Part 25

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The common room was buzzing with life as the small boy made his way over to his friends. The morning was uneventful as usual since he had to get ready. He hates to admit it but he slightly missed having class. It seemed like there were lots of times he got a day off and even though he complained about having classes he still likes having them. "Coming to the grand hall with us or are you going to wait for your boyfriend?" Pansy looked at her friend that was standing there just watching everyone. She didn't find it odd since he seemed to do it often and it made him look superior.

"I don't have a boyfriend." The boy rolled his eyes but still passed her on his way out so she could cling to his arm like always. It was a regular thing for Pansy to follow him around everywhere. As they were headed to the grand hall they saw a group of Slytherins bullying someone. A flash of yellow fabric showed itself from around the group of green which made the boy sigh. It was regular for Slytherins to pick on each other but he'd never see anyone from his house pick on someone from another house. The boy quickly walked over to them, "Don't pick on the Hufflepuffs, it's, pathetic. Though you probably decided to pick on them because they won't try to put up and fight that you can't handle."

The boy had a smug look on his face as he spoke. It was true, it was rare to find a Hufflepuff that would put up a fight. If a Slytherin were to pick on a Gryffindor they'd need a group since oftentimes Gryffindors attack in pairs which was annoying. Could they not stand up for themselves? "Oh, cause I thought the first year said something?" one of the older Slytherins looked down at the
(h/c)ette in front of him. He had heard the rumors about the kid being dangerous but he didn't know why.

In his eyes, if there wasn't proof he wouldn't believe it. "I did actually, did your parents teach you to pick on people?" (y/n) looked up at the boy. He knew that the older one was obviously stronger than him but he was having too much fun and besides his Uncle was talking to some other students in the same hallway. Was he brave? No, he was just bored and knew nothing would happen to him. "I think we found a new plaything." a voice from behind him sounded which made the (s/c) boy sigh. He can never catch a break with Zabini.

"What is it that you want Zabini? Can't have your old friends so you decide to pick on the only house that would try to like you?" The boy shook his head as he watched his uncle walking his way. Blaise didn't have time to respond since he was smacked on the head by something. As he turned around ready to give the person his fury he saw his professor and just walked away. "Grand Hall?" Severus looked down at his nephew while ignoring everyone behind him. He knew that the boy wanted his help since he was always getting himself into trouble. It seemed to be his favorite thing to do. The boy nodded at his uncle then turned to walk with him.

The rest of the walk to the grand hall was silent and of course, they entered in a dramatic fashion before parting ways. "You never got to speak to the Hufflepuff you saved." Pansy looked at her friend in curiosity as they sat down in their spots. "I completely forgot about them." The boy shook his head with a small laugh. He didn't mean to forget about the Hufflepuff but he did and now he had two things to apologize for but would never get the chance. "You think we'll get homework today in potions?" Pansy asked while she ate some food off her plate.

She wanted a day free of homework so she could go see a friend or just relax in the common room. "It's Professor Snape, of course we will have potions homework." The boy laughed a little as he picked up his drink and brought it to his lips. As the liquid went down his throat he started to think about how much homework he would probably get since all of today's classes gave him work. Slowly placing the goblet back down as he made a conclusion. He would need to spend a lot of time in the library today. "Can we get to class now?" Pansy looked at her friend weirdly as she noticed how slow and robotic he had been moving since they sat down.

"Sure, let's go kin." The boy quickly slid himself out of his seat and waited till she was at his side to walk off. Classes for the two quickly went by and just as the boy suspected they received large amounts of work from their professors. As the day went on (y/n) found himself in the library with all of his work and books scattered across every inch of the table and some chairs. He was on a roll and would not stop till he was completely finished. He had multiple books open and was quick to do his potions work.

As he closed his potion papers into his book he swiftly switched around all of his work and books. He noticed that he now had some space on the table. The moment lasted for a few seconds as a book hit the opposite side of the table. The (h/c)ette glared up at whoever disturbed his work roll. "Don't look at me like that everywhere else is full. I don't want to sit next to you anyway." Draco rolled his eyes as he took the seat across from the (s/c) boy but soon noticed that there wasn't much room for him to work but he didn't mind.

He took out one paper from his bag and placed it in front of him. He looked around at the chaotic mess on the table and shook his head slightly.

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