Part 36

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It had been hours since Draco found his friends. Usually he would be quite entertained with what activities they had planned. However, this time it was different, it was like he was missing something. The thought started to bother him greatly, after all, what could he be missing? It then occurred to him that he was missing an annoyance that was usually by his side. "Draco are you even listening?" Pansy looked at her best friend with slight concern. She hadn't seen him this way at all and it was odd. At first, he look like he was deep in thought but then as minutes past he started to look disgusted.

"Of course I'm listening, you were talking about potions class." The blonde gave her a smile that was somewhat apologetic. He knew that he wasn't a good liar, when it came to Pansy, he could only hope that she would let it slide this time, "That was a while back." Pansy's concern for Draco grew and she knew she shouldn't ask but she did it anyway, "Did something happen between you and y/n?" at that question the pale boy looked shocked, even he couldn't figure out an answer to that question. No, nothing really happened between them but it got him to start thinking about how close they were in the music room.

He could feel the warmth in his cheeks so the blonde decided to cough a little. "No, he's sleeping." Draco looked at Pansy in a serious manner and quickly noticed that the girl looked weirded out, "How the bloody hell did you know he was sleeping?" Pansy was confused and started to worry for the safety of
(y/n). Was Draco in some weird obsession that he needed to stalk her bestfriend? "I was showing him around the bottom half of the manor when he decided he wanted a nap, that's all." Draco sighed and hoped that Pansy didn't think he was weird.

He could understand how creepy it sounded when he said he knew the (h/c)ette was sound asleep. "I get it, maybe we should wake him, I doubt he'll be able to sleep at night if he sleeps now." The girl shrugged at him and he rolled his eyes right at her, "You wake that thing up, if I do it he'll hit me." Draco heard a sound coming from behind him so he quickly turned around and was surprised to see that the (s/c) boy stood there. "I don't appreciate you calling me a thing, especially not when I'm clearly better looking than you." The shorter boy was slightly irritated, he had walked a long way to find his friends just to hear Draco calling him a 'thing'.

It wasn't kind and he could have sworn they were having a good time before he took a nap. "I didn't mean it in a rude way, well, I didn't particularly mean it in a good way either.. I just meant that you're sort of uhm grumpy when you wake." The blonde felt very awkward in the situation, he had just been caught saying something bad about the
(h/c)ette. If he had said it to the smaller males face it would have been different but this, this felt wrong.

In any other case Pansy would have stuck around to watch her two friends get slowly together but she had other plans, soon after she had heard the boys starting to argue she left to find a certain dark skinned wizard. "No but clearly I didn't mean it in a bad manner! Stop being so dramatic." Draco was getting defensive over his statement as it seemed the shorter male was blowing things out of proportion. I mean seriously! He never called the other a bloody troll. "I'm not! you're just being rude, would you like it if I called you a 'thing'? No, probably not."

At this point (y/n) was starting to get irritated but the look on Draco's face was rather amusing and he couldn't help but continue. "Yeah? Well, you call me ugly often and in different ways. You never hear me complain about it." Draco couldn't help but to pull something random up, he meant what he said this time. The (e/c) eyed boy always said rude things to others but whenever something rude was said about him, he would get mad. "We all know I'm being sarcastic, look at yourself in the mirror, you can't seriously believe that you're ugly." The shorter boy looked at Draco completely perplexed.

Did the blonde serious think of himself as hideous? (y/n) knew he would never admit that the pale boy was perfect but this was a new kind of growing irritation. How could this boy in front of him wake up every morning to look in the mirror and miss his entire reflection? Surely Draco had to be blind in some manner if he couldn't even see how attractive he was, it really sounded ridiculous to the smaller male.

"Whatever, I'm going to find Pansy." The pale boy turned around in annoyance, he was done looking at (y/n)'s stupid face, so what if he did think of himself as hideous? It wasn't going to change over night and it definitely wasn't going to change after the shorter boy had said he was being sarcastic. "Draco, listen up because I'm only going to say this once. You are not ugly, trust me you are far from it. Many people at school talk about how good looking you are and how perfect you are. Don't tell me that you're so blind, you don't notice it when you look in the mirror." The (s/c) boy would never admit that what he just said was a lie, Everything besides the 'you're not ugly' part was a lie.

He panicked, there are no people who say the pale boy is perfect or good looking, it was (y/n) that thought those things. "Liar, someone would have said something by now." Draco turned back around to look at the slight panic on the other boys face. He couldn't believe that he wanted this liar to like him.

If he lied about this what else did he lie about, his last name? No, probably not, it just sounds stupid. "Maybe they were too afraid to say something to you because you're always so rude to others?" It came out as a slight question but there was nothing the small boy could do now, he was scared that the pale boy was about to figure out the truth behind what he had said only moments ago. "What are you getting at?" the blonde took a small step forward since he didn't want to get as close to the boy as he had before. He was curious as to why the shorter male was so panicked.

Did he know of someone that had said these things about him? "Who was it then? Spit it out." If (y/n) had said the truth then he would say who it was. The smaller boy loved chaos so Draco knew that he'd give a name. "honestly, I promised them I wouldn't say anything!" At this point the (h/c)ette knew that it sounded like a lie but he couldn't do anything about it. If the taller boy didn't believe him then he would go on believing that he was ugly and the shorter one would be frustrated about it.

"Don't lie to me." Draco felt defeated by the argument, either the shorter boy wasn't being honest with him or he was only half telling the truth. "Don't look so disappointed, I'll tell you the name if I feel like it's important." the shorter boy slightly lowered his voice and completely fixed his tone. He was no longer in panic, he felt guilty for doing what he did. Now the taller boy would think le himself as ugly and would think that the smaller one lied.

"So this isn't important? My self image means nothing to you?" Draco was confused at what was happening, he wasn't even irritated at this point.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now