Part 11

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"Dude you should have heard what Granger said after they left class! She was totally embarrassed." Pansy clung so tightly to the small boy's arm that anyone else watching would probably be afraid that his arm would fall off. "I didn't do it to embarrass her, I did it because she clearly needs to learn when to step in." (y/n) laughed a little as Pansy just squealed and continued to talk about what had happened in potions. They were about halfway there when the boy had realized he wasn't even hungry, "Where's Blaise?" The (h/c)ette asked in curiosity as they had entered the doors of the grand hall.

Most students were already there so some people looked at the two as they walked in. "He's with Draco." Pansy gave him a small response as she watched how the boy lowered his head slightly when small whispers were heard about him being an annoying prat. "Don't listen to what they have to say, love, keep your head high with pride, and move on." Pansy kissed the boys cheek quickly as she meant for it to be for a small push of confidence. The boy's head snapped up to look at the girl after feeling her lips touch his cheek.

He raised a brow at her and watched as she shrugged and smiled a little which did happen to bring comfort to him for a moment. "Alright let's go then, we don't need to stand here the whole time." The boy laughed a little and walked with pansy to their seats. His chin was high in the air and he looked nowhere else but the seat he was going to sit in. Upon their arrival at the table (y/n) helped Pansy to her seat before he sat down. "And people say chivalry is dead, you're going to make a girl very lucky someday... or a Blaise but I don't judge." Pansy laughed as she served herself some food and ate it.

"You are one odd girl but honestly I think you're going to be my best friend." The boy smiled at her widely when a small explosion went off at the Gryffindor table. "Dumb ones they are." Pansy sneered as she looked over to the Gryffindor table, "Our house is better I agree but no need to call them all dumb just wait, someone from their house will make a big enough mistake." The boy shrugged and ate a piece of chicken he had put on his plate.

It was odd, he was eating because he knew he probably should even though he wasn't hungry. "Oh look (y/n)! The mails here." Just as the words had left Pansy's mouth owls came flying out and dropping off letters and other wrapped items to their rightful owners. To the boy's surprise, a letter was dropped neatly in front of his plate and he picked it up with concern. His parents wouldn't have sent him something if it wasn't important. The (s/c) boy quickly opened his letter but was careful not to rip it and when he started to read it he had found out that the letter was not from his parents.

'Hello Mr. R
My son has told me about what happened this morning in your potions class. I am quite impressed yet upset with your behavior. I'm impressed because you managed to reprimand two students in a proper manner but upset because of your reaction towards a teacher. I'm glad that you haven't gotten any house points taken away yet please continue to win the house cup every year. It would be a shame to lose to those retched Gryffindors.
- Lucius Malfoy'

After reading the letter the boy was shocked. He had received a letter from someone else's father? It was weird to him yet he felt the need to respond. He wanted to explain that he was just trying to save someone from more embarrassment and that the professor was his uncle so it wasn't that big of a deal. He wanted to tell the man that he did plan on winning the house cup because he didn't like to lose.  "So who's it from, your parents?" Pansy respected that it was his mail so she didn't sit there and read it with him. She wanted him to tell her if he wanted to not because she had already read it and wanted some sort of explanation.

"It's actually from Draco's father. He just wanted to speak about the events this morning in potions." The boy smiled at her but was confused as to why she looked so shocked. He knew it was weird to get mail from someone else's parent but what else could it be? "L- I mean, Mr. Malfoy sent you mail? He never sends anyone mail. I mean, the man hates almost everybody and he sent you mail?" Pansy couldn't stop herself from talking since she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

The boy just looked at her confused, but then nodded a little and ate some more chicken. A little while later the duo left and started their walk back to the common room. "I'm tired." Pansy pouted but kept walking. "We're almost there, then you can sleep if you want." (y/n) smiled as they finally made it into the common room. He didn't mind Pansy's complaining as he liked to complain so this way he could just silently agree with her. "I think that's exactly what I'm going to do." The girl waved at the boy as she walked off towards the girl's dormitories.

As she left the boy sat down next to the fire and looked towards the window. He sat in comfortable silence and just waited patiently to see if he would be able to see some type of creature float by the window. "Hello." Two people announced their presence as they said the singular word in unison. The boy quickly got up and turned around to meet two tall redheads standing at the entrance of the common room.

"Hello Fred, George I've been wanting to speak to you both." The boy's face lit up in a smile as he looked at the two. "We just came to warn you of an unfriendly Hermione coming your way." George smiled down at the boy who shrugged a little and didn't look scared at all. "I'm sure she's livid. I'm more interested in you too than I am in her." (y/n) smiled brightly at them both and waited for their responses but they didn't have time to when Hermione came rushing in. "What is your deal?" Hermione was still obviously upset by the events that had taken place earlier. The boy just looked at her confused while he shrugged a little.

He didn't feel the need to answer her as it had been hours since potions class. "I was speaking the truth, please go be mad somewhere else." The (s/c) boy gave a small smiled as he spoke calmly which caused a look of shock to go over Hermione's face. Everyone was silent in the room for just a moment before Hermione left. "So what is it that you want from us?" Fred looked down at the boy with a smile that screamed 'mischief' and it caused the smaller of the three to laugh.

"I want to befriend you." The (e/c) eyed boy stuck out his hand for a moment before it was suddenly pushed down and a voice sounded. "Weasley's in the Slytherin common room? What a joke." Draco looked at the three boys as he stood next to
(y/n) who now had a frown on his face. "No problem, see you around friend." The twins gave a small wave and left the common room. The (s/c) boy just left the common room and went to change out of his school wear and into a jumper with random pajama bottoms. He heard the door open just as he was getting into bed, "Your father sent me a letter." (y/n) sighed as he closed his eyes and waited for the blonde to respond.

"I know... He'll be waiting for you to send him one back." Draco was hesitant about saying the second part but said it anyway as he knew that if he didn't his father would owl him about it later. "I'll do it tomorrow, thank you Draco." The boy just kept his eyes closed and waited for sleep to take him unaware of Draco looking at him.

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