Part 12

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As (y/n) got up he stretched his hands above his head and quickly walked out to change into his school items. The boy looked down at himself and smiled a little at how neat his clothes looked. The (h/c)ette looked in the mirror and shook his head as he saw that his hair was going up in random directions. The small boy quickly moved his hands through his hair and watched as it all fell back down into place neatly. He quickly rushed through the rest of his morning routine and waited in the common room for his friend. "That little witch! Ugh (y/n) look at what she did to my hair!" Pansy ran out towards the common room shrieking and she shook her friend by his shoulders.

The boy looked at her but didn't notice a difference in her hair. "It's alright kin, you still look great." The boy smiled at her but still felt curious as to why she was screaming when she looked the same as when he had seen her last. As Pansy turned to leave the boy then noticed that a small amount of hair was taken off and her hair was now slightly uneven. If people were to make fun of her for it the boy would offer to fix it and even it out. "Honestly my roommates are a nightmare!" Pansy hadn't even made it halfway across the common room when she decided to turn around and keep talking.

The boy nodded in agreement because if someone did that to him he would be doing a lot worse than just screaming.

"What are you screaming about so bloody early Parkinson?" Draco made his way to the duo while he moved a hand over his head making sure that his hair was still perfectly slicked back. "Her hair is slightly uneven thanks to one of her roommates." The (s/c) boy looked over at the blonde and felt a weird sensation in his stomach. How is it that Draco looked this perfect so early in the morning? "Fix your face or you'll start drooling," Pansy whispered into the boy's ear. (y/n) quickly closed his mouth and looked at her while shaking his head. "Do that to me and you'll be dead." Draco looked down at the shorter boy and watched as he laughed, "Please feel free to kill me. I'm sure your father would be so very pleased with you." The boy's (e/c) eyes looked into Draco's grey ones just in time to see a glimpse of fear run through them. Draco then walked away from both of them and out of the common room.

"Did I say something wrong?" The smaller boy looked over to the girl who just shrugged. He wasn't sure if Draco was okay or not so instead of staying with Pansy the boy chased after Draco. After a few minutes of running around (y/n) started to give up until he made a left turn around a corner and saw platinum blonde hair. "Draco wait!" The boy quickly ran to catch up to Draco and as soon as he was close enough he stopped running. Draco looked at the boy and tried his best to look annoyed. The truth was, no one had ever wanted Draco to like them this bad and he was enjoying the attention he was getting.

Sure he could get attention from his other friends but for some reason, the smaller boy's attention felt different, it felt genuine. In other words, Draco didn't want this game of cat and mouse to end. "Yes?" Draco looked at the boy and rolled his eyes even though it was a bit difficult. He didn't know what it was but the other boy just had such a positive bubble around him and it seemed to swallow anyone near him. "Are you okay and I mean like actually, I don't mean one of those little 'I'm fine' answers?" The (h/c)ette questioned the blonde and waited for an answer.

The question was simple and Draco knew he should be able to answer it but for some reason, he couldn't do anything else but nod a little. "Well then, do you mind if I walk with you to the grand hall for breakfast?" The boy smiled at Draco despite the fact that the other boy seemed to hate his mere existence. "I suppose that would be fine but keep up because you're short." Draco teased the other boy just a little before walking off a bit. The smaller boy kept up easily with Draco, he wanted to start a conversation but decided against it.

He didn't want to annoy the pale boy more than he probably already had. "There you are! Blaise and I have been waiting for you to come for so long. I should've known you went to look for Draco instead of coming to the grand hall." Pansy yanked the boy away from Draco and lead him to his seat which left Draco to walk over to Crabbe and Goyle. "You look happy today Draco." Crabbe smiled at his friend that was often quite rude.

Draco just rolled his eyes despite the small feeling in his chest. Someone had actually cared enough to look for him rather than to leave him alone without knowing if he was fine or not. Breakfast along with the first two classes passed by quickly for Draco as he hadn't been paying much attention but he was now excited for his last class. "Good afternoon class" Madam Hooch had announced her presence to the students and stood there until they replied back to her. "Good afternoon Madam Hooch." The kids all looked to their flying teacher and waited for her instruction. "Well, what are we waiting for? Step onto the left side of your broom. Stick your right hand over it and say up." The woman looked to all the kids as she watched them hurriedly step to the left of their brooms.

A bunch of small 'up's could be heard from the group of children until someone had gotten it. (y/n) looked to see who it was and as it turned out, Harry was good at everything.

"Up." the (e/c) eyed boy tried and it worked though as he heard the smack of his broom hit his hand another one sounded nearly at the same time. The boy quickly looked around only to see that Draco had his broom up with a smug smile on his face. As the rest of the class got their brooms up Madam Hooch spoke up, "Please mount it and grip it tight! You don't want to be falling off the back of your broom. Then I want each of you to touch off the ground and lean forward for just a moment. After that, you are to touch back down." Not even a moment after, Neville had lifted off the floor and flew off with Madam Hooch continuously yelling after him.

(y/n) laughed at the situation until Neville's robe got caught on the school building. "Shit." The boy breathed out as he watched Neville's robe rip and get caught in another area of the castle. Another sound of his robe ripping sounded and the boy turned his head and hid his face in someone's robe.

The boy had completely spaced out once he looked away. He was too afraid to turn back around since he didn't know what to expect. What if Neville had fallen on his face? His thoughts were interrupted when then the robe was yanked out of his hands. "Sorry." (y/n) quickly looked away in embarrassment once he had seen who's robe it belonged to. He watched as Draco walked away from him and over a small remembrall on the floor. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump would've given this a squeeze he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Draco laughed as he turned himself to face his friends and the

As much as the small boy found it a little funny he didn't laugh as everyone was now looking in his direction. "Give it here Malfoy." Harry's voice sounded through the crowd as he pushed his way to the front. Draco gave Harry a glare before smirking, "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco hopped onto his broom lifted himself into the air for a moment, "Hmm, how about up on the roof."

Draco rode off and the small boy on the ground smiled lightly as he thought of how much Draco is such an annoying prat. Honestly, it was weird to the small boy that Draco had such loyal friends. Then again they were the ones always annoying him. Harry chased after Draco like the hero he thinks himself to be. "If you can reprimand me the least you can do is reprimand Malfoy." Hermione looked at the smaller boy and shook her head.

His Savior (DracoxMale reader, year 1)Where stories live. Discover now