Part 14

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As the light brightened the (h/c)ettes dormitory he opened his eyes and headed out to bathe himself. The boy had a massive headache from the day before and was already irritated. The (s/c) boy quickly made his way through his morning routine then slowly walked into the common room only to find that his friends were already there waiting for him. "Good morning my beautiful friend... and Blaise." The boy smiled at them both as he sat down next to Pansy. The girl looked at her friend and noticed how oddly nice he looked with unkempt wet hair. "Well good morning to you too, you kind soul." Pansy held onto the boy's arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

Blaise just rolled his eyes and ignored the two as they were being disgustingly nice to one another. "Potter didn't get in trouble yesterday," Blaise spoke up trying to start a conversation before it got past the point. The (s/c) boy looked at Blaise with a blank expression because honestly, the said boy didn't care at all as he figured Potter wouldn't get in trouble. "I figured as Professor Snape had said he happens to be our new celebrity." The boy shrugged Pansy off his shoulder and stood up.

The boy spun around quickly for a moment before an owl came flying in as well as Snape. "Parkinson, Zabini leave." The professor waved his hand while not taking his eyes off his nephew. His face was hard as he waited for the other two to leave and once they did concern scattered across his face. "What happened yesterday? The letter you sent me was... rather wordy." The boy looked up at his uncle in embarrassment as he now remembered what he had sent in his moment of anger yesterday. "I apologize for the worry, Uncle Sev. I promise everything is perfectly fine but that Granger seems to despise me." The boy shook his head as he finally took the letter from the owl's mouth since it had been waiting there.

The boy noticed the handwriting on the page and instantly his face heated up once more in embarrassment. Not only had he managed to worry his Uncle Severus but he had probably managed to show Mr. Malfoy that he is incapable of controlling his anger.

"Yes, I recall that in the letter you sent she had said you belonged in Slytherin in a rather distasteful way." Snape sat himself down on the leather sofa and looked at his nephew. The letter in the small boys hand had caught the attention of the older man but he decided not to say anything about it. After all, it was the boy's problem to deal with. "Try to ignore her and remember that you along with your family are simply better than her." Severus tried his best to sound like the small boy's father in an attempt to work out this situation but as the smaller boy sighed Severus could tell that he had chosen a poor choice of words.

The boy felt pride but also disgusted at the words, sure he was proud of his family but the only time he's heard those words was when his father was using 'mudblood' in the same sentence. The boy didn't really mind the word as it was true muggle-born wizards aren't pureblood wizards but the hate that his father used with it is what bothered him. As the boy could tell that it was genuine. "Listen, just get to the grand hall for breakfast and just try to stay out of conflict with her before someone decides to owl your father." The boy nodded to his uncle but gave him a small hug and felt as his head was patted softly.

The boy quickly ran off letter still in hand. He quickly made his way to the grand hall with a large smile on his face. He rarely hugged his uncle since it was something his uncle didn't like but when the opportunity came, it made the boy incredibly happy. (y/n) took a seat by himself and opened the letter.

'Hello again (y/n),
I see you've got the opportunity to meet Granger. She happens to be a mudblood just so you know. I expect she'll be an absolute nightmare from the way you've described her. I expect that next time you will be more in control of your temper so that you don't argue with that wretched girl. After all, you are significantly more superior. I understand that Severus is your uncle, he happens to be Draco's godfather but do treat him with respect. Don't be afraid to call me Lucius, my family has known yours for long enough.
your family friend,
Lucius Malfoy.'

The boy shook his head. It was weird as to how Lucius knew that Hermione is a mudblood, "I didn't see you come into the grand hall." Pansy sat across the boy for a change while Blaise sat to the boy's left. The boy just smiled at them both and served himself a small amount of food on his plate since he wasn't super hungry. The events from yesterday and this morning had really drained him, the headache he had was making everything worse. He had the overwhelming urge to tell everyone to shut up but knew better so he sat there in silence. The morning quickly passed by for (y/n) since the classes were something he didn't listen to.

It wasn't that he didn't want to learn but everything seemed so unbelievably easy that there was no point in taking notes or paying attention. As he entered his next class the room seemed to be divided, half the room had green robes and the other had red. A sigh left the boy's lips as he left to go sit next to some random kid as every other seat was taken.

"Hey." a soft voice spoke to the for once taller boy and it sounded rather entrancing to him. The boy turned to look at the person to his right. "I'm Levi, Levi Silverman." the tanned boy stuck out his hand to the (h/c)ette and smiled as he waited for a response. However, his hand was not taken but he did receive a small smile, "(y/n)." The (e/c) eyed boy replied as he looked into the other boy's blueish, green orbs. They were absolutely stunning and the boy looked rather beautiful when he smiled since he had dimples on both sides of his tanned face. "Bored are we?" Levi looked at the boy with curiosity.

He was generally really good at reading body language but at this moment the taller boy was leaving him clueless. "Yes and I seem to have a raging headache." The (s/c) boy shook his head slightly and looked toward the professor, "Good and enunciate, Wengardium Leviosa go on then." Professor Flitwick moved his hands as if to shoo the students which was enough for (y/n).

The boy picked up his wand and set his eyes on the feather in front of him, "Wengardium Leviosa." the boy swiftly moved his wand in the movement that he had seen his professor do many times and watched as the feather started to levitate. "Woah! Mate, you've got a massive amount of talent! You got it on the first try." Levi was shocked at how quickly the boy had done the spell considering it was right after the instruction was given. "Oh yes! Good job look here everyone Mr. uh Rid has done it!" Professor Flitwick pointed over to the small boy and everyone looked in his direction in shock.

No one had time to even say the words as the boy had already had his feather lifted. "Go on keep trying." The professor encouraged the rest of the students and upon his instruction, everyone started to say the spell. "Wengardium Levio-saaa." the (h/c)ette turned around to see that Draco was waving his wand around in a weird manner as he also said the words in such an odd way as well. "Try less of the 'a' Malfoy and the harsh movements.. I'm sure you'll get it then." the boy smiled at Draco and watched as the pale boy redid the spell and it actually worked.

"Well done Mr. Malfoy! That's two from Slytherin, one more and I'll award you house points." Flitwick announced happily as if on queue the boy next to (y/n) had lifted his feather off the table successfully. "Brilliant! Three points to Slytherin." The professor announced clapping his hands eventually Granger lifted her feather and someone from Gryffindor had exploded their feather.

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