Part 44

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A few weeks had past, it was still as cold as ever out and Draco had found something new about potter to obsess over. "I'm being dead serious, they're going to sneak out or something, those lot will probably go around vandalizing the halls or being stupid and breaking their legs." The blonde was pacing around dramatically talking about the "golden trio" as if they were going to burn down the whole building.

"Oh please let them, you talk about them so much, if they were to break their legs then they wouldn't be able to move. Then you can smuggle them in their sleep and not have to deal with it." (y/n) found his joke quite funny but it didn't seem that the others did, "You're always saying such twisted things, maybe you'll be the dark wizard of us." Pansy pushed her friend around a bit which earned her a hateful gaze in return. "I'll be a great wizard, one of the greatest, not a dark one." Waving a hand around her face the boy left the common room to head over to the library.

He had homework that he needed to finish and he no longer had interest in being stuck in a room with all of those idiots. As soon as he walked through those big brown doors he seated himself at a table and laid out each piece of work. It might look like a waste of space to some but to him it was easier to work. "Always making a mess of things are we?"

How is it that the boy could never get a moment of piece without this blonde twat bothering him? "You know my king, if you keep following me around like this someone might actually believe that you fancy me." the (h/c)ette looked up at the taller male and just smiled at how the other made a face of disgust. "No, however, if you continue to give me silly little things such as this then maybe they will." Draco pulled the chain out from underneath his uniform to reveal the sparkly little ring.

"The difference between the two of us is that I've quickly learned to embrace the rumors told about me, you however, have image issues. If people think I fancy you then I have no problem with that. My ring still resides on my finger." The smaller male went back to doing his work leaving the other too stunned to speak. Eventually the other male took a seat at the table and moved over some papers to do his own work.

(y/n) didn't question it. If he did then they would probably end up making a bigger scene. Perhaps this was the blondes way of saying that his company isn't a bother. As soon at the (s/c) boy finished up all his work he sat there in silence waiting for the other to finish his work. Taking some time to study Draco's face the boy watched as it changed when he would get confused. Then again when he couldn't figure something out he'd get a look of frustration which made him flare his nostrils and run a hand over his hair, of course, always careful to fix it back in place.

It was truly interesting, watching as he'd spin his pencil, dropping it every now and then. A skill that he had yet to master. "Can you stop gawking at me and help already?" The blonde was slightly annoyed with how much the other was staring. He felt pressured to finish faster but he just couldn't, he hated this stupid class. If he could get rid of the history of magic class then he would. "Alright, the textbook from the lesson has all the answers in it by the way. You just have to read it a little and you'll find the answers, promise."

The smaller male pushed his book over to the other male seeing as the other had forgotten his book. "Doing charity work are you? Who knew he would need it." Hermione passed by laughing ever so slightly. "No dear, it's you, you're the charity case. Money from the muggle world hardly means much here. In any case, you try harder because you're muggle born. I don't and neither does he."

(y/n) waved back at her with a small smile. He was done being nice, after about two altercations with her she decided she didn't want to know him. So he doesn't want to know her either, he will just try to be better than her at everything. "Defending me now? I can do that on my own." Draco looked over at the (h/c)ette who just smiled at him brightly.

"Every king needs a knight to do all his dirty work, besides, you were hard at work." Shrugging they both fell quiet and as the blonde continues his work the smaller male sat in silence waiting for him to finish. They would hear an occasional 'I did not start it Ron' coming from behind him but that never bothered him. It actually amused him quite a bit. Ron getting scolded because he agreed with the slytherins rather than his own house.

About an hour had passed before the blonde sat upright, "Alright, finished, I'm getting a snack from the kitchen." The taller male left almost instantly, forgetting to tuck his ring back under his clothes. After a few more minutes of just sitting in the library the smaller male got up and headed off toward his common room. In any case, he kind of felt like the king of the house but he didn't really have a valid reason for thinking so. Instead, he calls Draco the king even though hardly anyone takes him seriously. Might be because of the fact that he shows people how he's sort of.. cowardly.

It doesn't matter much to (y/n) though, he knows that when time counts most he will step up. Slytherins don't need to be overbearingly brave all the time, they just need to be sometimes when it matters most.

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