Part 26

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Not another word was spoken and the two boys quickly got to work. Draco would pause every now and then to look at how the shorter boy would switch out papers halfway through writing. He was like a mad man trying to solve every problem in the world. It was messy yet very interesting to see how he would smile as he saw how every piece of paper connected to one another. Draco still only placed one paper after another in his spot while putting away the one he had finished.

He felt pressured to keep up with the boy in front of him and (y/n) quickly noticed but didn't say or do anything about it as he thought it was quite nice that someone would try to match his pace instead of scolding him for being so messy with his work. He preferred to work this way. This way he could see how many classes he had left and how much work in each class he had. He only felt slightly bad since Draco looked lost sometimes and he waited for the boy to ask for help but maybe he was too stubborn to ask.

"Need help?" The boy finally asked the blonde across from him since he hadn't moved in a few minutes and he was still starring at his paper with a blank expression. "I might.." Draco felt stupid since the answer seemed obvious and because he seemed to be sitting across from a genius. Draco couldn't help to feel inferior to the shorter boy since his (s/c) hands moved so quickly. "Here, let me help." The (h/c)ette quickly moved to Draco's side and started to help him as it seemed to come so naturally to him.

It was boring most of the time but he loved the feeling of getting done so quickly with his work and not having to think so hard on it. "Thank you for helping me, I hope it's not too much of a bother." Draco felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. The problem was incredibly easy now that it was explained and he thought about stupid it might be to (y/n). "It's no problem, really, I can help whenever you need it." the small boy was completely shocked at Draco's words.

He got to see a new side of him at that moment and he liked it. He was shy and nice it was extremely adorable so if helping Draco with work meant seeing him this way often he would gladly help him. The boy went back to doing his work and was quickly moving through it when a finger tapped him on the shoulder. He was irritated that someone had disturbed him from his work since he really wanted to get it done but as he looked over his shoulder he just felt confused.

"Can I help you with something?" the (s/c) boy looked over at the obviously shorter male who just looked so nervous to even breathe. "T-Thank you f-for helping me e-earlier." The boy stuttered often which made the taller one smile. It was adorable and he had never met anyone with a stutter before... but then again he never really socialized with others. "It was no problem, I did it more for me than I did you." (y/n) reached over and ruffled the boy's golden brown hair with a small smile.

the boy then turned around to go back to working but noticed that Draco was still starring at the space next to him. "S-Sorry I'll l-leave I just n-need a-a moment. This... is a lot for me. I have anxiety." he coughed a little as he felt awkward. He hated when he stuttered but he didn't have much of a choice since it happened every time he gets anxious. "Take your time. I'll just be doing my work... same thing with Mr. Malfoy." The boy tapped the table to get Draco's attention again.

The pale boy nodded and went back to work. "Actually, I need help again." Draco made sure to keep a straight face as he watched the shorter boy walk over again. As the (h/c)ette reached down to grab the paper he noticed the Hufflepuff walking away. He then started to explain how to do the work to the pale boy. "That makes no sense," Draco whispered as he started to write things down on the paper.

He started to grow frustrated at the fact that he wasn't understanding how to do his own work. "Like this?" Draco asked as he showed the boy his paper. (y/n) looked at everything and shook his head. The boy swiftly grabbed a chair and put it right next to Draco's. He started to explain everything to the boy while writing down an example on a piece of paper. He understood how it could be confusing since potions were very specific in their making. "Here." The boy passed the paper, back to the pale one, and as he did his hand slightly brushed against Draco's.

He tensed for a moment as a strange feeling of tingles entered his body. However, he decided to ignore it and head back to his work. He quickly finished another class and was down to his last one. "How much work do you have left?" The boy looked over at the blonde and watched as Draco shrugged slightly. "I finished everything else. I only have potions left since it is the devil's work." He scoffed and looked down at his work while shaking his head.

The class was ridiculously hard for him with all of its different ingredients and the measurements. The boy across from him laughed slightly before going back to his work. "I hate you, you know." Draco looked at the other boy with a serious face even when he didn't mean it. He honestly had no idea why he said it but it came out anyway. "Trust me, I know." The other boy answered him with a blank expression before going back to work despite the burning feeling in his stomach. He knew he didn't really have a chance of being Draco's friend but he was trying so bloody hard.

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