Part 21

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It had gotten fairly louder in the Slytherin common room as more and more of (y/n)'s housemates decided to hangout here. "Why don't we all go down to the black lake? We can look at the clouds or something." Levi looked at everyone he was sitting with and smiled. He had been alone for so long and now he has a small group of friends that he could do things with. "What do you say, Pansy, Fred?" the (s/c) boy looked at his other pale-faced friends who just nodded at him and stood up. As they were walking out of the common room the boy smiled as he realized Pansy and Fred would probably be off in their own world. He was sure that they both liked each other but hadn't acted on it.

"So got a crush?" Levi poked his friend in the arm and watched as the other two people paid them no attention. The taller boy just looked at him with a weird face and he was worried that he had messed up, "I don't think I have those sort of... feelings for someone, you?" The boy looked down at his tan friend and smiled a little. The smile was only slightly genuine when he started to think about the question. If he did have feelings for someone he wouldn't know it. He's never really been told what it felt like to fawn over someone like that. His mother had only told him what it felt like to fall in love and he didn't want to look for that at this age.

"I don't think so but I mean George... is special." Levi coughed into his hand a little when he had said that. He wasn't sure how his friend would react and on top of that, he wasn't even sure if he liked George. He thought about it often but all he could come up with is George is funny and cute.

"George huh? I guess the Weasley's are getting a lot of attention from Slytherin house." The (h/c)ette laughed as he remembered the conversation he had with Pansy. As they made it to the black lake they all laid in the tall grass and looked up at the sky. "I think I saw someone... on the back of Professor Quirrell's head." (y/n) coughed awkwardly when he announced the news as he realized how stupid that sounded. People don't just grow on the back of your head. Since no one had responded to what he said the boy just pointed up at a cloud and nudged Levi.

"It looks like a flower." he looked over at Levi who just had his eyes closed which made the boy laugh. It was funny to him that the boy had fallen asleep as soon as they had gotten there. Then again the tanned boy had circles under his eyes meaning he hasn't been sleeping well.

The boy then looked over at his other friends to see that Pansy had taken Fred's arm and they were now whispering to each other while pointing at the clouds. "Got yourself a boyfriend?" Draco looked down at the (s/c) boy who laid so close to the boy next to him. He did have to admit that it bothered him slightly but only because he wasn't sure if Levi was pureblood. "Sit." (y/n) patted the spot next to him hoping that for once Draco wouldn't complain or say something rude but of course the universe had other plans. "No way, that would dirty my clothes." Draco glared down at the boy but was sort of happy he wasn't asked to leave.

He was happy that he was actually asked to stay despite the fact that already he had done terrible things to him. "Fine, then we'll stand... anything for you my king." The boy quickly got up and dusted himself off. He started to walk off towards the tree that he had so recently grown a liking to.

Draco walked off to keep up with the boy but grew slightly irritated when Pansy sent a wink his way. Draco leaned his back against the tree and just looked at the (h/c)ette lean his palm against the tree. "I thought I should inform you that Blaise is quite literally a double agent." The boy smiled at Draco who looked confused which made the boy laugh. Draco could be smart when he wanted but seeing how dumb he could be was also such a treat for the (e/c) eyed boy. "Well tell me what you mean! Don't just leave me hanging you git." Draco pushed the boy slightly and watched as his hand had slipped off of the tree so he almost fell face first.

The pale boy tried to stifle a laugh but failed miserably, "Oh yeah, terribly funny... ass, as I was saying Blaise is the one who told your father about our little prank on professor baldy." The boy brushed off the feeling of happiness he got when he heard Draco laugh.

The boy then heard a noise come from behind him so he swiftly turned his body to look at what it was. Unfortunately, Blaise was now making his way down to the black lake. "Kin, Blaise alert." The boy quickly threw himself onto the floor between Fred and Pansy. Thankfully he had done it before Blaise was close enough to see what was happening. They all sat up and Fred was beyond confused about what was happening but decided to play along as it couldn't be worse than what he usually got himself into. "Still hanging out with them Pansy?" Blaise had completely ignored everyone there and now even (y/n) was confused.

He didn't understand why she couldn't hang out with her friends since it was a pretty normal thing to do. "I don't see what the problem is." Pansy was beyond confused and was using every part of her brain to search for the answer. "Wake that rat up, we're leaving for dinner." Blaise pointed over at the sleeping boy while he insulted him. He didn't know why the boy had made it in the friend group since he clearly didn't deserve a spot. He was also making it harder for him to get Pansy to like him.

"Oh please, the only rat here is you, or should I say mole? Leave Levi alone and let's face it mate, no one wants you here, you ruin all the fun." The (s/c) boy grew irritated as fast as lightning strikes the ground. He would never allow someone to talk bad about those he truly cared about. Blaise was in shock but grew angry quickly as he waited for them all to say something. However, everyone stayed silent since, for the most part, they agreed. "I spent years with you two and you leave me for him?" Blaise felt the anger start to spill over as he now realized where their loyalties laid which was obviously in the hands of (y/n).

"Please do go and tell Lucius that no one likes you now. I'm sure he would be so pleased to hear it. Make sure to let him know that you have no friends left." The boy smirked at Blaise as he felt like he won. Lucius wouldn't have someone to report to him unless Blaise were to stalk him and his friends. "You told Lucius about Draco?" Pansy was in complete shock when she had processed that her friend of many years would just sell Draco out like that.

It really did disgust her as he seemed to know nothing about loyalty and even the evilest of wizards knew what loyalty meant. Just then Levi had awoken from all the noise and quickly sat up, "What's going on? Oh hey, you guys didn't leave me." Levi quickly had a smile on his face as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. Blaise huffed and walked away as (y/n) was left laughing at his friend's adorableness. "let's go eat... come on guys." The boy went to grab Levi so he could guide him back into the school. Draco walked behind all of them still in shock of everything that had just happened.

He felt confused Blaise was his friend for years but he just gave him away like that meant nothing. Then there was the (s/c) boy who had helped him for no reason and he had just met him some months ago. He wasn't even sure if he could trust Pansy anymore. He felt as if he had no one even when he seemed to have at least one person that was there for him.

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