Part 28

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Morning quickly came and the boy felt as exhausted as ever. How could it be that the he had gotten a perfect amount of sleep and still felt so exhausted? The events from yesterday flashed through his mind and he felt annoyed. He no longer felt like he had the right to be upset. He was told multiple times that it wasn't true. However, that never stopped him from feeling that Draco really did hate him. His numerous attempts at trying to befriend the boy had failed and he was starting to get frustrated. Why would it have failed if it wasn't true? With a small sigh the small boy pushed himself off the bed and went to go bathe himself.

Not noticing the blonde that sat there eyeing. The pale boy started to feel slightly irritated as he knew he should apologize but didn't want to. An apology seemed rather unnecessary to him. After all, he was only joking. It would be impossible for him to hate the (h/c) male. The shorter boy has already done so much for him. Maybe he would be friends with him someday... He would be friends with him the day that the truth came out. For whatever reason the pale boy knew that a secret was being held by the other boy. With a small sigh Draco finally got out of bed to gather his items. He waited for the water to turn off since he didn't want to go in and disrupt the smaller boy from his morning routine.

(Y/n) hurriedly washed up and did his routine very quickly. He didn't want to waste any time since he wanted to get the day started already. He was hoping that today would be better than it was yesterday. After quickly washing up the boy got dressed and fixed his hair. He then brushed his teeth and walked off. As always he found his friends down in the Slytherin common room and watched as they all laughed. It was slightly concerning to him that the Weasley twins were often in the Slytherin common room now. He knew they were all friends but would his family approve of this? "Good morning, my royal subjects."

The boy bowed down to everyone around him. His friends just laughed as they watched the boy get down low. "Royal subjects? The only royalty around here seems to be you." George went to ruffle the boys hair, he seemed to like messing it up. It felt very normal to the red head since it was something that his family did to show affection. "Messing up my hair so early in the morning? That doesn't seem like royalty treatment to me." The (s/c) boy laughed a little bit as he pushed George ever so slightly. He then looked over and noticed Pansy clinging to Fred as always. That made him smile but he felt curious. He wanted to know when they would confess their feelings for each other.

"Alright, we should be off to the grand hall then." The boy quickly began to walk out of the room knowing that his friends would follow behind him. He enjoyed it, not for the reason that he wanted people to be beneath him but for the reason that he felt his friends would always be there for him. He felt that his friends would follow him to the ends of the earth. Life always went the right way and yet it always seems so unfair. The group were peacefully making their way to the grand hall when they were stopped by a certain trio. "Good morning Ron." The small boy waved at the redhead with a bright smile. It was always a pleasure to see Ron.

His group had accidentally collided with the other and everyone was recollecting themselves. The boy wanted to be polite as possible so that no negativity wouldn't escape and bleed into the atmosphere. "You clearly saw us." Hermione rolled her eyes as she looked at the older boy. She wasn't really sure if he saw them walking his way but she can only assume so. "It would've been impossible for me to see you guys coming when I was looking to my right." (Y/n) shook his head as he looked at her. He was being honest, a few moments ago he was looking to Levi. A few seconds later they had collided groups.

"It's alright, no need to apologize." Harry decided to smile at the boy. He knew the boy didn't seem like a bad person but couldn't help feel like there was something bad about him.
"Thank you, I hope I get to see you all at the grand hall?" (Y/n) questioned with awkwardness as he wasn't sure what to say. Without another minute to waste the boy walked off towards the grand hall again. A few moments later they pushed through the doors and went right to their seats. The twins split from the group as they didn't feel like sitting with them that morning. Time felt slowed down that morning as the students filled their plates with food and chatter filled the air.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now