Part 38

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Why was Draco staring at (y/n) with a wierd look? the boy had no idea. It was starting to creep him out just a little bit but he had a way out of this one.. this time, "What's a squib?" The (h/c)ette looked at the blonde and waited for a response, instead Draco gave the other boy a look of curiousity. "You're telling me that you come from a family of half-bloods but don't know what a squib is?" The pale boy was genuinely confused as to why the other male knew so little about how blood status worked, the shorter male nodded at Draco, what was the big deal?

There's probably plenty of people that don't know what a squib is. "It's someone who was born in the wizarding world, with parents like yours but can't do magic, they end up completely miserable here. Might as well be sent to the muggle world." The blonde shrugged as if it was nothing, it's the truth to him it was nothing.

He was a pureblood who could do magic so it was none of his concern that squibs existed. "Wait so these people just get to live here and watch everyone do magic but can't do any themselves?" (y/n) felt bad for those kinds of people, he doesn't know what he would be doing right now if he ended up a squib, probably locked up at home and being told that he's useless.

"It's a miserable life to live if you ask me, watching everyone be better than you when you didn't get to decide to be useless, I was told that filtch is a squib." Draco was starting to wish he had asked for tea to be brought out but there was nothing he could do about it now, it was too late. "Really? He does look pretty miserable, I wouldn't enjoy my life either if I was a squib." As if on que Dobby, the Malfoy house elf had appeared with everything needed to make his master happy.

He took a careful bow in order not to drop any of the items in his other hand, "Young master, Dobby has brought the needed items to make tea for his royalness and Mr. Prince," The elf quickly set down the cups in their rightful spots then placed the tea pot down right after. "How many scoops does young master wish to have? Dobby does not wish to insult master with terrible tasting tea." The ealf watched carefully as his young master held up three fingers, He knew that no harm would come to him from the young master, he was just affriad that the wicked one watched him from affar.

Carefully lifting his three spoons full of tea, Dobby placed each scoop into the pot, stirring it only after he had emptied his third spoon. "Is he always this formal? We don't even speak to our house elf." (y/n) smiled at the elf when their eyes met then he went back to looking at the blonde that sat across from him. "He's told to act this way or he gets reprimanded by father, personally I wouldn't mind if he called me by my first name. Young master does have a nice ring to it but it's unecessary, besides, he keeps me company when my parents are gone."

It was true, the blonde never cared too much about having a house elf, he liked it because then he had company whenever he wanted it. When his parents were home he distanced himself from Dobby, he knew that it wasn't the time to play, it was an opportunity for his father to hurt the elf. "I see, so should I call you young master instead or your highness now or are my formalities okay with you?" (y/n) had meant it as a joke so he laughed just a little but he noticed how the taller boy's face had turned pink.

"Shut up." at that the two boys sat in a comfortable silence as Dobby poured tea into both cups and was careful to not spill even a drop, with that he dissapeared. "How come you don't talk to your house elf?" Draco made sure to speak when his face no longer felt like it was burning from heat, only when it felt slightly warm.

"He usually just helps mother clean and cook. I don't ever see him really since mother insists on doing most of the work, between the two of us, I think we only got him because you have one." The (e/c) boy shrugged a little and noticed how the blonde tensed up a bit, did he say something wrong? "What do you mean?" The blonde looked over to the (h/c)ette and hoped that it was just a coincidence, if they really got one because he had one then maybe his father was right.

Maybe one day they would end up in the same position. "My father got one because Lucius told him about how great having a house elf was like so my father went and got one too. Of course mother took that as an insult, she thought father was saying she was incapable of cooking for her family, led to an arguement but they're fine. Mother was always dramatic in some ways, she learned it from-" Before the (h/c)ett could finish a shadow loomed over him and Draco took this opportunity to take a sip of his tea, "And who exactly did she learn it from?"

Severus raised a brow just as his nephew whipped his head around, the man watched as a wide smile made it's way onto the small boys face, it filled him with a certain amount of joy. (y/n) quickly jumped out of his seat and went over to his uncle but wasn't sure if he was allowed to give a hug so the boy just stood there. "Hello Uncle Sev, want to join us? Oh, I learned what a squib is, would you still like me if I was a squib?" The boy started off slow but soon started to blurt out whatever came to mind until he noticed that his unlce was looking toward the blonde with a look that said 'seriously?'

"If I were to say no would you still want to give me a hug?" Severus was joking, there was no way he could ever hate his nephew, he only knew that life would be empty without the small boy, that didn't stop the younger one from feeling absolutely crushed. Did his uncle mean it? He felt like crying but he didn't, he wanted to look tough so even though he stood there with his hands shaking he nodded a little but didn't dare speak, if he spoke it would be the end of his no crying moment.

The dark haired man took a moment to think of a proper way to fix this situation, in the end he only gave the small boy a head pat, "I would indeed still like you, even if you couldn't do magic." It didn't change anything, the boy still felt like crying but now he felt relieved. (y/n) nodded and quickly took a seat in the spot he was in previously, the blonde had noticed the shift in the atmosphere.

It made him feel bitter towards the grown man, he had only been with the (h/c)ette for some months and was able to tell that he loved his uncle more than his own father. "Change that bitter look Mr. Malfoy," Severus looked at the blonde only to noticde he was on the reciving end of a death glare. The man took a seat next to his nephew, "You have the same haircut I did when I was younger, perhaps you should get it cut." At those words the small boys head snapped to look at his uncle, he had started to wonder if his uncle hated him or something.

"I got it this way because I saw your school photos.. mother said I look good, is it bad to want to be like you, is it bad to like you uncle Sev?" the small boy was hurt and confused but he still covered it up with anger. He could see the shocked look on his uncles face but that changed nothing, only made him feel irritated. "You saw my school pictures?" The man question and the smaller boy just nodded, draco noticed that the tension was soffocating, he hated that it felt someone was dying.

"Personally I think he looks dashing with this hair cut Snape." When four eyes landed on him his face started to heat up tremedously, he didn't mean for that compliment to be so loud. He was about to say he was joking but he didn't get a word out before (y/n) started to laugh a little, "See, if the king himself says I look good then I should be allowed to leave it. I think you're awesome uncle Sev so let me keep it, please?" It came out as a question but the boy smiled regardless,

"Fine." Severus looked toward Draco and nodded slightly in a 'thank you' sort of way but he still didn't like that this "relationship" the blonde had with his nephew was growing.

Forgot to update last week so you'll get another one this week!

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