Part 13

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The boy felt genuinely offended at Hermione's words, "We made a deal Malfoy and me." The boy rolled his eyes. "Please, I can't believe you would say that. What kind of deal allows him to bully people?" Hermione was perplexed at his answer, he had been in Slytherin for a total of what, two days maybe and now he doesn't know how to act. "Bully who? Neville isn't even here and Harry's self-righteous ass wouldn't let it happen anyway. For every bad there's good." The boy was genuinely starting to get angry. He felt like he didn't have to explain himself to anyone and besides he promised to let Draco live his life.

It was Draco's choice to use it in whichever way he wanted. "Stop him!" Hermione hissed at the
(h/c)ette, at this point he was ready to break things. "I can't stop him when he's not even my friend you bloody idiot!" The boy's face was starting to get red at this point and he just started to walk away.

"Well no wonder you're a Slytherin, you're a complete ass!" Hermione yelled out at this point everyone was watching the pair argue but it was over now as the boy started to walk back to the school. He was beyond angry and needed space from her to be able to cool down. The boy walked right past everything and everyone as he made his way to the common room. He didn't care if he was going to get in trouble for leaving class he had to leave. Upon entering the common room the boy quickly grabbed some parchment and a quill. He began to write two of the exact same letters and as he finished them he sent one off to Mr. Malfoy and the other off to his Uncle Severus.

He then sat there angrily looking out the window waiting for something to pass until he realized he didn't want to be near anyone. Quickly leaving the common room the boy exited the school once more and made his way over to the black lake. After a short while, his anger subsided and sadness soon settled in the boy as he sat there against a tree listening to the water move. He started to cry as he watched the water move. He hated this feeling, the feeling of getting so unbelievably angry that his head would hurt. Then the feeling of sadness that came right after, at this point he'd be surprised if he had any friends left by the end of the year.

(y/n)'s eyes started to feel extremely heavy and he let his eyelids close. "Honestly, Potter is the most annoying person at this school." Draco had been complaining for the past hour to Crabbe and Goyle. He didn't know why but he couldn't stop talking about Potter. He walked into the common room to see parchment paper scattered across the coffee table along with open ink and a quill. The ink was spilled on most of the parchment and the pen laid in the middle of it all. Curiosity got the best of him and he grabbed the pen to see if there would be any clue as to who it belonged to.

Sure enough on the side of the pen, the name (Y/n) R. was engraved. The pale boy quickly grabbed it and left to enter the boy's dormitories. Upon entering Draco saw how the (h/c)ettes belongings were scattered all across his bed. As weird as it was Draco felt like he knew exactly what had happened, the smaller boy had gotten angry. It was weird that the blonde knew that but it was unbelievably easy to match the mess from here to the one he had seen at the other boy's house.

The pale boy placed the pen down on (y/n)'s bed and quickly left. He passed the common room and went to go find the few people he didn't want to speak to. "Potter." The blonde called out to the brunette that was in the hallway. Harry didn't hear Draco's voice so again "Potter!" His last name sounded through the hallway and the boy started to run away with his friends. Draco started to run after him and cursed (y/n) in his head for making him go through all this work just to find him. "Damn it Potter just stop running!" Draco yelled out as they had now basically run around at least half the school.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione turned to look at the blonde that was a few feet away from her and her friends. "Have you seen (y/n)?" The pale boy looked at the trio with expectancy and with slight annoyance at the fact that he had to chase them around for one question. "He ran off after they had a fight." Ron pointed to Hermione when he had said 'they' and Draco mentally cursed out Hermione for making the (s/c) boy so angry.

"Well.. uh thank you, Weasley." Draco coughed awkwardly as he said thanks to the redhead as he was not supposed to be caught being nice to him or his family. "He's not in the other half of the school by the way. We were just all over that side, I hope you find him." Harry waved at Draco before walking off with his friends. The blonde just let out a huff until he realized what that meant. It meant that (y/n) wasn't in the school so Draco quickly made his way outside as the sun started to set. The pale boy headed straight for the black lake since it was one of the most relaxing places to go.

As the boy got closer to the lake he saw a small lump of black fabric on the floor. Draco started to quicken his pace and eventually broke out in a run. As he got to the tree he looked down at the (s/c) boy. He was sleeping but had tear stains prominent on his cheeks and his hair was messed up with the occasional leaf here and there.

"Hey (y/n)?" Draco softly shook the boy since he didn't want to startle him awake. The pale boy continued to shake him softly until eventually the boys (e/c) eyed opened and saw the pale boy. "Jesus- ow." The (h/n)ette rubbed the back of his head softly then looked up at the boy who was there with him. "Why did you come to get me?" The boy stood up fixing his clothes and waited for an answer. Draco just looked a how quickly every line seemed to leave the other boy's clothes. It was truly incredible, "Professor Snape sent me." The pale boy coughed awkwardly and hoped that the lie he had told wasn't obvious.

A small smile made its way onto the other boy's face, "Tell Uncle Sev I said thank you." Draco tensed as he heard the other boy call Snape his uncle. The pale boy just nodded and started to walk as he made sure the other boy was right beside him. The rest of the night went by quickly for both boys. (y/n) wanted to go to the dormitories and sleep away the day he had but Draco insisted that he went to dinner first. Well, actually he said 'please you missed enough of the day over a silly argument. Skipping dinner would show some sort of weakness and they need to see you as someone who isn't weak.'

So then the (s/c) boy agreed and ate beside Draco for the first time ever then walked to the common room beside him as well. It would have made the smaller boy feel better about this day if he weren't so tired. Dinner and everything after felt like a slow blur as the sleep fought hard to take him into unconsciousness. So the boy was now in bed eyes closed but before he actually went to sleep he made sure to thank Draco.

I don't know what it feels like to be regular angry as I have anger issues. I'm writing off of my own experiences.. sorry if it seems like
(y/n) cries a lot as he gets older he won't maybe

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