Part 50

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"Draco you should tell Lucy to convince Dumbledee to get another fireplace down here because I might seriously die if the years pass and it stays this cold forever." (y/n) was sitting by the fire with a blanket and honestly, he never knew why he was so cold. Nothing could keep him warm. "I don't know how two of them would even work, one on each end probably wouldn't be such a bad idea." The blonde looked around the common room for a moment and had just realized that the two of them were by themselves.

"So the rumor?" The pale boy wasn't sure why he was bringing it up again but at this point he was genuinely curious and there was nothing else to do since they had skipped dinner. "Oh yeah, ready to go?" The smaller male stood up and walked toward the entrance of the common room. "Ready as I'll ever be I suppose." The blonde was the first of the two to walk out of there, but he quickly realized he had no clue of where they were supposed to be headed. "Want to go get some food first?" It's late so I doubt anyone will be in the kitchen, maybe an elf or two." The (s/c) boy looked over at the other male who nodded, they made sure to take the underground paths to get around.

Eventually the two had gotten to the kitchen and were searching through to see what was to their liking. "I never would have thought skipping the regular meal times would be better but I can see why you do it." The blonde looked over at the smaller male who was eating something that was guaranteed to have come from a different house. "Yeah, I mean, I don't have to sneak around the tables to get something different to eat, this way I just have to get into the kitchen to eat whatever I want." The two continued to eat for a little while until it dawned on Draco to ask the thing he was the most curious about,

"Aren't the left overs supposed to be for the elves?" The taller male looked at one of the elf's who were cleaning up along side the eating boys. "Yeah, I've asked them before and they say there's usually too much for them to finish, besides, we're only eating our portion of dinner there really isn't any missing pieces." The smaller male shrugged as he finished up his food. Eating after hours was usually risky but he trusted his sneaking skills, he didn't do this every day but he knew the elves would cover for him if they needed to.

Once Draco had finished eating the (h/c)ette left behind candy for the elves and quickly led the blonde to the door that looked ready to break. "Hurry, I know Filch watches this stupid floor a lot." Whispering yelling, the boy pushed the door open quickly and shut it just as fast once the blonde was inside. The old door put up a big fight as well as a whining protest but shutting it and opening it quickly kept the noise at a minimum. "Why did you bring me to such a dusty room?" The pale boy never got a response as the smaller male set out on his mission.

He looked incredibly concentrated, he started looking around the room when his eyes stopped over a sheet that was covering a large object. Quickly walking over (y/n) yanked the sheet right off which resulted in dust flying in every direction. "Disgusting, seriously." The taller male had started complaining but before he could finish he noticed a mirror, it was fairly large and had an old gold trimming to it. "The rumor was that this mirror would show your minds deepest desires." The smaller male stood in front of the mirror and waited, nothing happened and for a second he thought the whole thing was fake, that was, until an image flashed.

It was of him meeting someone he recognized clear as day, it was his uncle, the only thing was he was in his Hogwarts uniform and looked like he hadn't aged a day. The image was gone just as fast and a new one had appeared, this one wasn't any less confusing but it was more embarrassing. "Why's your face all red, what is it?" Draco looked at the boy with disgust, what sort of weird things was this mirror showing him for him to be making a face like that?

"Nothing, I just got to meet my lost uncle, you go." The (h/c)ette walked away from the mirror and watched as the blonde took his place. As the taller male looked at the reflective glass he didn't see anything, he huffed for a moment and looked away but the second his eyes went back to the glass he saw it. It all looked normal until it didn't. "I don't think this thing works, let's go now." The blonde walked away but was stopped shortly by a hand grabbing his arm. "Why's your face all red, what did you see?" It was amusing to the shorter boy at first until he realized this wasn't a laughing matter.

"Why does it matter to you? Either way what I saw was my problem and no matter how I look at it, it's rather pathetic of me to want that." Draco bit his lip so hard he could taste the blood that seeped out from his skin, he didn't want to cry so he wouldn't, it would be weak of him to do so anyways. "Come on, I'm sure it was nothing worth calling pathetic." The smaller boy was curious now and it was upsetting that this experience wasn't a laughing matter, that for both of them the mirror had shown them something unsettling.

This isn't what the (e/c) eyed boy wanted. "I had.. a happy family in there, I know that I'll never have that but it's true, I want that more than anything. Besides that I was shown something I can't even explain, I hate this thing and I hate that mirror." The taller male finally looked at the other male.

"It's not pathetic to want a happy family, if anything it's rather heroic than what I want most, it's not that I don't want my mom to be happy it just seems like I want something else more than that. It's selfish of me, what you wanted was a selfless desire, there's nothing wrong with that at all." At this very moment (y/n) noticed the true color of Draco's eyes, they shined as brightly as a silver spoon with hints of blue and white hues. It was a truly mesmerizing sight, incredible. "I don't think this was a good idea, we should go." The taller male walked towards the other door in the room and waited for the (h/c)ette to get closer so they can leave in a relatively fast manner.

The two walked back to the common room in silence and went their separate ways upon entry. "Don't tell me, another rough day?" Pansy was quick to be at her friends side, the small boy nodded and sat on the couch, "Should I give a massage and wait for you to tell me about it?" The boy shrugged, getting the mirror off his chest wouldn't be such a bad idea, besides, they were the only ones in the common room. "I went to go see the rumored mirror of desires with the king himself, wasn't a pleasant experience." (y/n) sighed he didn't think things were going to go the way that they did, he thought it was going to be a funny experience.

"I saw something I didn't think I'd see but I'm pretty sure it was just because I want to be his friend so badly, I mean that must be the reason." the boy looked over to his friend who just gave him a skeptical look, "You mean to tell me that you saw Draco in that mirror.. with you?" It came out more like a question but the girl was sure her friend knew what she meant. "Yes, I did." as the words came out from his mouth the girl let out a sigh, how much more of an idiot can he be. Seriously, why would the mirror mean as friends, your mind can't be itching to be friends with someone that badly.

"Well, I'm sure you'll become friends with him soon enough." The girl smiled to him as she walked away to find the blonde. She quickly entered the boys dormitory and spotted the blonde by his bed, "Lets talk, yeah?" She gave the boy puppy dog eyes which earned her an eyeroll in return. "Bathroom." The blonde whispered out, he knew what she wanted to know but he was okay with opening up to her more than he would be with the shorter male. As soon as they entered the bathroom the pale boy wasted no time, "A happy family... the extra problem was that, that idiot was there too." Draco glared over to her and said nothing else as she looked shocked.

"I don't know what that's supposed to mean.. do you like him?" Pansy was quiet when asking but that had no effect on how loud the question really was. "I don't know, I don't think so, I mean seriously what kind of dumb joke was this mirror trying to play exactly? I didn't find it funny." The blonde scratched his head, this was the first time he was actually considering on thinking about it.

All other times before he dismissed it but this was weird, wasn't it? "You know, it's fine if you do but I think you should think about this a little more." The girl patted her friends shoulder before leaving, this whole thing really was a mess. As everyone settled in their own beds, the blonde thought hard about it and he just wanted to ignore his feelings, he didn't want to think about them or come up with an answer for the question asked earlier, he would simply just carry on as is.

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