Part 4

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After the Malfoy's had left the Riddle mansion (y/n) had the help of his mother to put his room back together. "What did you think of Draco?" Elysium asked the question with a small smile as she had seen the way her son was looking at the other boy. "He's very perfect looking, but the way he speaks needs improvement. He's extremely rude and too proud of just his mere existence. His father doesn't look happy to have his son speak that way but overall he doesn't seem like a person I would hate." (Y/n) thought back to when he had shone Malfoy his room. He wasn't rude about anything but as soon as his parents were in sight he was as proud as ever. It wasn't a bad thing but now that the (s/c) boy knew there was more to the malfoy boy he wanted to see more. "When will we get my school supplies?" (y/n) looked at his mother with hopeful eyes. He had been waiting for his letter and the day he gets it he learns he almost wasn't allowed to go to Hogwarts.

All he wanted was to get his items and head off to the school. He wanted to prove to everyone that he would not make the same mistake as his uncle, even if he didn't know what that mistake was. "Well, we can go the day before you leave." Elysium looked at her son with a small smile but was still very curious as to why he looked so determined. He had the look on his face that he was ready to go on a mission. "If you happen to be sorted into Slytherin, please don't listen to any rumors." The women sat on the bed where her son laid dressed for sleep. She sighed but the smile never left her lips even though she was worried. She was worried that her son would end up like her brother in law. "Did you know my cousin works there?" Elysium tickled her son for just a moment to get a reaction out of him. "Yes, you tell me every time I mention Hogwarts. Do you think I'll have classes with Uncle Severus?"
(y/n) smiled brightly at his mother. His uncle often reminded him of the uncle in a movie with lions.

He was a good man and was always as kind as could be to (y/n). "I think so, get some rest." Elysium kissed her son on his forehead for a quick moment then left his room after shutting off the light. (Y/n) laid in his bed and let his mind wander. He thought about his family and how weird they were when showing how they cared. His mother was good with showing affection but his father only gave smiles and laughs in an attempt to show people he wasn't always angry. His Uncle Severus would pat his head and smile at him every once in a while and would show concern when he was really worried for something. It was all weird to the boy, what was the right way to show affection? Was it the way this family did it? Had the Malfoy boy shown him affection earlier with his smile? Did the pale boy like him? With a small sigh he tried closing his eyes as he felt the breeze from his open window flow into his room. For a moment it was peaceful but he felt something light hit his chest and his eyes shot open. Then quickly patted his chest and found a letter on his chest.

The boy quickly jumped out of bed and turned on his light. He swiftly opened the envelope with a black wax seal and smiled he knew who this would be from. His uncle always used black wax,

Dear (y/n),
I heard that you've gotten your acceptance letter today. The head master would like to apologize for how late it came. I heard that you met the Malfoy family today, your mother says you weren't happy about it. I can understand why, you always
did like to be in small group especially on your birthday. I'm sorry I couldn't make it this year, I had business to deal with at Hogwarts, I hope you can understand. I've left you a gift on your desk.
Your uncle,
           Severus Snape

(y/n) quickly put the letter back into the envelope and threw it into the second drawer on his desk. The letter rested with every other letter his uncle had sent him. The boys (e/c) eyes scanned his desk quickly before seeing a small box wrapped in brown paper and a black bow. With a small laugh the boy quickly opened it and saw his favorite candy rested on the top, a chocolate frog. The boy quickly removed the candy from the box and began to open it when something bright caught his eye. (y/n)'s head snapped towards the box and he saw a smaller box that rested at the top left corner. He quickly picked it up with a glint of curiosity in his eyes and opened it. Inside the small silver box, a gold ring with a giant emerald stone in the middle, with a circle of black diamonds around it rested inside the box. It was beautiful and as soon as he pulled the ring out and a paper fell out of the box.

I know I could have put this note in the letter but this way it has some dramatic flare. This ring used to be mine when I went to Hogwarts, it's very beautiful so be careful. The rings purpose is to rest on your finger unless you've allowed a person to wear it. However, the person who you let wear it must be a person you intend to marry. Every family has a ring that's purpose serves the same as this one and I assume your father threw his away. He wasn't much for tradition because 'No one can tell me what to do'. So please do not let more than five people wear it. You might be too young for it but I think you're smart enough to handle your feelings. It's spelled to always fit any finger size.
- Severus

- Severus

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