Part 31

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The (e/c) eyed boy quickly awoke as he heard a bunch of noise around him. "Shut up, no, Blaise and Pansy are coming to the manor like always." Draco's whiny voice made the smaller boy slightly irritated. It was way too early for this. He was a little surprised that two weeks had gone by so quick and now everyone was headed home for winter break. "Oi, get up, you're going to miss the train." Draco slapped the (s/c) boy as he rolled his eyes. His parents had informed him that not only would Pansy and Blaise be at the manor but so would (y/n).

He wanted to pretend that he wasn't upset by it but he couldn't. This idiot had come into his life before the school year started and now he can't seem to get rid of him, not even for winter break.

"I thought I was staying here this year? Mother and father have some business to attend to." The shorter male was quick to speak as he really didn't want to get up. In fact, he wasn't planning on moving for the rest of break. "You're staying with me, but if you really want to stay here then you can." The blonde started to walk away but he was pulled back by his robe. The air was stolen from him when he felt the harsh tug of the fabric on his neck. "Sorry, I think I heard you wrong. Did you say that I'm staying with you?" (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes were as wide as an owl's and he now felt wide awake.

Draco did say anything, instead, he tossed the boy a letter. Quickly picking it up the boy tore it open not caring if he had looked like a madman doing so.

'Dear (y/n),
I'm sorry darling, I know that your birthday was ruined because of well, in lesser words, the Malfoy's. Now you have to spend your break with them. I had told your father that this wasn't the best idea. However, by the time he agreed to let you stay at Hogwarts, Lucius had said it was a terrible idea. On the bright side, your uncle Severus is planning on stopping by the manor a couple of times to see you. Try to enjoy it.
I'll see you later,

The boy could feel himself getting angrier as he read each word. This was his father's idea and to make matters worse Lucius wanted this. The boy quickly walked out carrying the items he needed. He did his morning routine impossibly quicker than he's ever done it. After making sure he looked absolutely perfect from head to toe he walked out. The boy quickly packed his things and was ready to go even before Draco. "Your highness, as you said before, we're going to miss the train if you don't hurry." The boy tapped Draco on the shoulder causing the blonde to turn and look at him.

At that moment the pale boy regretted turning around. (y/n) looked away too perfect. Nothing was out of place compared to him Draco would like a mess to his father. Panic started to rise in the boy and it was very noticeable. "Are you alright?" The (h/c)ette started to get severely concerned when he says tears start to swell in the taller boy's eyes. The weeks had been filled with the blonde's tears. It wasn't every day that he cried but it was at least twice a week that the small boy found him near the black lake with his legs curled to his chest.

"Fix me." The pale boy whispered while looking anywhere else other than the boy's (e/c) eyes. Quickly getting the memo the small boy started to smooth out the blonde's clothes as best as he could. He would have to teach Draco a way to keep his clothes wrinkle-free. "You're not that good at tying a tie." The boy laughed as he undid the folding. Draco just scoffed at him but his eyes widened when he saw how swiftly and quickly the smaller boy's hands were moving. His tie was in perfect shape within seconds. "Alright, this is as good as you'll get. Come on, let's go." The small boy grabbed his things and was waiting outside of the door for the blonde to come out. The boy waited for what felt like forever before finally giving up and walking back into the room.

"Seriously Mr. Malfoy, we will be- what the bloody hell are you doing?" The boy's eyes were wide but he quickly closed them when he saw that the blonde was undressing. To say that Draco felt suffocated is an understatement. He was feeling very hot and frustrated. "Well.. you're going in some sort of dress robes so I should too I mean, I look like a-a- Weasley standing next to you." The blonde was panicking, even more, when he realized (y/n) had probably seen his body. The pale boy sighed as he carefully got dressed and waited for a moment. He felt himself smile a little when he saw that the (h/c)ette had his eyes closed.

"Please tell me I look better." Draco waited for a moment as the other boy looked him up and down. The shorter boy laughed a little as he went to fix the blonde's hair. "Perfect, let's go before we're stuck here." with that, the two boys left and quickly made their way over to the rest of the students. As the moments quickly passed the two boys found themselves sitting next to each other in the same compartment. "We have arrived. Oh, great, I have to sit next to Zabini." Pansy sat across from her best friend and watched as he shrugged slightly.

"I don't know why he has to sit with us." (y/n) looked at her but that was quickly over when she slid out of her seat to let Blaise sit next to the window. "I'm surprised you didn't sit next to Pansy." Blaise rolled his eyes feeling irritated at the fact that the small boy had to come with them. "I don't fancy her Blaise. I don't fancy anyone, besides, we're too young to look for anything other than friendship." The boy smiled over at him and he shrugged a little, "I'm sorry, about your face." Blaise was just now taking a good look at the boy and was starting to feel guilty over the mark.

He knew how Draco's father was and still decided to tell him over petty jealousy. He was sure he'd never get the same friendship back but he was looking to make amends.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now