Part 45

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Getting back to the common room the smaller male set his things down then completely sprawled out across the couch. "A massage would do me wonders right about now." The boy laughed but he was serious, his shoulders felt so tense they might snap. "Whatever you ask my honor." Pansy walked over to him and bowed before starting her work. "I hope you know you sound ridiculous." as he laughed she slapped him lightly, "And I hope you know, that's what you sound like when you speak to Draco dearest." Pansy continued to rub her friends shoulders but she didn't miss how the boys face turned pink.

"Stressful day boss?" She asked in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit. "Is it possible to be stressed over nothing? Because if the answer is yes... then yes." The boy sighed, it didn't seem possible to him, in fact it seemed completely and utterly fake. "Ah yes, stressed over how there's nothing to stress over perhaps?" The girl continued there, she didn't mind attempting to massage the boy. It seemed like it was helping so she wanted to make sure to do her best. "I suppose so, it seems like a never ending cycle and I'm getting tired of it." The boy closed his eyes for a moment to think.

It had been forever since he has visited the kitchen, however, last he checked, it didn't take this long to get a snack. "If you don't mind Miss Parkinson, I've got somewhere to be." Standing up quickly the boy headed toward the door. "Always chasing after him, you'll get tired one of these days." Ignoring the girls laugh, (Y/N) left the common room and headed toward the kitchen. Not even a moment later he spotted the blonde walking down the path that led to Hagrid's hut.

He quickly ran to catch up to the blonde "Seriously what the hell are you doing out this late? You could get into trouble. We're supposed to be in bed.. or at least in the common room." The (h/c)ette awaited a response but never got one. Following the blonde he looked through the window to see a small dragon. It was incredible and he wished he could see it from up close. "Don't touch, you'll catch germs" Draco whispered as he slapped the boys hand. The noise was a lot louder than they had both anticipated, ducking quickly both boys bumped into each other and fell in a rather inconvenient position.

"Get off my lap I have to go tell on them." Quickly getting off the blonde (y/n) ended up at the door, watching as the taller male ran off. "Say, what're you doin out this late?" Hagrid looked down at the boy looking nervous. "I- well, before I go back, may I have a look at the dragon? I've always wanted to see one. I promise I won't tell." The small boy drew an X over his heart, and awaited the answer. "Alright, quickly I suppose." Hagrid pulled out the small dragon from his coat to show the boy. "Woah, it's so cool!" Reaching out to touch it the boy gave a smile to the small creature.

The dragon quickly chirped up fire which did indeed burn the small boy. "Crap, what a nasty little thing" fanning out his hand, quickly, he waved goodbye and started to walk off with the group that remained outside. "Dragons are wicked aren't they? My brother trains them down in Romania, he's real cool, name is Charlie." Ron was going off talking about his brother and all the dragons he's seen. "You should come over next Christmas break. I'll be sure to show you loads of pictures!" Ron smiled at the boy who just looked at him with adoration.

Such a nice boy (y/n) thought to himself. "I'll definitely try to make it, even if I have to deceive my parents." Ron laughed a little bit which earned him a hearty slap from Hermione. "Of course you'd be okay with deceiving your own parents. You're nothing but rotten-." Hearing footsteps approach them the group stopped for a moment. "Going for a midnight stroll are we?" Professor mcgonagle looked at the four, not a second later Draco popped his head out from along the corner. "The five of you will follow me to my office." The professor started to walk off and heard as the group of children followed her.

"Very disappointed in the three of you yes, ten points each will be taken from your houses and the five of you will see me for detention tomorrow night." At first the blonde was smiling as potter was being scolded but the smile turned into a confused look as she uttered out the word 'five'. Shaking his head a little, "I'm sorry professor did you say the five of us?" Watching as the professor nodded the (s/c) male slapped the blonde lightly.

"Even if you and.. your friend told me about the others, or to attempt to catch them, you were still out of bed past curfew." The professor pointed to the door as to signal all of them to leave. "But, but-." Draco was quickly dragged out of her office and into the hallway. "You can't seriously to idiotic enough to argue with a professor over detention." The smaller male started walking toward their common room. He expected for it to be a quiet walk but it wasn't. He had to listen to the grumbling rant that came from the blonde. "You shouldn't tell on Hagrid. He didn't do anything to you." He was trying to help the abnormally large man but Draco just dismissed his statement with, "Its far too dangerous to keep a dragon in a place full of children." Which was a fair point but he still didn't have to tell on the large man. He could just wait to see how this would play out. If the dragon hurt someone then he'd probably lose his job anyway.

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