Part 46

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"This is all your fault, if you hadn't been there I could've gotten out of detention." Draco rolled his eyes as the two boys made there way back to the common room. He was positive that he could have just.. well, he didn't have a plan but he was sure he could've gotten himself out of detention. "Even though we both know that's not true, it's still not my fault. You shouldn't have gone running after them so now you have to go to detention much like the rest of us regular folk." The shorter male shoved the blonde with his shoulder a bit in an attempt to lighten the mood since he noticed that the pale boy genuinely seemed upset.

"Stop acting like you're so normal, you're weird, so weird it's painful and on top of that you seem to neglect your blood status the moment you leave your home." Draco shoved the boy back a little too harshly that he had almost fallen over. It had made him feel bad, now that he was thinking about the situation he was rather harsh with his words.

"Of course, because I asked to be born with this stupid blood status and this stupid house, right? Did it ever occur to you that I don't want to be so high and mighty like the Malfoy's claim to be? I never claimed that the place I live in is my home so, how can I act a certain way when I leave a place that doesn't exist to me? Piss off." The (h/c)ette picked up his pace, what an idiot, how could Draco say whatever he likes without thinking? He pushed him a little as a joke and what did (y/n) get in return?

A brutal shove almost making him lose his footing. The boy was fuming and had wished he punched the blonde back there, it was the most stupid thing to get upset over, detention, seriously? Draco must be delusional, yes, that's the only explanation. "I don't even want to be in here right now but there's no where else to go." (y/n) whispered upon entering the common room.

"You can never catch a break can you boss?" black strands of hair popped up over the couch, Pansy. "Tell me about it, I didn't even do anything wrong, yet, he's seething with bits of rage and hatred for me. His hate meter for me just keeps going up, never down." Sighing the (s/c) boy took a sat on the seat closest to the fire. If he could sleep in his own bed just for the night he would gladly take that option.

He would like to speak with his mom, switch schools or something. Unfortunately, the boy was sure his parents aren't even there. "Another massage?" The girl gave a small smile in return  to his words. "I'm afraid that won't be necessary, only the comfort of my mother seems appealing to me right now." Abandoning the couch, (y/n) walked and sat right in front of the fire, not a second later he heard footsteps coming from the entrance.

"Hello Draco dearest." Pansy stood up to greet her friend but it did no good, he just waved her off and took a look toward the boy who sat in silence. "I want tea, come with me."  the two walked off to the kitchen, it fell silent quick but that irritated the blonde, how is it that she's able to speak so smoothly with the (e/c) eyed boy but is silent with him? "He's growing tired of your attitude Draco, I can tell, you're seriously causing him some issues that he doesn't know how to deal with, do you always have to be an obnoxious brat to him?" The girl decided to break the silence and noticed as the blonde quickly tensed up.

"Alright, this time it was my fault, but.. I didn't mean to sound so blatantly rude as I said it. I just meant to push him around a little bit, I just snapped when he pushed me." Draco scratched the back of his neck, he didn't mean to go too far but he was already upset and the push was a little more than he could've handled emotionally. He knew that it wasn't an excuse to push the buttons of
(y/n), after all, he was extremely short tempered.

Should he give back the ring now or was he able to keep it? Perhaps an apology gift would get them back to normal. "You are aware that he thinks you hate him enough to kill right?" The tall male looked down at his friend surprised, death is a little too far isn't it? Sometimes he felt as though the shorter boy had heightened emotions. "I don't though, I mean, how could I? I've just been trying to be hard on him because I don't want him to think I accept friends so easily." He was telling the truth, he was planning on being friendly eventually but right now it wasn't going as planned.

He always got unexpectedly angry or annoyed over no big deal. "You know how much he does for you? Hell, everyone notices how he calls you his majesty or whatever. So much so that he even pretends that they all feel like you're king when, if we're being honest, he's the king and you're more like.. queen or other king that doesn't do much." Pansy was trying was trying desperately to try and make it sound as though she wasn't being insulting but by the look on the blondes face it was obvious.

They got into the kitchen through the trap door and climbed through the floor of the kitchen, Slytherins could get around undetected whenever.   "What, don't I posses the leadership qualities? Is it obvious or is it like a sense of magic power difference?" The blonde was overthinking this entire conversation but he couldn't help it, was he really just a queen standing next to the king?

"Well, he always makes sure you're comfortable and that you're not in any danger, he stands up for you and don't think I haven't noticed that flashy gift of his.. you're wearing it outside your robes by the way, on top of that he tried his best to please you, you on the other hand just take care of him when he seems to get too angry. He seems like the one who would do more work for you than anything, he makes the decisions and you just think about the consequences. I honestly think you make a good pair, a king always needs a queen or whatever you want to call yourself." The girl finished making tea as well as her own point, she was proud as she thought she had made a fair argument but upon facing her friend she realized she was wrong.

The tall male looked annoyed and slightly disappointed and he was. A queen, meant for pampering, was this a sick joke? "Queens don't get to do anything useful, I don't want to be a queen in any case, I'd rather divorce and become a king myself." Walking back toward the common room they noticed the torches change of color.

"Queens are more capable than you think. They help make the decisions and if they have a king so loyal then he'd be willing to kill for you without question. Don't you want a love so passionate you would go to great lengths for each other, what difference does it change if you're the king or the queen." At that point she was more talking about the love she wanted for herself but she seemed to have struck a cord with her friend as well but his face quickly turned into disgust.

"I don't want to be married to him or in a relationship with him. That's disgusting." The blonde fake gagged, in all honesty he was more bothered by the fact that the thought hadn't made him grossed out. Two guys together was a bit strange to him but having the (h/c)ette with him often was something he didn't mind. Who's to say having him around for the rest of the blondes life would bother him? "You don't look so bothered by it, care to share why?" The both of them walked into the common room and sat on the couch, Draco didn't dare answer Pansy's question. Especially not when the boy they were discussing was sitting on the floor close by them.

"You made lavender, why?" The blonde took another sip of his tea, the taste was actually quite good but he still favored mint above all. "It's good to try new things, you never know how you'll feel about it if you don't try, especially if it happens unexpectedly." The girl winked over as a hint to there earlier conversation but the blonde rolled his eyes. "You should've made mint, that's what I actually like, besides I have my whole life to try new things." (y/n) moved a little, in all honesty he wished he had brought a blanket with him or even got up to get one, he's freezing.

That damn lake is always at an unreasonable temperature, especially in the winter. "Here you go boss, I made extra just in case." The small boy smiled at his friend, she was always so quick to think about him. "You are the best, I'm honestly really cold." The boy took the cup from her hands and started to sip from it carefully.

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