Part 1

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(y/n)'s mind was a complete mess. Everything was starting to run through it. His eleventh birthday was tomorrow and he was so overjoyed he couldn't help but to scream in his pillow. Hogwarts was something the (s/c) boy had been looking forward to since he'd learned about it from his parents. For his tenth birthday, he was given a temporary wand so he could start learning magic. Sure he was excited to use it but he wanted the full experience from the wizarding school, so his wand was still perfectly placed in its box. "Honey, your father and I need to make a trip to Diagon Alley. Is there anything you nee- Oh are you alright?" the boy still had his face shoved into his pillow and his arms were placed on both sides of his body. He could hear his mother giggling at him and he sighed, "It's not funny mother.. okay it's a little funny." (y/n) couldn't help but laugh with his mother. She always got him to smile or laugh whenever she wanted it. "Just wanted to see if you wanted anything from Diagon Alley." His mother, Elysium, smiled at her son. She did always think he was quite adorable and weird to say the least. "Can I come?" The boy looked at his mother and gave the best puppy dog eyes he could give.

He knew that she could never say no to him and it made him feel powerful. "Of course." Elysium shook her head a little. She never had the heart to say no to her little boy. "Good! I've been waiting to leave this place." (Y/n) sighed and jumped out of bed. He knew his home was huge but he wanted more. He wanted something new. He wanted adventure. Shoving his shoes on quickly (y/n) looked at his mother. "You know you can't leave the house in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Change quickly your father and I will be downstairs." Mother left the room and the boy let out a growl of frustration. It's times like this that he wished no one knew who he was. So what if he left the house with some bloody sweatpants on?!

(Y/n) quickly changed into dress pants and a (f/c) button up shirt. He quickly threw on a coat and slipped on his dress shoes. He ran down stairs and looked at his parents. His mother smiled at him but his father had a small look of disappointment on his face. "Your hair looks absolutely atrocious." Despite the rude sentence Alec's tone was monotone. "Sorry father, I was in a hurry." (Y/n) rushed a hand through his (h/c) locks and his hair seemed to flow back. Small pieces framing his face. His father nodded and they headed out of their house. The family was way too over dressed to go to Diagon Alley. As soon as the family had arrived the boy was quick to ask, "Mom can I get a chocolate frog?"
(Y/n) looked at his mother with wide eyes that had a glint of light in them. He knew to ask his mother for the treat instead of his father. His mother almost always said yes while his father was much too strict to say yes.

"There's way too much sugar in those." Alec was quick to speak but a small amount of guilt was felt as he watched the glimmer in his sons eyes disappear. "I'm sure it will be fine. Just be sure to eat it after dinner and not before." Elysium put a hand on her sons shoulder and watched as he ran. They ended up at the 'Weasley &Weasley' store. Although that family never enjoyed associating with the Weasley's, their son enjoyed the store all too much. "Quickly in and out." Alec pushed the boy softly in an attempt to hurry him. The attempts failed as his son was already wandering around mouth open in awe. "Dad why can't I speak to the Weasley's?" (Y/n) always asked this question when looking around this store. He wanted to know why the friendship is forbidden. "You should be respectful and kind to everyone as we taught you. However, we would rather you not be friends with the Weasley boys. They-." Blah blah, "They cause too much trouble, I know mother."

The boy sighed and grabbed a couple of things. He wanted to know what kind of trouble his parents meant. What if they we're just prank pulling blokes? What if they were his key to a world of adventure. He quickly flashed his parents a small grin. After paying for the items the small boy had in his hands, the family left.
(Y/n)'s parents quickly grabbed what was needed and they were now on their way home. "What did you guys get?" (Y/n) questioned with a wide smile. He never got to leave his house much as he didn't have any friends. Most of the time he thought about what his life would be like if his parents had sent him off to a muggle school. As always his thoughts about a muggle school quickly left since he knew he wouldn't be able to talk about magic there. "Maybe you would've been able to see if you would've been paying attention." His mother laughed which caused the boy to frown. He just wished to know what his parents had gotten!

"Pleaseee." He pulled out his puppy dog eyes but he was quickly shut down by his father. "Enough, the Riddles aren't beggars." His father spoke loud and his words were proud yet angered. "When do I get to meet uncle?" (Y/n) spoke quickly. He's waited years to meet his uncle. Yet when the question was asked fear was the only thing he saw on his parents faces. "(Y/n) you will never meet your uncle. We speak of him well but he is a bad man." Elysium spoke quickly and quietly but Alec was quick to speak as well, "A powerful man not bad just power hungry. I'm quite proud to be a Riddle. We just don't want him to.. hurt you." Hurt him? His uncle would never.. right?

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