Part 47

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He was starting to get tired but he really didn't want to sleep here. He was tempted to send a letter off to his mother but thought he'd be risking his father opening it instead. The door to the common room opened once more and in came the one man he was able to speak to freely. "Is it important? I see more than one of you are up." Severus watched as his students tensed up, his eyes looked over to his nephew who sat in silence.

"Professor, what are you doing here?" Pansy stood up and put her tea down carefully. She was confused as to why he was here when she was certain the (s/c) boy never sent an owl. "I was sent a signal, however, I'm not here to speak with you. I'm here to speak with that one." Severus pointed over to the small boy seated in front of the fire. He made a hand gesture to the others telling them to sit on the opposite side of the common room to give enough space. After the kids had reached a reasonable distance, Severus sat next to his nephew, "(y/n) what's going on?" he made sure to speak in a low voice, even if those kids were far he didn't wan to risk it.

"I want to go home, I'm tired of being here, I want to be a wizard but I want to have friends and he's making it hard. I don't neglect my blood status do I? This time it hurt more than usual." (y/n) looked up at his uncle who looked confused. Of course he knew that his uncle wouldn't completely get it, he was a half-blood and that made him have less responsibilities but he knew his uncle was made fun of for being in a house that mainly had purebloods.

"No, you do not neglect your blood status, you just act as though blood status isn't important which is not a bad thing, it's just different. Don't let him push you around so much, you know how much you're supposed to be respected, if he doesn't appreciate your kindness then stop giving it." Severus ruffled the boys hair in an attempt to comfort him. It wasn't everyday that he was given a problem to take care of like this. It made him assume that the boy wasn't able to trust his parents at this moment.

"I know but I actually want to befriend him so I want to show kindness, I'm just not sure why it's not working, perhaps you're right, thank you Uncle Sev." The boy hugged his uncles arm for just a moment. He still wanted to leave the school but he wanted to go with his uncle instead of go to his own place. His uncles house always felt better, it felt comforting and safe. "You're my home Uncle Sev, I read somewhere that home is where the heart is, if I can have more than one home then one of them is with you, you make me feel safe." The boy closed his eyes leaving his uncle stunned.

Severus knew just how much this was dangerous but it made him happy. It had always been a dream of his to have children and spending so much time with his nephew made him realize just how much of a father he had been to the young Riddle. He knew that (y/n) wasn't his biological kid but he always took care of him when he was a child. His sister and her husband were too busy taking care of the dark lords biddings or even cleaning up his mess. (y/n) was kept a secret and he was glad that he was. If the boy had been corrupted at such an age it would be hard to undo the damage.

The man moved to get up but quickly noticed that his nephew had fallen asleep still clinging to his arm. Severus picked him up and carried the boy out, just this once he will sleep in the head of house's headquarters.

The morning had arrived quickly and the two kids had woken up on the cold floor of the common room. "Merlin, my back is killing me, couldn't they have woken us up after they were done?" The blonde stood up and started a stretch. His body was in pain but he could only imagine how Pansy felt, he had accidentally fallen asleep on top of her. "The trouble you both put me through. You should wash up since he wont be here, he left with the professor." Pansy stood up and walked away leaving Draco standing in the room alone.

The blonde quickly hurried off to get ready and was successful in doing so, as soon as he had finished and got seated in the common room the shorter male strutted in. "You're already dressed?" The blonde looked shocked, had the (h/c)ette woken up extra early just to come get dressed before him. "I am, I got ready over there." (y/n) took a seat across from the blonde and picked up a book that had been set on the small table between the couches. He had started reading to avoid the awkward atmosphere. He felt like he wanted to say something but he was going to try doing things the way his uncle suggested. "The tension in here is deadly, you almost suffocated me." Blaise came in with someone by his side.

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