Part 39

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"Do tell me how you somehow discovered what a squib is." Severus looked down at his nephew, it was odd how they had just went through a silent argument. They never fight, too knowledge filled with each others tendencies and feelings. They always had great communication, always knew what the other was truly feeling. "Draco said that I could've ended up a squib, said that squibs are folks born in the wizarding world but can't do any magic themselves." (y/n) looked to his uncle and waited for a moment, he never got a reaction so he figured that it wasn't a big deal.

It was true, his uncle wouldn't care if he had ended up a squib. "Alright, I suppose I can't be mad at that. I should head into the manor to greet Lucius and Narcissa." Severus stood quickly but still in a proper manner. As the older man left the two young males watched as his cloak flared open with the wind. "Dramatic that one." the (h/c)ette turned back and took a sip of his tea, how much tea would he drink here? it was his second cup so far.

"I like it, I want to be just as dramatic as him when I'm older." The pale boy smiled a little, it's true, Snape's dramatics are something the boy truly admired from the man. (y/n) laughed, "No need to worry your highness, you're just as dramatic as him already, dare I say even slightly more dramatic than my uncle?" The boy raised a brow while looking at the blonde, the look on the taller males face was priceless. "Shut up, I'm not more dramatic than him." It had fallen silent with the two boys smiling and sipping on their tea.

It was comfortable, occasionally you would hear a chirp from a bird and the sun had unexpectedly hit the manor. "Woah.." The smaller boy quickly stood as the sun had revealed itself from the brooding clouds. It was beautiful. The manor might be dark when there's no sun, the colors wouldn't suddenly change because of the light hitting it, no, instead the boy turned to admire the beauty of the dark shine that reflected off of it. It was a beautiful grey color that occasionally had black shining through it. He had never seen anything so iridescent.

He spun in a circle very slowly as if he was a ballerina performing a dramatically slow piece but he couldn't help it, he was in awe and was very happy in that moment. Draco had been watching as the
(h/c)ette looked at the manor, he didn't understand what was so special about it but as the sun hit he noticed that something felt different, not the house, the house was the same. (y/n) however was shining with.. well, with beauty.

It's undeniable, Draco enjoyed how the other male found the manor so fascinating, he couldn't help but to notice the small shine of his (h/c) hair and the glow of his skin. If angels existed he was sure they'd look like (y/n) it almost took his breath away. As the smaller boy twirled in the sun the blonde saw as his cloak flared around him in a way that was unexplainable. It was as if the cloak followed his moves in a very specific manner, slow. The boy finally closed his eyes for a quick moment to replay it in his mind but the moment he opened his eyes he noticed that the (e/c) eyed boy was gone.

Carefully getting up from his chair, Draco looked around to find that the smaller male had walked over to the flowers again to look at them. "Mr. Malfoy the flowers are so pretty under the light, don't you agree?"
(y/n) looked at Draco with a cheeky smile, he couldn't help but feel heat rush to his cheeks, the blonde looked amazing in the sunlight, perfect would be an understatement. "Don't be ridiculous, they're just the same old black flowers." Is it weird that the boy wanted to dance with the other right now in the light? Yes, most definitely weird.

Shaking the thought out of his head the (h/c)ette quickly stood up straight. It's Draco he's thinking about, I mean come on! It's weird to think of him that way, he could think of anyone else that way but not Draco. Not the guy who has an idiot for a father. Forget Lucius, his own father would murder him for even looking at a guy. At this point, (y/n) was considering to murder himself, he should not be thinking like this at his age.

"Are you alright?" Draco was getting concerned, he had gotten closer to the other male to wave a hand in front of his face but nothing had happened. "Fine, I'm fine." The smaller male looked at the blonde before he could notice how close they truly were. The smaller boy raised his hand high and smoothed out the taller boys hair as it had gotten a little messed up. "Stop doing that." The blonde looked down at the other male who just shrugged at him, "If you don't want me to then maybe you should keep track of how your hair looks."

It fell silent again and Draco had taken this moment to look out at the trees to see them glowing orange. It was unfair to the (h/c)ette, he had just gotten rid of those stupid thoughts and they were back. As long as they weren't connected to feelings it doesn't matter, right? "There you two are! We've been looking for you everywhere." Pansy had noticed the way the boys were so close and she definitely didn't miss the way (y/n) was looking at Draco.

The smaller male looked away from the blonde and looked toward his friend, "Oh, yeah, we were looking for you guys too." The boy turned his whole body to face her now and she just rolled her eyes and pointed over to the table which held tea cups, "Oh yeah, I believe that, you and Dracy must have been looking so hard to find us in that tea." The girl laughed which made the blonde completely turn to have his back facing her. (y/n) noticed that the taller male had turned the other way so he gently tugged on the blondes sleeve.

At this Draco looked down to left, his icy eyes quickly met (e/c) ones, no one said anything but after a short while the pale boy nodded slightly and turned to face his friends. "Finally, you guys act like one of those couples in the books. The kind that don't listen unless his boyfriend tells him to." Blaise looked annoyed but quickly looked at the sky when (y/n) started to laugh hysterically, "I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry, you mean to tell me haha, you mean to tell me that you read romance novels?"

The small boy had a large smile on his face once his laughing had stopped, "That's the only thing you got from that?" Blaise looked bewildered at the fact that he didn't say anything about the two dating, does this mean that they're dating or he wouldn't mind if they did? "Oh please, I'm more interested in what you read, tell me, do you fantasize about the love in those novels?" The (h/c)ette watched as the dark skinned man coughed awkwardly, Oddly enough the conversation inspired an idea in Pansy's head.

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