Part 18

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Draco sighed as he realized how big of a mistake he had actually made. If anyone sees him with the Weasley's he'll be worse than a dead man... he'd be a man facing Lucius Malfoy. "How do we know when this is going to happen?" Draco looked over his shoulder slightly so he could look at the (s/c) boy that stood behind him. "They'll show up out of nowhere... trust me you'll know when." (y/n) patted Draco's shoulder lightly as he walked out with his two other friends trailing behind him. He did feel slightly guilty about suggesting that Draco should come. He knew it would be fun but the small look of fear that Draco's face held made the (h/c)ettte start to worry.

"What happens if Draco's father finds out?" Pansy took her best friend's arm and held it close. She wasn't worried at all about the events that were sure to take place later. The boy looked at her knowing that there was a very high chance that Draco's father would find out and if that happened he would throw himself in front of the theoretical train coming at the pale boy.

"He'll be alright, besides, I'd get myself in trouble if it meant saving him from Lucius. He seems upset about going anyway so it's the least I could do." The boy smiled at his ebony-haired friend but it soon left as he felt her tense against him. He started to wonder if he had something wrong but Pansy was already opening her mouth so he was sure she was about to let him know. "You're not supposed to use his first name. He gets a certain amount of anger when his first name is used by the 'unworthy' as he puts it." Pansy looked at the boy with a certain look in her eyes that told him she had said Lucius' name without his permission. The boy nodded to her with a small smile,

"He said it was alright that I used it." (y/n) watched as Pansy's eyes grew as wide as the plates in the grand hall which they had just entered. He could understand why she was so surprised after all the boy didn't understand what made him so "worthy" of saying his name.

Just as Pansy was about to speak up a white owl came flying into the grand hall with a long parcel. "We aren't supposed to get mail yet," Pansy whispered while looking at the bird fly to Gryffindor's table. The boy next to her started to wonder what it could be until whispers were being heard about Harry receiving a Nimbus 2000. After Harry receiving his new broom nothing eventful happened and the rest of the morning passed by fairly quickly. So now as the sun was still high in the air (y/n) sat next to his friends with Draco right behind him still waiting for the moment that Fred and George would show up to take them.

The players had just flown out to the field when someone grabbed at the (e/c) eyed boy's ankle. The boy looked down slightly to see that Fred and George stood beneath him pointing at a way to leave.

He gave them both a thumbs up and grabbed Draco by the arm as softly as he could. "What? The games about to start." Draco's brows furrowed slightly until someone messed up his hair. As the blonde grew irritated two redheads appeared right in front of him. The pale boy glared at the redheads but followed them regardless. "Here I'll fix it." (y/n) moved his hand quickly over Draco's platinum blonde hair and made sure it was perfectly in place before removing his hand. "I could have done that myself." Draco glared at the shorter male despite the odd sensation his skin and stomach were now feeling.

Once the boys had gotten to where the professor was sitting the three boys watched as George swiftly removed the head covering the professor had on. Fred handed the
(s/c) boy a pink gardening hat and they all waited for the professor to notice but since nothing was happening Draco decided to blow out a little air.

At that, the professor quickly reached to touch his head as he felt a cold breeze hit where it shouldn't. Upon realizing that his head covering was gone he started to panic since he knew someone would complain about the breeze very soon. "Here have this." (y/n) handed the man his pink gardening hat as Fred and George hid so the professor wouldn't see that they were the ones that had the head covering. "You little-." The professor started out but was soon cut off by the smaller boy, "Fine, don't take it then.. your bald little head can freeze." the boy started to walk away but as he heard a yelp he started to walk back only now realizing that Draco had been caught by another professor who was now writing a letter.

The boy panicked and threw Professor Quarell the dumb hat but not without squinting at the movement the back of his head seemed to do. As the three boys were running away he made sure to snatch the piece of parchment and Draco of course. "Oh god, we're dead for sure." (y/n) breathed out once they had gotten back to where his fellow Slytherins were placed.

Fred and George shook their heads and just smiled, "We just have to say why we were out of our seats it's a pretty easy fix." Draco rolled his eyes as a large amount of fear started to kick in. As always his coping mechanism was turning it into anger and forcing out words he never meant "Maybe for you two idiots. I was caught and so was he." Draco shoved the twins ever so slightly and it made the (s/c) boy cringe. He didn't want an argument to break out right now so he did the one thing he never thought he would. "Draco look at that saint Potter. He seems to have lost control of his broom." The boy pointed at where Harry was struggling to stay on his broom.

After Draco was distracted he turned to the twins, "I'm so sorry." He whispered out over to them and they shrugged with a small smile.

"Wasn't quite right of you to make fun of Harry though." George looked at the smaller boy who just shrugged slightly while nodding. "Understandable but I really only care about hurting those I actually like and or care about. Harry doesn't like me anyway so there's no damage there." (y/n) smiled at them but quickly whipped his head around when he had heard a large amount of noise coming from his right. The boy's eyes widened in fear when he caught sight of what was happening, "Oh my god Uncle Sev!!" The boy had yelled out completely horrified at the sight of his uncle who had caught fire somehow.

"Harry Potter caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!!" The announcer yelled out at everyone the boy honestly didn't care as he ran off toward his uncle unaware of the friends he had left surprised. Draco was worried for the boy but felt as though he couldn't show it so when the news was announced he yelled out a loud 'no' then turned to see how far the boy had run off.

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