Part 48

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"Who are you?" (y/n) looked up at the tall brunette that stood next to Blaise. There was a noticeable difference in height and he looked.. handsome. "Adrian Pucey, pleasure to meet you." The taller male reached out his hand toward the smaller one. He could tell that the boy was interested in him he just wasn't sure how or why. "You can call me (y/n) Rid, nice to meet your acquittance." the (s/c) boy shook his hand and smiled brightly, maybe he could make friends, "You're not the same age as me are you Adrian?" The boy looked up to the taller one, a small cough was heard from his right but he didn't care.

He was busy having a much more interesting conversation. "That would be correct, I'm two years older and you are very observant, your last name sounds familiar as well." Adrian let go of the boys hand once he heard a louder cough. It was slightly annoying since he was trying to see what that younger boy was up to. "Am I invisible or is it that you just care about meeting him since he's so famous?" Draco was annoyed beyond belief, he had been sitting there in silence the whole time and the moment someone else comes into the picture he's ignored? What a joke.

"Blaise, tell Pansy I'll be in the dining hall for breakfast." (y/n) waited for Blaise to nod in approval before walking off. He didn't have any interest in being there. He began walking off but noticed as two people met him at his side. "Off to the hall are we? We'll join you." ah yes, the two gingers had shown up. Now that the short male thought about it, it had been a while since he had seen them. "Well, I was starting to get withdrawals from you both." The three laughed and made their way down to the hall, it was a comfortable silence and the boy had noticed that the twins weren't in their robes.

Instead they were in comfortable looking sweaters and it made the
(h/c)ette want to touch, so he did. His hand reached out to George's sweater and he ran his hand along the sleeve. "You like it? Got it for Christmas, mother makes one every year." George smiled down at the shorter male who just smiled in return. "I do, it's very soft, that must be an awesome gift to get, I just get whatever I ask for.. as long as it's not from your families store." Another laugh came from all of them which made them all stop for a moment.

"You should come over for Christmas one year, I'll even ask for you to get a gift as well." George smiled slightly awkward, was it weird to ask for someone to come for a holiday? He wasn't sure but he knew that (y/n) was great company and he wouldn't mind having him around for Christmas. "I'll definitely try, I want to go but you know I would have to trick my parents into thinking I'm with Malfoy or something." The shorter male smiled at both of the twins before they entered the hall and went their separate ways. He went and took his seat quickly, it felt like he hadn't been in here in ages.

He often skipped meals at their set time and just went into the kitchen to take what he wanted. "Finally, I thought I would never get away from Draco's complaining." Pansy sat herself next to her friend and sighed. Of course she always enjoyed the company of her childhood friend but he spent the whole walk over complaining about Adrian. "Good for him, he was acting like a celebrity before I left." (y/n) laughed a little before serving himself some food. He felt bad for his friend but it was slightly amusing to see her like this. "He was talking about how he shouldn't be ignored or something, honestly Blaise got tired of it that he even walked off."

Pansy served herself as well and watched as the expression on the
(s/c) boys face never changed. "He was definitely jealous of you or something." Blaise sat himself in front of the two while Adrian sat himself on the other side of the young boy. "It's not my fault that I'm more interesting, it would help if he was nice as well." The boy looked around a bit but it was no use, there was nothing in particular he was looking for.

"So then, I take it he's always like that, should I wait for him on the quidditch team or something?" Adrian looked around and pansy nodded fiercely, "Draco loves quidditch and he wants to try out next year." A laughs started to erupt from the group, this just confused the (h/c)ette, "What's so funny about quidditch?" The laughter died down shortly after the question was asked and the boy just awaited the answer. "The team is full, it will be extremely hard for him to get someone else kicked off, I doubt he's that good." The response made the small boy laugh, Draco didn't need to have a talent that's unmatched. He already had a way to get in no matter what, now that, that was Lucy.

"Oh, right, I believe that'll stop him.. hmm, yes." (Y/n) laughed some more and everyone around the boy was looking at him as though he was a mad man. They were all confused but after it got quiet the boy never said a word. Although this conversation made him wish that second year would come a lot faster. "Come on, we'll be late if we keep laughing instead of finishing up before class." Pansy waved at the boys to hurry quickly as she was the only one who had been eating instead of laughing like a hyena. Breakfast had continued on with small talk as well as the boys stuffing their faces with food as Pansy watched in amusement. As soon as the boys had finished up they all started off toward their class.

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