Part 51

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As the green light seeped through the large window of the common room (y/n) finally opened his eyes. He was bored of waiting for his friends. Weeks had passed since the mirror incident and Draco was avoiding him as if he were the plague. "I'm here, I'm here." Pansy came running into the common room, attempting to rush since she knew the short boy was having some sort of temper fit since he last spoke of Draco.

"You look like a mess, I can't have you walking next to me with all those wrinkles, right?" The (h/c)ette stood from where he was seated and walked over to her. The boy quickly smoothed out his friends shirt and gave her a half-hearted smile. The boy knew he was being rude but he was at a loss, he was sure he did nothing wrong and yet the blonde was being an incessant little prick. Seriously, the silent treatment. "Blaise should be here any second, I promise." Pansy smiled and took a moment to take a breath. She wasn't sure when this change in 'power' happened.

Ever since that night she noticed that the blonde ran around with Crabbe and Goyal, meanwhile (y/n) took her as well as Blaise and Adrian. It was an odd change, the girl felt like she was a child in the middle of a lovers quarrel. The only thing was, they weren't lovers and they were fighting over nothing. "We are here to meet your timely standards sire." Adrian took a bow before the younger boy, of course he noticed how the blonde was just passing by but he didn't mind. After all, the two younger ones were already having problems, might as well add to the fuel.

"I'm here too, if that counts as any but I wont be kneeling before you." Blaise laughed a little in an attempt to lighten the mood. The tension always went thick when Draco was in the same room as the (h/c)ette. It was practically suffocating everyone to death. The dark skinned male knew he wasn't the only one who felt it since the common room always cleared when both of the boys had to be in the room. "Alright, just so you know, the day you do kneel before me is the day you can't turn back as a faithful knight in my army." The (s/c) boy smiled at Blaise, it was easy to joke but not everything sounded like one.

"I hope we win the house cup, we do every year this one should be the same." Adrian walked along side the group of younger students but the reply he got was one he didn't want to hear. "Something tells me we won't be winning this year." The shorter male looked up at Adrian for a moment before handing the boy a letter he had received the other day. "Tell us what it says, we want to know too." Pansy tried looking over the brunettes shoulders but failed miserably, after all, he was taller than her.

"It basically says that the supposed golden trio went through something so heroic, points will more than likely be rewarded." The letter was then handed back to it's rightful owner, "You know being friends with the twins really has it's perks." the boy looked over at his friends who mostly shied away at the mention of the twins. It was obvious to the smaller male that they were weary of the twins, after all, Pansy does have a crush on Fred while Blaise so blatantly betrayed everyone right in front of their eyes. Being shy of the situation is nothing less of what (y/n) would expect.

The group finished making their way to the grand hall and seated themselves. "I feel like this time of year breakfast gets repetitive." Blaise looked at all the food and sighed slightly, it really was all the same. The food was never short of fruit and pancakes, nor was it short of meat and waffles. It was practically impossible to keep a refreshed breakfast pallet with all the same meals. "I bet you the Gryffindor table has some donuts, Hufflepuff probably has a weird breakfast pastry, Ravenclaw has some sort of healthy fruit salad with toast and jams." the smaller male was thinking about all the other food but simply just ate his apple.

It wasn't everyday that he wanted just fruit for breakfast but Blaise really was right, the food was tiring. "I have an announcement." The sound of Dumbledore's booming voice sounded through out the room, making the students pause in all their glory of eating. "You can have the rest of today off, please be sure to get to the dinning hall for dinner as we, must announce the winners of the house cup." As soon as the announcement finish all that could be heard in the room was cheering so the small boy took the opportunity to make his way over to Gryffindor.

"Georgie, Freddie, let's hangout at the lake. I'll bring my friends and we can all hangout, what do you say?" The boy spoke right into the ear of the two twins in order for them to hear him. The two nodded and as the noise died down the boy spoke again, "Invite Ron, will you? I kind of want to hangout with him." (Y/n) patted the twins on the shoulder as they gave another nod. At that que the boy quickly made his way back over to his table and told his friends about the plans he had made. He waited as patiently as he could for them to finish their meal and as soon as they did they all made their way back to the common room.

"We should change into something that isn't our uniforms, just until we have to go to dinner." Pansy looked at everyone in an attempt to read their expressions, she just felt like suggesting it. This way it would feel like they were really hanging out as if they weren't in school. However, for some, leaving the uniform might feel vulnerable. "I'm good with that, if the rest don't want to then they can just wait here." The (h/c)ette quickly made his way to his bed and grabbed the close he wanted to change into.

Of course he made sure it would be something his father would approve of but it was still a step from the uniform. The boy quickly dressed himself in black turtleneck and dress pants. Before leaving he threw on a taupe colored sweater. The boy ran two hands through his hair in order to smooth it down to its original style before leaving to the common room.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now