Part 43

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"I mean seriously, can you move any slower? Hurry up I want to get to the common room already" Draco was rolling his eyes at the smaller male. Was it really that hard to walk at a decent pace? They had been traveling for hours, all the blonde wanted to do was to rest. "I've got shorter legs than you, perhaps you can be a little more considerate my king" the smaller male picked up his pace yet again. It truly was tough for him to keep up with the blonde. He was beyond exhausted and just wanted to sit down, his legs were in pain.

"Whatever, I see the door, hurry now." Draco quickly made his way to the door and opened it with the password. Finally the green lights lit his vision and made the boy smile.
"I kind of like it better here." The blonde sat himself in one of the leather seats. He watched the fire for a moment waiting for the shorter male to pass him. (Y/n) never did, instead, the small footsteps made their way over to spot next to the blonde. "Need something else? I thought you said your legs were tired why the bloody hell are you still standing there?" The blonde looked over his shoulder slightly.

This was ridiculous. He's already spent enough time with the shorter male. He didn't want to spend anymore of it by his side. "Annoyed with me already? Perhaps I won't give you this." The (h/c)ette took a small box out from his robe pocket. It was a gift he had asked his uncle to get. He had received faster than he thought. The small box was waiting for him on the side table. "What?" Draco looked at the green box confused, what in gods name did that tiny thing have to do with him?

"Happy Christmas Malfoy." The box was shoved into his hands and within seconds the smaller male was gone. The blonde sat there for a few minutes still looking at the box. It was green with a silver lining. It was smooth, silk like.

"Happy Christmas." The taller make whispered out before opening the box. Inside was a ring, thick silver with an emerald stone dead center. Draco continued to admire it for a few more seconds before picking it up. Much to the boys surprise the ring had snakes around the band pointing to the gem. It was the best gift he's ever received.. it was practically the only gift he's ever received. Just as he started to slip on the ring he had noticed a black mark on the inside. Taking a closer look he realized his name was inside, well, not his name.

It was "King Malfoy" the gift seemed like too much. No, the gift was too much. He can't wear this out in public, people would think he's got an admirer. "Idiot." He whispered out once more, unfortunately Draco couldn't help the small smile. The gift was idiotic but the name inside made him laugh a little.

The door to the common room sounded which made the pale boys head snap up. "Good evening Mr. Malfoy." Severus looked down to the boy, his face had turned red as if he was caught in the act of crime. "Professor." The blonde nodded slightly, this was embarrassing. No, this was like death.  "Don't be dramatic, here, I did tell him the gift was too much. That boy never listens, you can wear it when older, then you'll have an excuse. A little white lie." The man handed the boy a small silver chain.

The truth was, his nephew asked for the ring exactly how it was. The problem was that the ring was custom made which seemed to make it more intimate. This is what Severus hated about it. The ring was flashy and intimate but his nephew had no clue. So, upon the rings arrival, he took the liberty of getting a chain for it. "Thank you, I didn't know he was going to get me a gift." Draco looked up at the man, although the two weren't related they were still connected. Godfather. This made the situation all the more weird.

"Yes, my nephew is quite unpredictable. Careful not to lose it, he's also very dramatic." Making sure to make the C in 'dramatic' pop. Severus turned on his heels making sure his cloak flared as he took his leave. "Seriously embarrassing" the blonde whispered to himself once more before slipping the ring into the chain.

"Can I help you with that?" As if on cue pansy walked into his line of vision as the boy struggled to put on the necklace himself. "How long have you been in the room?" The blonde rolled his eyes as she laughed. "Long enough, its a cute gift you know. I know you like it." The girl clipped on the chain and stepped back. This was all very interesting to her. It played out as her best friend telling the
(h/c)ette that they weren't friends. To them slow dancing outside of the manner. To gift giving that seemed almost too expensive to give. Either they fancy each other or they're just very weird.

Either way, she was excited to see how it all plays out for them. Tapping the boys shoulder she decided to walk off to the dormitories. Nothing better than a good nights rest after learning that her two friends will probably fall in love and be as dramatic  as Romeo and Juliet about it. Quickly changing into her sleeping clothes she did her routine before setting herself down softly on her bed and shutting her eyes to rest.

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