Part 8

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Shortly after Hermione had left, the train had arrived at Hogwarts. "Hopefully we all get sorted into the same house. I quite like you guys, plus I think my brothers will also like you both." Ron looked over at the
(h/c) haired boy that hadn't spoken the rest of the ride. He had grown curious as to what his problem was since he had such a sour look on his face. "Wait, you actually mean that?" (y/n) looked at the redhead in disbelief. Sure they talked but he was almost positive that Ron and Harry didn't like him. "Of course, you seem fun." Ron looked down at the boy who he thought was sort of cute in his own way, mental, but cute.

The (s/c) boy didn't have time to respond as Harry shoved his way right through them and over to some weird giant of a man. "Right then, first years! This way, please! Come on now don't be shy hurry." The giant man yelled over them all and the two boys struggled to catch up to Harry.

"Hey Hagrid!" Harry looked at the giant man. (y/n) looked at the huge man in bewilderment, "You know this.. man?" the small boy tried to be as polite as possible but it was sort of difficult as the giant was wearing weird clothes and had an odd smell. "I do! He's really cool." Harry smiled at the boy, excitement still prominent on his face so the (e/c) eyed boy smiled back. "Right then, this way to the boats! Come on now!" Hagrid walked away which left the small boys walking after him. As they got to the boats Ron looked around in shock, "Wicked." He whispered out as he got in a boat. The two other boys got in with him and they eventually got across to the castle.

As they entered the school they had to walk up what seemed like a thousand stairs to the (h/c) haired boy and he sighed.

He wanted to complain about how he was lazy and didn't feel like walking up the stairs but decided against it. If anyone found out he was a Riddle they'd surely tell his father and he would have to be punished for not behaving appropriately. As they got towards the top, an old woman dressed in green stood there tapping her finger against the cold railing. She started to talk about a sorting ceremony and the different houses. Honestly, the (s/c) boy wasn't listening as his eyes started to wander around. Soon after, (y/n) saw a toad appear at the bottom of the professor's feet, "Madam M-" the boy never got to tell the old lady as she shushed him to be quiet.

Not long after a boy had pushed through the crowd, "Trevor!" The boy quickly picked up his toad and as he looked up at the professor he muttered a small 'sorry' and walked back into the crowd. "The sorting ceremony will begin shortly!" McGonagall spoke loudly and walked through the doors that had been behind her.

"So it's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A familiar voice sounded through the empty space and soon everyone started to whisper causing a small build of irritation in (y/n)'s chest. He still had no idea what made Harry Potter so special. Just as it had gotten quiet the same voice spoke through the crowd, "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." At that (y/n)'s head snapped up to see exactly who had been waiting to see. He saw a smirk play at the pale boy's face but it was short-lived as Ron snickered beside him.

The smirk soon turned into a scowl as Draco had felt slightly offended until he realized who was laughing at him. Of course, he couldn't let a Weasley belittle his family as they were superior and his father wouldn't have it if he heard about this. "Think my names funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley." At that, the (s/c) boy cringed a little.

He watched as Ron looked down a little and it made him slightly worried. He shouldn't take things like that. Well, he should at least not let them affect him or he will get his feelings hurt a lot. Perhaps this could be some sort of lesson? "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are betters than other Potter." After that sentence (y/n) spaced out mostly because he was bored. After all, Malfoys attempt to seem superior was a little too "try hard" for his taste. At some point, the professor had come back and smacked Malfoy on the shoulder with a roll of parchment paper causing (y/n) to laugh.

"Follow me." Professor McGonagall walked away and the students followed her in. Once entering the grand hall they were instructed to line up against the wall and await for the names to be called. An old man with a long beard stood from the table and raised his arms. The (e/c) eyed boy looked at the man with slight boredom until he saw his uncle sitting at the same table.

A small smile made its way across the boy's face, "I have a few start of term notices to announce, first years the dark forest is strictly forbidden. Also, our caretaker Mr. Filtch has asked me to remind you the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds for anyone who does not wish to die a very painful death." At the end of the speech, most of the students looked frightened but a small smile made its way onto the boy's face. That was the most incredible thing he's ever heard. It honestly made him feel like he needed to go to both places that were talked about.

The sorting ceremony had started and names were being called. Mostly Gryffindors, "Draco Malfoy." The professor took the hat and waited for the boy to be seated properly. (y/n) had noticed the nervous look on Malfoys face it made him wonder what the pale boy was afraid to get.

"Slytherin!" The hat had just hovered over his head and yelled without hesitation. It made the boy watching smile as he saw a small smile make its way onto the pale boys face. (y/n) watched as the perfect boy looked extremely proud of the house he had gotten. "There isn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." the (e/c) eyed boy started to get nervous. He was now afraid to tell Ron and Harry that everyone in his family had been in Slytherin.
"(Y/n) Ri-." The boy quickly ran up the stairs not waiting for his last name to be called despite it looking rude.

"I'm so sorry professor. Mother said it wasn't safe to let anyone know my last name." The boy apologized to the professor as he remembered his mother's words on the way to the platform 'no matter what happens you are to never tell people what your last name is.. it's not safe, not yet'. "It's alright I understand please have a seat." Professor McGonagall smiled down at the boy as she watched him place himself down.

(y/n) could feel the hat be placed on his head, "Trouble marker are we? Yes, yes you have some rather interesting traits. I know exactly where to put you. I should have known another Ri-." The boy quickly cut the hat off, "Shh please don't say anything mother said now is not the time." (y/n) moved his eyes around the room and waited as he heard the hat grumble about Slytherins. "Slytherin!" The hat yelled and the boy quickly walked off without casting a glance towards Ron or Harry. He figured they'd be looking at him with disgust anyway.

The (s/c) boy sat at his house table away from the other people. He took small glances at Malfoy and just thought of how perfect he looked laughing amongst his friends. "Hello there." A dark-skinned boy sat in front of him with a small smirk on his face. "Hello." The small boy gave a short response and looked at the other with curiosity.

"I'm Blaise, Blaise Zabini." Blaise looked at the boy in front of him. He had noticed him from afar when talking to Draco. "(y/n)." Another short response was given and they sat in silence for a while watching people get sorted. Harry and Ron got Gryffindor which made the (h/c)ette frown a little as he realized he wouldn't get to talk to them much. A small while later they were allowed to eat, "So what wand did you get?" Blaise wiggled his eyebrows down at the obviously shorter boy.

"Yew wood, Dragon heartstring, 12 1/2." The boy laughed a little as Blaise looked weird when he moved his eyebrows like that. "Laughing at me already? Either I'm extremely funny or funny looking." Blaise smiled at the boy who froze for a second and watched as a smirk soon made its way onto his (s/c) face. "It's the second one." (y/n) couldn't help but laugh again as a scowl made it's way onto Blaise's face.

"Please I'm the most attractive one here... well, I'm better looking than you." Blaise narrowed his eyes but as the other boy kept laughing his eyes soon widened, "Hey! That wasn't a joke." The dark-skinned boy attempted not to laugh but failed miserably as he couldn't help but join (y/n). There was something about this laugh that was oddly contagious. "You better sit with me during class." The (e/c) eyed boy looked at the Blaise with a serious face, "Wow, you like me that much already? Be careful you might fall in love with me and never leave me alone." at that sentence the boys face scrunched up in disgust. "Love is disgusting, plus, no one would ever fall in love with you and your terrible jokes." (y/n) looked into Blaise's black eyes and watched as he put his hand over his heart. "If love is so disgusting to you then why do you wear that ring?" Blaise laughed at the other boy and pointed at the ring that rested on his (s/c) finger.

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