Part 20

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The morning quickly came and so the (s/c) boy just removed himself from the comfort of his bed and went to bathe himself. After he had finished dressing himself the boy looked in the mirror and removed the patch of fabric that was on his cheek. The boy had a large scab still but decided to smile since it made him look tough. "That will most likely leave a scar." Draco walked into the washroom and was surprised to see someone in there since he had gotten up fairly early. Despite yesterday's event's the pale boy did not plan to befriend (y/n). It seemed unfair and he knew it but again he wanted to drag the other boy along for as long as he could before the boy got bored of him.

"I don't mind, I think it'll look cool. Do you feel any better?" The (h/c)ette looked at the pale boy but since he got no response he left with a small sigh leaving his mouth. The boy quickly made his way down to the common room and expected it to be empty but his friends were already there.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Pansy rushed over to her best friend and held his face in her hands. Since she got no response she just clung to his arm and waited for him to move. "Good to see you my precious Levi." (y/n) grinned at the smaller boy who sat on the couch and he went to place himself across from his tanned friend. Levi looked at the boy that sat across from him and felt a small sting in his heart upon seeing the wound that was on his face. He was pushed away from the common room when he had tried to stay with his friend and now he knew why.
It was more of a shock as to how the boy sat across from him and smiled like always.

"You are a lot tougher than you look. The mark on your face um looks good?" Levi was trying to keep the mood light but he couldn't take his eyes off the wound that was sure to leave a pretty large scar on his face. Levi noticed he wasn't the only one as Pansy hadn't taken her eyes off of his cheek either. "Should we get going?" (y/n) stood up and started to feel a little weird since already, his closest friends were staring at his face. He was also sure that the news about his face and Lucius had gotten around the school by now. "Leaving without me?" Blaise waltzed right into the common room with a smug smile on his face that made an unsettling feeling go off in the small boy's stomach.

"What are you so happy about?" The boy smiled at Blaise and thought of a good way to find out about what he wanted to know. "Oh, nothing... I've just gotten a thank you letter." Blaise raised the mail he had received but upon flashing it to the other boy an angered look made its way onto the boys (s/c) face. He couldn't help it, Blaise had ratted him out to Lucius. "Something wrong?" Blaise looked at the boy with confused eyes but he never got a response since
(y/n) just walked right out of the common room with his friends. "What's the matter with him?" Draco made his way over to Blaise and noticed the letter that rested in his dark-skinned hand.

"Just showed him my letter and he walked off... with Pansy." Blaise started to frown at the end of his sentence. He wanted to get to the girl without having to confront her but it was starting to get harder than he wanted. He was hoping that by bringing Mr. Malfoy to the school she would have let the (s/c) boy alone since he was trouble but she was just worried for him now. As the boy turned back to Draco he discovered that the boy had run off somewhere.

As the trio entered the grand hall whispers were going around but they gave (y/n) an incredible amount of confidence for some reason. Pansy looked at her friend in shock since he was taking this surprisingly well. "Alright guys, let's walk it off." the boy walked to their usual seats that were away from everyone else at the Slytherin table. "We're terribly sorry for yesterday." Fred looked down at the short boy that sat across from him. He had snuck off so that he could apologize for yesterday. Fred was very surprised that he had been successful since his red hair usually fit in at Gryffindor but not Slytherin.

"No worries, I just found out it wasn't your fault or mine for that matter." After they had finished up the conversation they ate in comfortable silence with a joke from Fred every now and then. The boy never noticed how a dark skinned boy was glaring at him for being so close to Pansy or how a pale boy hadn't taken his eyes off of the mark on his face. After breakfast, they all walked to potions class together and sat near each other despite the fact that most of the room was looking at the Gryffindor weird for sitting on the Slytherin side. "Today we will be learning about the Wiggenweld potion.

Open your books and read up. After you have finished the reading you are to write down the ingredients on a piece of parchment." Severus looked over to the students as they started to read.

Well, he tried to as not everyone was reading. Most of the class seemed to be too busy looking at his nephew and his friends. "Those of you that do not finish by the end of class will get detention." the professor quickly threw in the last part and his students quickly looked away and got to reading. With a satisfactory smile, Severus went and sat at his desk. The rest of the classes quickly passed by for all the students so now the group sat in the Slytherin common room.

"I don't think I've ever seen you go this long without George." Pansy laughed a little while she poked Fred on the arm in an attempt to seem friendly while still being somewhat discrete about it. "He felt overly guilty about what happened yesterday." Fred smiled down at the girl that was sitting right next to him. "When we go to the grand hall for dinner will you let him know that he shouldn't feel guilty?" (y/n) looked at Fred with a wide smile. He loved seeing how Pansy had to keep herself off of someone she wanted to cling to the most.

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