Part 17

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Draco had been awake for quite some time now watching (y/n) as he slept peacefully. He had received a letter from his father about an angry letter the (s/c) boy had sent him. To say the pale boy was shocked at the news is an understatement. He hadn't expected the smaller boy to write to his father in a moment of anger but since he had it made Draco's father want more information on both the boy and Granger. With one last sigh, he got up out of his bed and went to bathe himself. After the boy had finished cleaning himself he changed quickly and looked at himself in the mirror.

Days like this he wished more than anything that he could just let his hair rest in its natural way. "You look dashing this way, Mr. Malfoy. I think you should leave it this way more often." The boy was startled by a voice that sounded from behind him. He took a glance to the side to see a certain (s/c) boy behind his left shoulder. Draco shook his head slightly despite the tingling feeling in his stomach.

The other boy looked oddly incredible and he had just woken up it seemed highly unfair to the pale boy. "Unfortunately, I can't leave it this way... you know how fathers are." Draco gave a small smile hoping that the other boy would understand what he had to go through even if it wasn't even half the crap he had to endure at home. He wanted to know he wasn't alone, "Yeah, I get it... If I could I would wear a jumper every day." the (h/c)ette laughed a little until his breath hitched in his throat when he actually looked at the taller boy. He was breathtaking with his damp unkempt hair.

His skin seemed to glow under the light and it made him look like he was out of a book. "You know this is a privilege right? Not many people see me with my hair this way. Actually, I don't think anyone besides my family has seen it this way." Draco turned around and looked down at the boy. He noticed that his heart, felt quite strange, in that moment when he realized that maybe this (e/c) eyed boy could be the person who really understands him.

"Who would tell your father anyway?... about your hair I mean." (y/n) was starting to feel his cheeks heat up as he realized they were the only two people here. This was also his first time to ever have a conversation this long with the perfect boy that stood right in front of him. If he could, he would reach out and touch the other boy's face but now is not the time. "Alright well, you should get ready I'll fix my hair and leave." Draco coughed a little as he noticed the (s/c) boy's face glowing slightly red. He turned around for a quick moment and fixed his hair as fast as he could while still making it perfect, perfect in a way his father would approve of.

As soon as he was finished he walked right out and into the common room to wait for his friends that he just knew weren't up yet. (y/n) rushed as quickly as he could through his morning routine. He didn't have class today since the first quidditch match of the year was today. After the boy finished his morning routine he rushed to the common room forgetting about his wet hair that clearly wasn't fixed. "In a rush are we? Eager to find Pansy?" Blaise pushed his friend against one of the many walls in the common room. "Hands off ratty and no, not eager to see Pansy." The boy pushed Blaise off of him and walked over to his tanned friend that sat across from a certain platinum blonde he had been waiting to see. "Anyone ever tell you that you look incredibly good with your hair like that?" A lopsided grin made its way onto Levi's face as he spoke to his friend who just looked at him confused for a moment.

"No, thank you for reminding me that I forgot to compliment him... friend." Pansy rushed over to the tanned boy and grabbed his arm which made her best friend laugh. As if the weird energy wasn't enough, two tall redheads waltzed right into the Slytherin common room. "Well if it isn't the two most handsome Weasley's." (y/n) laughed as he winked towards Pansy. He knew exactly how to flatter people and it came in hand whenever he needed something. At the mention of the Weasley brothers, Pansy let go of Levi immediately and straightened herself out.

"You know just what to say to get a guy's heart." Fred held his heart with a rather silly look on his face. Draco rolled his eyes but sat in silence at the pair of redheads presence.

"Can I do anything for you or are you going to keep a poor boy on edge?" The (h/c)ette looked at the taller boys in curiosity but regardless a small smile of mischief mad its way onto his face. "We were thinking Professor Quirell needs a new... look, wanna help?" the smaller boy just smiled at George and nodded, "No." Draco suddenly spoke up and it had shocked the (s/c) boy. He hated to admit it but he had forgotten about the pale boy's presence. "Why not? It sounds like fun." (y/n) turned around to look directly into those shinning grey orbs and smiled softly hoping that he could convince Draco to let him have a little fun.

"What if you get angry?" Draco whispered out while coughing he didn't want anyone to think he cared for the boy that stood in front of him. In all honesty Draco didn't even want (y/n) to know that he cared a small amount for him. "I won't but if you want you can come." The (s/c) boy offered a hand to the pale boy but it wasn't taken so eventually he put it down. "Well, I'm leaving." Blaise rolled his eyes and tapped Pansy so she would leave with him but she shook her head which caused him to get slightly irritated. "I want to see what's gonna happen, I'll meet you there." Pansy whispered over to her friend while waving him goodbye and she looked over back in time to see that Draco had gotten up.

"My father can't know about this. I'm only going to make sure he doesn't get in trouble." Draco glared over at Pansy who just nodded happily as she new that he probably wasn't being honest about his reason. "I like to annoy you but I won't this time I promise." Pansy raised a finger to her temple to show she was being genuine. It was something they had set up when they were younger. "Never thought a Malfoy would be joining us on our pranks." Fred held out a hand to the significantly shorter male and smiled at him. "Tell anyone and you'll be dead men Weasley's." Draco took Fred's hand while glaring at both him and his brother. This was a big risk he was taking and for what reason? He wasn't even sure. "Wouldn't dream of it." The twins said in unison as they left without another word but Fred did glance back at Pansy for a moment before George yanked him away.

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