Part 33

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A few moments had passed and the entire group was now at the door.
(y/n) looked around and waited for someone to open the door but much to his surprise the older woman had knocked on her own door. "Mrs. Malfoy wh-." The boy started to speak but was quickly cut off since he was nudged. The door quickly opened and revealed a small house elf at the entrance. "Good morning master, mistress, welcome home again." The small elf stepped aside and everyone stepped in. As soon as everyone had stepped foot in the manor the elf ran outside.

"You three are quite aware of where your rooms are. The elf will put your things in the correct spot, run along now." Lucius dismissed the three other children then walked away leaving the small boy with the woman he didn't really know. "I apologize for his behavior.. come, this way" Narcissa led the small boy to the kitchen and had pointed to one of the stools that were at the island. After making sure that the boy was seated properly she was quick to make them both mint tea.

Narcissa handed the boy his tea and looked at him for a moment. She watched as he smiled at her with gratitude before blowing on it a little. She had noticed an odd sharpness to the boy's face, though it was still quite round and boyish. She saw the scar that had rested on the boy's cheek and felt guilty yet grateful. The scar seemed to be abnormally large. No one seemed to notice it but the scar went from the ending of his eye down to the ending point of his cheekbone. That's a mark her husband has given him, a mark that would stay with him for the rest of his life.

"I wanted to thank you, Mr. Riddle. I appreciate you being there for my son but you don't have to do things like that. He will end up like his father and.. you'll end up doing everything for him. It will be the same.. the way I do things for Lucius now." The kind woman smiled which made (y/n) confused. He knew that Draco had a future set for him, he was sure almost every kid in Slytherin did. "Please Mrs. Malfoy, don't use my last name, call me Prince. I don't believe your son will turn out like Lucius. I still think he has a chance. He's young and I think that with the right amount of love and appreciation he can ignore his father. I'm not saying it's my job to, truthfully, I only went in there because it started to sound bad." The boy smiled at the woman as he took a sip of his tea.

He noticed that she had looked slightly worried and it made him feel bad. "Please, call me Narcissa, why is it that you go by Prince? I can understand that you would've wanted to help but look where that's gotten you." The woman took this opportunity to sip her own tea while still looking at the scar. "I go by Prince because it's my middle name. I don't want you to feel guilty, he made it clear that I wouldn't be able to help your son and now I'm determined to make sure that he isn't like Lucius. It's a bit hard since he doesn't consider me a friend." The boy continued to drink his tea after he spoke.

Narcissa just nodded at him but still felt terrible, she wanted to make it up to him somehow. "That's a very nice family ring." Narcissa pointed down at the small boys (s/c) hands. The
(h/c)ette nodded with a wide smile on his face. It seemed that this ring would be a big part of his life, and he was very glad to have it. "My Uncle Sev gave it to me! I hope that one day I'll get to use it." The boy continued to drink his tea but couldn't and smile once he saw the shocked look on Narcissa's face.

"Aren't you a bit too young to be thinking about using it?" The woman smiled down at the boy and completely missed when her son had walked into the kitchen. "Of course he's too young, no one would want to marry him.. now, I meant now. Mother, have we got any tea left?" Draco had walked in and heard his mother talking about the ring on
(y/n)'s finger. He didn't like what he was hearing and when he spoke pure venom came out until he was asking his mother for tea.

"Well, I'd hope that one day I would find someone that wants to marry me. I hope one day you find someone too." (y/n) ran his hand through Draco's hair as the blonde got seated next to him causing the once pale cheeks to heat up a little bit. Narcissa turned around after seeing the display of affection and cursed herself internally as she knew what was to come. "I didn't mean to be rude about it.. sorry." Draco smacked the (s/c) hand away from his hair as he apologized.

He wasn't going to but a sudden wave of guilt had hit him and he didn't like it at all. The smaller boy drank his tea with ease as Narcissa had fixed Draco a cup. "Thank you, mother." Draco took the tea and softly blew on it after making sure his father wasn't around. The boys then sat there having conversations with Narcissa and having small arguments with each other from time to time. "What are Blaise and Pansy doing?" (y/n) looked at Draco as he got up with his cup and plate so he could put it away.

"They're... I don't know actually." Draco left his things on the island and watched as his mother took the dishes from the smaller boy. "Next time don't pick them up.. things work differently here." Draco tried to smile at the boy who stood in front of his mother.

(Y/n) Prince Riddle, has a nice ring to it

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