Part 41

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"Is there a specific way you're supposed to sit?" (y/n) looked at the blonde as soon as they entered the manor once more. They needed to head to the dining room but he was worried he would accidently screw something up and seem like he 'has no manners' so he decided to ask before they got there. "Parents sit in the front too chairs at the left end of the long side, Draco sits next his mother, professor next to his father and we sit wherever after that." Blaise walked over to the door and opened it revealing a dark room with a sleek black table with matching chairs, the table really was long, it seemed as though the whole room was dedicated to the one table.

Draco sat down in his seat and waited for the rest of them to follow, the smaller male took the place that was beside the blonde, Blaise followed then pansy. "So do the lights turn on or is the chandelier just for show?" The small boy whispered out to no one in particular, it wasn't that the room was so dark he couldn't see, it was that this room felt a little too dark.

No one spoke and a few moments later the door had opened and green flames lit up the room, "The chandelier is not just for show dear, it's just lit with fire instead of traditional electricity." Draco's mother walked in and took her spot carefully, The small boy made sure to give the woman a smile to make sure she knew he was listening. The adults seated themselves and (y/n) noticed that no one spoke which sort of concerned him. At his home there was talk at the table even if it was mostly just him and his mother.

"After dinner no one is to go back outside, understood?" Lucius spoke firmly, a trail of 'understood' came from the three that were used to this sort of thing, however, the (h/c)ette never responded, he felt when someone had lightly kicked his leg. The boy just carefully took a sip of whatever had been brought out by Dobby.

Another light kick, "If I'm not allowed outside after dinner is there a room here that has better view of the stars? My room doesn't seem to have a window." Making eye contact with the pale man was never intimidating, in fact, he hoped at one point in his life he'd be able to intimidate the man instead. "You're not in need to see the stars, if you're going to be disrespectful I'll tell your father." The man was slightly irritated, did this brat seriously think he could ask for a better room in a house that wasn't his own? Lucius was surprised to hear a laugh coming from the (s/c) boy.

"Go ahead, he won't be doing any worse to me than you already have. Lucius, my parents wouldn't be too pleased to hear about how you have no regard for your guests and couldn't complete such a simple task." The boy made sure to be bitter as well to show the older man that he in some way did have a higher authority here. He gave a polite smile which Draco noticed looked all too forced, "Draco you will show this brat a new room, understood?" at that the pale boy nodded toward his father, "Understood." He was shocked that he was actually listening.

What else was going to happen while they were here? His father's face was already as red as the Gryffindors robes. The rest of dinner was silent and everyone ate in peace, (y/n) had a smile on his face for the rest of dinner. He was very pleased with himself. He was able to push Lucius around to a certain extent even if it came with punishment. He wasn't going to stop irritating the older man, it was fun. After dinner the boy had excused himself and went to the kitchen where he had found Dobby preparing what looked like pudding.

"Hey Dobby, need help?" The elf jumped slightly out of fear, "Hello Mr. Price, Dobby is preparing light desert, dobby has it under control sir. No need to help Dobby." The elf continued what he was doing but was still nervous as he felt the young master look at him. "Dobby, where do they keep the tea?" (y/n) had to admit he didn't need more tea but it was almost tradition to have a cup before bed and right after dinner. "Young master mustn't drink too much tea. Too much tea will cause young master lack of sleep."

The elf was nervous beyond words and was starting to cower once he had finished his sentence. The boy just laughed a little, "Don't be silly, who cares about sleep, it won't stop me from drinking tea. I never drink this much.. at least I don't think I do." The boy was now walking toward some compartments so he could start his search for tea. "Dobby will make young master tea." The boy felt bad, yes it was his job to do that but he already looked busy. He would also have to deal with dishes after dinner.

"I can do it, you're busy." The boy smiled at the elf, he was sad to say that he was practically the same height as the elf, only slightly taller. "Mr. Prince mustn't worry about Dobby, Dobby will do it all." The elf started to nudge the boy out of the kitchen until the door opened to reveal a small blonde, "There you are, come on, let's get you to your new room. You know, the one with the window." The boy rolled his eyes a little at the shorter one but it was as deadly as a bunny. A smile made it's way onto both of their faces.

"Too dramatic?" The smaller one asked, he didn't think he was being dramatic earlier, too much of a nuisance? absolutely. "No, I think you act like my father with an attitude like that, I think yours is way worse." The blonde was now walking up the stairs but turned to make sure that the
(h/c)ette was following close behind. "I know, the anger is a problem." The smaller boy shrugged but he felt a little insecure, he really did hate his anger. "I don't care about it, I find it amusing with how easily irritated you are." The taller male walked to his own room, weird wasn't it?

He just figured that his room had a better view of the stars, they could trade. "Why are we here?" (y/n) was slightly weirded out about how they were standing in the, middle of Draco's room right now. He wasn't given a response he only watched as the blonde tried his best to move a dresser that was against his wall. After a long while the dresser was completely moved and a door was in it's place. "Why do you keep the door all bordered up?" The boy walked outside and took in a sharp breath, it was pretty cold now that the snow had settled.

"I don't really know, I guess it's because I don't spend too much time looking at the stars right now." The blonde walked out and just looked up, they were really pretty, the stars brought light to the dark sky. without them the sky would be completely dark, nothing worth looking at. "I'm more of a moon guy myself, I love looking at the moon but the stars are nice to look at too." The smaller male looked at the blonde for a moment before looking up at the sky. The two boys stood there for a while just admiring the sky in silence.

Neither of them paying any attention to each other, it was a nice feeling, to get a break. Just their own thoughts. No one was there to point out how close together they were or the fact that they had almost touched hands a few times. It was just the sky and them. "I should probably go to bed." The smaller boy looked over at the pale boy who was barely keeping his eyes open. "I'll walk you to your room then." The taller male nodded a little but he really didn't want to walk the shorter male to his room. He wouldn't walk him to the room if he was anywhere else. Screw his fathers rules, right?

"I can do that myself you're practically falling asleep standing." The small boy quickly helped Draco to his bed then made sure to shut the balcony door before leaving. As he entered his own room he let out a small yelp when he saw his uncle sitting in the chair across from his bed. "Uncle Sev, what a pleasant surprise, you didn't scare me at all." The small boy closed his door and sat on the bed, "Don't be ridiculous, don't you think you're getting a little too physical with Draco?" The man questioned his nephew who just nodded a little.

"I can stop that. It's no problem, I think it's just because I'm here for break." The small boy smiled at his uncle, "I just want you to be careful. I'll be here in the morning, I'll go find my room now." the man quickly left which had his nephew slightly concerned. Shrugging it off (y/n) quickly did his night routine after finding the closest bathroom. He then walked back over to his room and got into bed, what a weird day. It had been a wild on-

"young master, Dobby is sorry to bother you now, Dobby has brought tea." The elf carefully sat the things down on the nightstand that was besides the bed, "No worries, it was perfect timing, goodnight." The elf disappeared almost instantly which freaked the small boy out just a little bit, he then drank his tea while looking around, he missed home. He missed his mother, after finishing his tea the boy quickly got under the covers and closed his eyes.

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