Part 5

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Morning light slowly seeped through the young wizards window and he quickly opened his eyes. Tomorrow was the day he would go to get his school supplies and the day after he would leave. He's never felt more busy in his entire life. Never the less he felt very happy and was headed to the dining room to show his mother the ring his uncle had given him. "Mother! Mother look what Uncle Severus gave me yesterday!" (y/n) looked at his mother with joy filled eyes and waited for her attention to fall on him. It didn't come and he waited impatiently for her to stop placing food down on the table. What was the point of her cooking? They could just get a house elf to do it... the boy sat at the table and let his mind wander. He wanted to know what a certain pale wizard was up to. Soon after he started to wonder what his house would look like. Was it bigger than the mansion that (y/n) lived in? Did the Malfoy boy have friends?

"What the bloody hell is that?" (y/n) was quickly snapped out of his thoughts by his fathers angered voice, "What was that father?" The young boy asked again quickly and as politely as he could. He didn't think he had done anything wrong but anything is possible. "What is that doing on your finger?" Alec looked down at the ring in disgust. He never wanted to see one of those again. It was a stupid promise and a stupid tradition. "Uncle Severus gave it to me as birthday present! I love it a lot, do you think I'll ever get to give it to someone?" The (E/c) eyed boy asked with pure excitement.

Someday he would get to share his family with another's. "Please that's a stupid tradition give me that ring." As if on queue Elysium walked into the dining room shaking her head and a small look of disappointment. "So that's why I never got your ring, well, you can not take away his. He seems overly excited about the tradition let the boy live a little." Elysium had remembered the day when she thought Alec was going to give her his ring. Instead of giving it to her he threw it into the black lake claiming it was necessary. "It won't be so exciting for us when he runs around giving everyone his ring Elysium." Alec shook his head at her, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

However his response triggered a great reaction from his son, "Father, I find it extremely disrespectful that you think I intend to marry everyone. I don't plan on giving this ring to half the planet." (Y/n) looked at his father with a disgusted face. He didn't even like the idea of giving his ring to more than one person. "Alright, you can keep the ring and go along with the tradition now eat." Alec shook his head in disbelief but watched as his son happily dug into the food. (Y/n) ate quickly and once he was done he said a quiet thanks to his mother and ran off. Rushing up to the bathroom the small boy jumped into the shower and turned on the hot water.

He could stay in there forever as he loved the feeling of the hot water running along his back. It would sting a little every now and then when he turned the water up a little more but it was still very much enjoyable for the boy. The boy hummed upon opening his shampoo bottle, he always got his favorite scent, green apple and peppermint. There was no real explanation for the reason why he liked the smell. The truth was he just enjoyed it and it made him feel happy. After washing up the got out of the shower and wrapped himself up in a towel. He quickly rushed to his room and pulled on some clothes. (Y/n) rushed back to the bathroom to brush his teeth and his hair. After doing so the boy decided to send a thank you letter to his Uncle Severus.

He really did love the ring the only sad part is that after giving it away he'll never get it back. Well at least he thought so, not knowing much about how the tradition works he decided to ask his uncle some questions. The boys day quickly flew by in a flash and he was now in bed with his nightmare. His window was open like always and he was in bed thinking again, about the boy he met. He would see him again at Hogwarts but would the pale boy remember him? There really was no way of knowing especially since he had no way of communicating with him. It didn't matter much to (y/n) because he was sure he would see the perfect boys face again. They couldn't be separated that much at least, they were going to the same school after all. He wasn't sure if it was normal to think of someone this much but maybe it was because he wanted to make friends with the boy. Yes! That's all it is. (y/n) wanted to have his very first friend and he wanted it to be the perfect pale boy he had met on his birthday. Being his friend would be a good thing he could get to see all of the Malfoy boy's sides... his.. layers. It would be perfect (y/n) let out a yawn while he rubbed his eyes a little . He could feel his eye lids get heavier with every little blink. He quickly snuggled into the covers and let his eyes finally close with one last deep breathe. 'Tomorrow will be more exciting' was his last thought before sleep decided to take him into blissful dreams of his hopeful friendship.

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