A while later he was handed three robes "There you are." The woman smiled at him and he gladly returned it. As if on queue his mother returned with his books. "Madam Elysium, please follow me." The witch spoke kindly and addressed (y/n)'s mother but Elysium did not follow instead she just handed the lady a handful of galleons.

Madam Malkin began to walk off but Elysium was quick to stop her, "No need, you may keep the rest." Elysium smiled at the other woman then walked off as (y/n) trailed behind her.  They stopped right outside of Ollivanders. "Go on in, I'll wait for you." Elysium smiled at her son and watched as he walked in. "Hello?" the boy called out and waited for someone to appear. When no one showed up he called out again. He started to wander around the store, "Ah Mister Riddle, I was wondering when I'd see you." Mr. Ollivander smiled at (y/n) who smiled back. "I'll be back, I think I know what you'll be needing." As the old man disappeared a strong curiosity started to build in the small boy. He didn't really know which wands are powerful and which ones weren't. Of course he'd ask his mother after but he wish he knew now.

"Here, try this one." The man handed a dark colored want to the boy. (Y/n) swished it around and broke a chair. "Uhm.. listen I can totally pay for that." The boy coughed but broke something else as he was using the hand the wand was in. "Uh and that." The boy quickly put the wand on the counter. "It's quite alright Mr. Riddle, that stuff happens when finding a wand." The man smiled at him and gave him another wand. He swished it around and nothing happened. "I suppose that would be the one for you. I knew you'd get yew wood." The old man shook his head slightly with a small worry on his face. "What's my wand made out of?" The boy looked at the old man knowing now that it was yew wood. "Yew wood with dragon heart string... supple flexibility and 12 1/2 inches." The
(h/c) haired boy watched as the man nodded along with what he was saying.

"You have a very powerful wand Mr. Riddle. Please be careful with what you learn. If you find the classes to be boring announce it to the headmaster. You'll be top of your class if you learn magic easy but don't go poking your nose in places it doesn't belong." The man looked down at the boy who looked curious but nodded. "Thank you." The boy handed the man a small handful of galleons and walked off. "Mr. Riddle the rest of your galleons?" The old man looked at the kid bewildered. "It's alright Mr. Vander keep it." The boy smiled and waved at the man as he walked out. He had a good wand!
After their shopping trip, they had taken up half of the day. So upon their arrival at home dinner was cooked and was eaten.

Everything else quickly came and went so now the (s/c) boy was all packed. He was ready to leave for Hogwarts so after hurriedly doing his night routine he laid in bed and waited for sleep to hit him like a brick. After a couple of minutes, the boy grew irritated and hot until he realized he had missed the most important step. He had forgotten to open his window. Quickly hopping out of bed the boy opened the window and laid back down in his comfortable sheets. With a small sigh, the boy closed his eyes and let sleep carry him to blissful dreams of what his school year would look like.

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