Part 52

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As soon as he arrived back into the common room (y/n) looked around and found all of his friends dressed in similar clothes as him. "I see, we're all dressed so presentable, kind of tiring isn't it?" The boy spoke up to get the attention of the others, most agreed with him but one. "I like the appeal of always looking better than others, don't you?" Blaise looked at the smaller boy who just laughed, "I don't want the only time I'm comfortable to be on my death bed, doesn't matter if I dress better, I just have to be better, clothes don't matter so much."

The (h/c)ette smiled at everyone, they all had their thinking face on so the boy took the moment to pat Pansy on the shoulder then point to the door, he wasn't going to spend his whole day in the common room. The boy started to make his way down to the black lake and only then realized that it was still slightly cold outside. "Missing something?" George put a small blanket over the smaller boys shoulders, it was a guess, the red head wasn't completely sure if he was in need of a blanket.

"Thank you, did you want to share it, I don't suppose you have another one?" The boy looked up at the obviously taller male who just shrugged. "I don't mind sharing, you look nice out of uniform by the way." They had both taken a seat against the tree and got comfortable. It was a lot warmer with the blanket but it was slightly awkward, at least George had felt that way. "So where's your other half?" (y/n) poked the other male slightly, he was trying to make conversation but it was a bit unusual for him, he felt like he was never the one to start conversations.

"He should be here soon, he got in trouble with one of the professors on the way over here." the brown eyed boy took a candy from his pocket and handed it to the smaller male. The candy wasn't taken instead a suspicious look was given. "Am I going to die if I eat it?" A moment passed before the redhead bursted into a fit of laughter, "I wouldn't kill you, I promise this candy isn't anything other than an ordinary candy. All of my trick ones are reserved for the house of Gryffindor." as if to show he was serious the boy drew an 'x' over his heart.

Not a second later the boy took the candy and popped it open into his mouth. "I believe you Georgie, look! here come the rest." The (h/c)ette pointed over at his group of friends walking towards them. "Is it ritual for you all to dress in the same manner or?" George was observing how everyone in the group dressed similarly to each other, not a hair out of place or a stain in sight. They looked like they were all part of some strange mafia who took children.

"Our parents are very strict and seem to have eyes everywhere, when stepping outside of uniform it's important that we look presentable all the time." (Y/n) shrugged a little as everyone sat themselves down. "So where's my blanket, or is it that the two of you are so friendly that this is a regular?" Adrian raised a brow at the two who were sat against the tree. It was very interesting to see, it seemed that the younger male was very close with practically everyone the moment the blonde is out of the picture. "I'll trade spots with you if you'd like?"

The boy started to move but was quick to hear protests from everyone. "I feel like there's something I should know, why else would everyone want to keep me here. It's not like I'll die if I leave George's side." The (s/c) boy looked around at everyone who sort of nodded. He started to feel weird, they were acting like robots. "We have arrived." Fred quickly took a seat and made sure to show Ron off to the whole group.

The group spent their time having conversations that were probably too weird for others to even begin to imagine. They flirted with each other knowing that it was just out of light heartedness, of course (y/n) poked more fun at George than anyone else. It didn't go unnoticed by his fellow Slytherins or the blonde that had been sitting near by. It wasn't Draco's fault for eavesdropping, he wasn't too far and they were very loud. Perhaps the flirting wouldn't have bothered him as much if the (h/c)ette wasn't so close to George and sharing a blanket.

He didn't notice that he had been there for hours at this point. It was only when he checked the time on his little pocket watch that he realized it was almost time for the announcement of the house cup. His intention was to sit there long enough only to see what the group was up to but upon hearing (y/n) say his first flirtatious comment to George he felt like he needed to stay just to see if it would happen again. Eventually, he started counting the comments. Up until now it landed at a whole twenty.

"Were you watching this whole time or is it that you just like to stalk people on your free time?" the pale boy jumped from shock, he wasn't sure when they smaller boy got to him. It was embarrassing to say the least and so he felt his cheeks heat up, "I wasn't here long, I only came because I saw how many Weasleys were making their way over. Doesn't seem like you have too much a problem being friendly to them." Draco stood up and started his walk back to the school, there was no way he was staying out there long enough to hear whatever else the (h/c)ette had to say.

Whatever it was, it was going to be stupid. That's all he knew. Minutes later everyone was sitting at their house tables and were eating slowly due to nerves over the house cup. "If we don't win this year we have to win next year because we have to be better." Pansy was looking at Dumbledore who just stood around looking at everyone waiting to announce the winners. Eventually his speech started and many people in the room apart from (y/n) and his group of friends were shocked to find out that more points were being added to Gryffindor which ended putting Slytherin in second place.

Out of pure curiosity the (s/c) boy looked over to his left to see that Draco had taken his hat off and looked upset. In a way it was sort of adorable but he was supposed to be mad at the blonde so he mad sure to keep his composure and looked away. "Well, I guess this is the end of our first year. Time to pack up and get the bloody hell out of here." The boy smiled at his friends who gave somewhat of a smile back. In the end they didn't seem so excited but he could understand why. Not everyone at this table had an amazing home life but he was determined to make the summer better for his friends.

"You guys should come visit me at my home or owl me." the (h/c)ette smiled at his friends and got a smile in return. After dinner was over they all headed back and started to pack up their things. They would only be there for the night. In the morning they would take the commute back to their respectable homes. It felt weird leaving the school, after all, (y/n) spent most of his time there. "Till next time stupid school." the boy went to sit in his bed but was interrupted, "Self monologuing?" the blonde looked over at the smaller male who just shrugged at him.

"I just want to go to sleep so I can go home. You should pack up so you can too." With that both boys set off to do their own things and awaited to be at their very own home.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now