Part 3

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"So what's your name?" Draco looked at the (s/c) boy in front of him as they went up the stairs. However, the pale boy never got a reply. They were now outside of a room and yet he hadn't open the door. "Well don't just stand there, open the door." Draco rolled his eyes and pushed the boy away from the door. He turned the handle but a voice stopped him, "Don't open it! Uhm please?" (y/n)'s words came out awkwardly and in the form of a question. He didn't want to embarrass himself when that door opened. It was a complete mess inside and he didn't want for the taller boy to see. "Well, why not?" Draco looked down at the boy and had his eyebrows raised, he still plans on opening the door. After all the Malfoy's are better than any other family. He took this chance to really look at the shorter boy.

His (s/c) skinned face seemed to have tear stains on them, "Isn't it your birthday?" Draco was confused, why would someone cry on their birthday? Maybe they were tears of happiness? No that can't be it. "Yes." he got a short reply but that still didn't stop Draco from asking the next question, "So then why were you crying?" Draco smirked a little when he saw how the boy's face looked irritated. The taller boy was just happy he was getting a reaction out of him. "My father decided this should be his day for bringing his friends over, so I destroyed my room like the stupid monster I am, and well I cried about it after." (Y/n) looked at Draco straight in the eyes and watched as Draco's face looked shocked. So weird he was sure anyone else would've left him standing in the hall way. "I'm
(y/n)." The boy quickly stated his name and waited for Draco to catch on to his last name yet it didn't seem like he did.

The (s/c) boy shook his head this guy is probably stupid. "Well then (y/n), should we see what mess lies behind this door?" Draco shrugged a little as he tried not to make a big deal out of it. His mind was racing with a bunch of questions but his number one thought was that the smaller boy is probably crazy. A monster? No. Crazy? Probably. As Draco opened the door he looked at the room, his jaw practically hit the floor. Everything seemed to be completely messed up. Even the desk managed to be turned over. Draco quickly closed his mouth and came to a conclusion. The boy had a temper, a temper that could never be matched. "Well, nothing a small amount of magic can't fix." Draco shrugged once more before walking out leaving (y/n) completely confused.

Could the boy get anymore perfect than he already was? He wanted to befriend the boy even if it was the last thing he did. He wanted a certain closeness with him. Draco seemed to have so many different sides. (Y/n) had already seen two and he was determined to see the rest. He quickly ran down the stairs to follow Draco into the kitchen, "Perfect timing, it's time for dinner, did you two have fun?" Elysium tried to lighten the mood of her son but he shook his head, "It was boring actually." (Y/n) replied quickly with a blank expression on his face while Draco felt offended. Had (y/n) really not had any fun with him? Sure they just talked a bit.. well whatever, it shouldn't matter anyway, they had just met and Draco had no intention on making any new friends. He already had his select three... well select two the other one usually wouldn't leave him alone even if he tried.

As everyone sat at the dinner table an owl flew in and dropped a letter at the center of the table. Draco looked over at the (s/c) boy and watched as his eyes widened in excitement. It was definitely a site to see, he looked absolutely filled with wonder. (Y/n) quickly grabbed the letter off the table and opened it as it was addressed to him and not his parents. "It's not kind to open letters that aren't yours." Lucius looked at the small boy in disappointment he would've expected better from the Riddles, "Of course it is Mr. Malfoy, but we have a rule in this house. Any letters addressed to a specific person will be opened by that said person. This letter is addressed to me so I will be the one to open it, I apologize for the confusion." (y/n) smiled up at the older man who looked pleased with his response and gave a small nod of encouragement to open it. The boy swiftly opened the letter without a struggle and started to read it,

Dear Mr. Riddle,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at. Please find enclosed a  of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on..

The boy stopped reading and smiled to himself he finally got his acceptance letter from Hogwarts. "Well, what is it?" Draco spoke looking at the smaller boy and waited for an answer. He looked to his father who looked at him in a disappointed manner. "My letter from Hogwarts." (Y/n) smiled over at the Malfoy family across the table. "You mean you barely got yours? I got mine two weeks ago. School starts in three days (y/n)." Draco was surprised and was angry at no one for no reason. His response earned him a glare from the boy that sat across the table from him. "Yes Draco, the letters did come out weeks ago but the head master still needed to decide who would and wouldn't be able go." Lucius scowled at his son, why couldn't he be as respectful as the Riddle boy? "Wait so they weren't gonna let me go?" (Y/n) automatically felt angered by the thought, what was wrong with him?

"Yes, you know your uncle has a lot of history at the school and they weren't sure if it would be a good idea." Narcissa saw how angry the boy was getting so she decided to speak up but this didn't stop the boy from asking his question. "What did he do?" (y/n) never got a response he just got shocked faces from the two adults and a confused one from the pale boy.

Just to be clear Draco doesn't know that (y/n) is a Riddle as his parents only said they were going to a friends house.

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