Part 16

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A couple of weeks had passed since the conversation in the Slytherin common room. (y/n) was still fast asleep in his bed until someone rudely smacked him in the face, "Wake up you idiot!" Blaise slapped the boy he had been trying to wake up for the past five minutes. Blaise watched as (e/c) eyes were now staring into his soul with anger. "The one day we get to sleep in and you just had to wake me up!" The
(h/c)ette yelled at the dark-skinned male who just shrunk back. The boy was beyond angry as it was now Halloween and they for once didn't class to go to.

The boy had been using this time to sleep in or at least he had tried to sleep in. "Please get up I want to go eat!" Blaise spoke softly as he had seen how angry his friend got and didn't want to be scolded in such a harsh manner so early. "Geez ever heard of don't poke the bear? Morning (y/n)." the (s/c) boy heard a soft voice from behind him and instantly knew who it was. After all, a voice like that could hardly be forgotten. "Good morning Silverman." the boy turned and smiled at his friend then walked out of the door to do his morning routine.

Before getting dressed the boy had tried his best to dry out his hair but it didn't work out so he just got dressed and left to the common room. "I think this group of friends grows bigger the less time I spend with you." Blaise glared over at the
(h/c)ette who just smiled at him. "It's not my fault you're a double agent besides its just one person." The boy looked down at his friend who was seated right in front of him. The boy was absolutely stunning but he looked terrified which made him laugh. "He's gorgeous isn't he?" Pansy squealed as she clung tightly to the new addition.

She was surprised as to how he was so breathtaking but she honestly didn't care since she clearly had the most attractive friends in the whole school. "He most definitely is, come on now, Blaise was just complaining about being hungry." The boy laughed while walking out of the common room. He had made it to the grand hall just seconds before his friends and took a seat far away from everyone else. The group of friends he had made was more than enough and so he didn't really want to speak to anyone else. The group ate in comfortable silence until they heard a chair scrapping loudly followed by hurried footsteps.

"What's going on at the Gryffindor table?" (y/n) asked not taking his eyes off the said table. He was curious as to what all the noise was about. "Honestly, I heard from Fr- a friend that Granger never got over what Ron said to her some two weeks ago. Knowing him he probably just made it worse." Pansy looked at her friend who now looked concerned. The girl couldn't help but to shy away for a second as she had almost exposed herself. "I'll try and help him fix it or something." The (s/c) boy nodded to himself hoping that he could make this work since it wasn't such big deal and Hermione was clearly overreacting about the situation that happened two weeks ago.

After breakfast, the day passed by fairly quickly since (y/n) took the day to study spells they haven't learned yet. He was now making his way to the grand hall and thinking of a way to make things better over at the Gryffindor table. As the boy entered the room he quickly made his way over to the Gryffindor table and was careful not to be seen by anyone. The boy sat between Fred and Ron quietly making sure no one noticed his presence.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry looked towards the empty seat beside him then looked to Ron for an answer. "I was told that she hasn't come out of the girl's bathroom. I heard she's been in there all day." Neville answered Harry with a look of concern on his face. He had heard about what happened but didn't think things would end up like this. "She's been in there all day? Blimey, and I thought she was overreacting two weeks ago!" (y/n) couldn't help but to speak after he had heard what Neville said. That was absolutely ridiculous! Ron let out a yelp once realizing who sat next to him while the twins just laughed, "Hi (y/n)." The boys spoke at the same time which caused the (h/c) haired boy to laugh.

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