Part 42

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The rest of Christmas break had passed by uneventfully. (y/n) was sad to say that he didn't get to see his uncle again after that one day. He also saw the big tree the Malfoy's put up but there were no gifts underneath. They spent Christmas like a regular day. Now the group was on the train headed back to Hogwarts, "That was hell, you're telling me that you don't actually celebrate Christmas? what kind of hell do you live in? I mean seriously what a bore, I bet you it's that evil snakes fault. I hate Lucy."

The (h/c)ette started complaining the moment the adults left them alone. He hated the way he spent his Christmas, what kind of parent doesn't give their child a gift? Maybe they did get Draco a gift but just forgot to give it to him. "Don't be rude, imagine if I was sensitive, you would have hurt my feelings so deeply. That is the kind of thing I live with, you would only make me feel worse." The blonde huffed, he had meant it as a joke but inside he did actually feel sad about it. In a way he was hoping that the smaller male didn't celebrate Christmas like everyone else so that the two of them could be miserable together.

They could share another one of those 'it's only us, no one else will get it' moments. "Sorry your highness, I should have thought about that, you're alright though?" (y/n) watched carefully as the boy sitting next to him nodded, but he knew that was not the correct answer. There was nothing he could do to fix it, he just had to endure the ride. "Well, you two have gotten closer." The smaller male pointed his finger at the two sitting in front of him. "Yes, yes, we've kissed and made up." Blaise puckered his lips ever so slightly to show that he was making a joke of the situation.

The dark skinned boy was more amused with the other two males, they seemed to be putting on a show. "Don't be ridiculous, no one would kiss you, they'd get worts for kissing such an ugly toad." (Y/n) stifled a laugh.

The rest of the ride passed with small talk, truthfully the (s/c) boy could not get over how Draco had not received gifts. He had decided that he would get the blonde a gift through his uncle as soon as they arrived back. The only problem then was not knowing what to get the blonde, did he like to read? Did he like to sketch? Did the blonde have a secret doll fetish? No, that would be creepy. Perhaps getting the taller male a pendant would simply be the correct answer, something the other male could wear everyday and it wouldn't be seen. He could wear it under his clothes, yes, necklace it is.

"What are you thinking so hard about? You've got that weird look on your face again." Draco looked at the smaller male who shrugged at him. "It's nothing, just wanting to get back to the school."

The blonde sighed, "if you were paying attention then you would have known that I've been trying to get you off the bloody train for five minutes now." Standing up after finishing his sentence, the blonde waited for the other male to get up. It was ridiculous to him how the (h/c)ette was always spacing off. It was as if his mind had this grasp on him, it would never let him go. "Draco, do you have.. Interests?" The shorter male looked up at the other. He had grown far too curious about his hobbies and his thoughts were getting out of hand so he thought he might as well ask.

"Well, I play instruments and I fancy tea, is that enough?" The blonde had never thought about the things he likes to do, he wasn't even sure what counted as an interest. Would it be something as simple as liking something? Perhaps it's something he does rarely. "What about sketching or something different?" The smaller male was starting to think that they really are just strangers. They know each other through their parents but he doesn't really know who Draco is. When would be the time to get to know him?

"I like the stars, in fact, I'm sort of looking forward to our older years where we get to study astrology. I think it's rather basic for a wizard to enjoy the stars." The blonde was truly thinking hard about the question that had been asked. He just wasn't sure how to answer it. He had never tried sketching or anything other than what his parents had told him to do. "I feel as though you're just telling me everything I already know." The smaller male sighed and figured he'd give up for now. He'll ask again in a few months. "Oh yeah? Well what about your interests then?" The blonde let out a small huff, how annoying was that idiot? Thinking he could act as if he knows everything in the world.

"I like to read, I enjoy writing as well, flowers are something I tend to enjoy. The moon interests me. That's the kind of stuff I want to know." The smaller male looked up at the blonde and noticed that he had some sort of thinking face on. The kind of look you get when you're taking serious notes.

"Quidditch." Was the one answer
(y/n) got from the other male. It was one single word, five minutes for one word, one interest. The smaller male wasn't sure if he found that incredibly annoying or sad. How is it that the taller male knows nothing about himself? "Alright, that's a start, quidditch." Draco watched as the smaller male nodded. Noting that the (s/c) male wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, the blonde pulled him close to his side for just a moment. "What are you doing?"

The pale boy let go of the other male quickly as soon as they had passed the pole.

"You were about to run right into a metal pole, say thank you or next time I'll have to let it happen." Holding his head up high, Draco walked to the spot that he knew would get them to Hogwarts. "Thank you my great savior, thank you your highness for allowing me to keep my devilishly handsome face intact."
(Y/n) took a moment to bow before the blonde, then running to keep after the taller male.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now