Part 2

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A week has past and the day had finally come. (Y/n) was practically jumping off the walls with joy. It was his birthday and he was waiting for his parents to call him down for dinner. "Hey honey.. we have some news for you." Elysium looked at her son with careful eyes. She knew how much her husband enjoyed the Malfoy's company but didn't know why he had to bring them on their son's birthday. "What is it?! Can I come down now?!" The boy looked up at his mother with a wide smile on his face, "Actually your father has invited some guests over." The boy watched as his mother didn't look as happy anymore and wondered if it was the same reason he wasn't smiling . "Why? It's my birthday, not his!" (y/n)'s mood started to drop drastically. How could his father do this? "Tell him to bring them another day or I will not speak to them at all." The boy crossed his arms while he looked up at his mother.

He was no longer in a happy mood and actually felt quite furious. "It's far too late to ask them not to come. They're almost here, please get dressed." Elysium still had a frown plastered on her face while she looked at the boy who seemed like he wanted to raise hell.


"Alec he's going to act out. He doesn't want them here on his special day, must you ruin everything?" Elysium shook her head while she watched her husband grow furious. Both parents were unaware of the events happening upstairs. (Y/n) was throwing everything in his room onto the floor. He didn't want to seem overdramatic but he hated that people would be here. Sure (y/n) wishes he had friends so he could leave the house but he wasn't serious! He hates people. The boy grabbed the only other thing in his room that still looked perfect. He opened the box and smashed the wand against his desk. He watched as it snapped and a small spark came out. Without a second thought, he threw it somewhere but as he looked around the room he started to cry. What kind of monster gets this angry? He sat on a pile of things he had thrown on the floor and just cried into his hands.

He wanted out, out of this house. He felt like his whole body was on fire when he realized the reason he had done this, his father. Without a minute to waste he was down the stairs and in front of his father. "You just had to invite people over! ON MY BIRTHDAY! I'm a monster because I just RUINED my whole room! Wh-Why do I get so angry?" (y/n) started to cry again, it was hopeless at this point. He felt as though he was being overdramatic but he was scared. Did he hate people? The answer seemed obvious. He's never really liked them but he was still scared to meet them. A knock sounded at the door and he looked down at himself. His sweatpants were a mess and his shirt had dirt on it from all the dust flying around his room. "Go get dressed, our guests are here." Alec looked down at his son and no longer felt angry. He felt guilty, his son was so angry yet it didn't seem like a good enough reason to be angry.

"Get the door," Alec spoke to his wife as he watched the boy walk up the stairs. (Y/n) was feeling tired now. All the crying and throwing things around was tiring and he just wanted to sleep. Unfortunately, he still had to get dressed and meet the stupid guests downstairs. 'Such a great birthday' he thought, the boy sighed as he pulled off his current clothes and replaced them with ones that his father would approve of. He quickly moved to the bathroom and saw how ridiculous his hair looked. He looked like he had just run around the woods and fallen a bunch of times. As a quick attempt to fix it he ran his hands through his (h/c) hair and watched as it all fell into place neatly. With a final sigh, he left the bathroom and went to meet his parents downstairs. "Ah (y/n) you're finally here come meet our guests." Alec spoke quickly and waited for his son to be at his side, "Yes father." The boy rushed to his father's side and hoped this would end soon. "This is the Malfoy family they're good friends of our family," Elysium spoke this time and the boy looked at them all. The woman had brown hair with a streak or two of white.

She was pale and looked like a kind woman. The man looked evil and his face seemed to be set in a permanent scowl. His hair was platinum blond and to say he was nicely dressed is an understatement. "I'm Lucius, This is my wife Narcissa, and our son Draco." Lucius pointed down at the boy that seemed to almost squish himself into his mother. He was.. breathtaking. He had pale skin that looked like it would be the softest thing in the world. His eyes were a shade of grey that would seem fake if (y/n) wasn't currently looking at them. His hair was platinum blond and every single hair seemed perfectly placed, slicked back. His lips were placed in a small smile and they were unusually pink. He was perfect. "Why don't you take Draco to your room for a little, while we talk?" Alec looked down at his son and nudged him. The boy just coughed awkwardly, "But father I can't." (Y/n) wiggled his brows a little in an attempted to remind his father that his room was destroyed.

"Just do it without talking back." Alec looked angered and the boy just sighed, "Yes father, come on Malfoy." The sentence was directed at his father at first but quickly shifted to the boy from before.

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