Part 9

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Time slowly passed as the two boys sat teasing and laughing at one another, "Ah, young love, I can't wait for the wedding honestly." The two boys looked up at the girl and she instantly caught (y/n)'s attention. The boy noticed her black hair was short and she had very pale skin. He had seen her before at the further end of the table laughing with Malfoy. "Love? That's hilarious no one could love this gremlin." Blaise looked back down at the boy across from him and watched as he looked slightly offended. "Please Blaise, I'm not THAT hideous.. besides if anyone would be in love it's you. I personally despise you, I'm (y/n)." The (e/c) eyed boy hadn't taken his eyes off the girl since she had gotten there.

He wanted to know if her presence meant that the pale boy would soon walk over to him as well. "I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. I totally agree with you by the way. Blaise would be the one to fall in love with you, who could blame him? You are hilarious." Pansy swiftly took a close seat next to the (h/c)ette which made him slightly uncomfortable. He had only been joking with Blaise he wasn't at all serious about love. Besides they're only eleven.. who even falls in love at eleven? "Pansy go bother someone else, I'm clearly busy talking to my new friend here and you are obviously interrupting." Blaise rolled his eyes and Pansy just pouted slightly.

"I was kicked out! I wasn't even doing anything to them, besides (y/n) here seems way more interesting." Pansy grabbed at the boy's arm and sat impossibly closer to him. "Don't mind her, she clings to everyone like that. I call her a human leech but she hates it." Blaise laughed a little and it made the other boy smile. Perhaps he had found someone to match his psychotic energy. After a short while later they were all asked to follow a third-year student to the Slytherin dormitories. "Keep up and follow me please." The boy at the front looked at everyone before quickly turning around and walking.

(y/n) followed not paying much attention until he was yanked back, "What are you a bloody idiot? watch where you're walking." Pansy looked down at the boy who looked confused. "As you can see you must keep track of the stairs as they move." The group leader yelled out and at that very moment, the (s/c) boy looked down to see that he almost had fallen to his death. "Thanks, Pansy." The boy smiled at her before laughing, "I guess I just wanted to get to the dorms faster." the boy kept laughing at his own sentence, and soon after his two new friends started to join in. "Such a liberating feeling it must be to feel the wind open your robes on the way down," Blaise added but was then smacked in the arm by Pansy.

"Alright, I'll have to admit those ones were a little too far." The boys both looked at each other for a split second before continuing on the walk. The group leader told them the password to enter the common room and upon entrance the (s/c) boy's mouth fell open. It was beautiful everything was a shade of emerald green and there was black furniture. The windows revealed the green looking water and the noise that came from it seemed magical. Everything looked rough yet cozy and it really spoke to the small boy. "Beautiful isn't it? I think I'll be spending most of my time here." Pansy poked the boy who's mouth was still slightly open.

She watched as he gave a small nod. "Welcome to the Slytherin common room, boys dormitories to the right and girls to the left. Your belongings have already been brought down." looking for the person who spoke at this point was utterly useless so instead (y/n) just shrugged while grabbing Blaise by his sleeve and dragging him away. "Why didn't you just grab my arm idiot?" Blaise yanked his robe out of the smaller boy's hand and walked right next to him. "You've gotta take the bed next to mine or something because I know no one else here." The small boy looked at his new friend who rolled his eyes.

"I just met you today and you're already so needy." Blaise shook his head but a small smile still found its way onto his face.

After that, the (h/c)ette just frowned slightly. He knew it was true but he wouldn't have been acting this way if he knew more people. That and if he had more friends with him. He had met Ron and Harry but it was obvious as to why they wouldn't be here. Pansy also couldn't be in here with him as she had to sleep in the girl's dormitories which made sense to him. "What kind of animal did you bring?" (y/n) asked his friend with curious eyes and waited to see what his friend had brought with him. "A grey screech owl. He's named after the most handsome boy out there." Blaise shot a smile towards the shorter boy who just smiled back.

"Blaise honestly I'm honored." The (e/c) eyed boy put a hand over his heart to show how he was just so grateful, obviously in a sarcastic manner. He watched as a pout was prominent on Blaise's face. "Why do you always say those things? We both know that I'm the most handsome boy here... unless you don't think I am.." Blaise trailed off at the end still pouting and looking as sad as possible. (y/n) was about to respond with more sarcasm but didn't get the chance, "If you two are done flirting with each other I'd like to sleep." The (h/c)ette snapped his head to look at the blonde who had just spoken to him and rolled his eyes.

"We weren't flirting Malfoy. Zabini here just happens to think he's the best-looking one here and I disagree." The (s/c) boy shook his head and watched as the pale one looked slightly offended. "Of course you disagree, I'm clearly the most attractive one here! Don't you people have eyes?" Draco rolled his eyes as he got into his bed which happened to be right across from the (s/c) boy.

"Geez is everyone in this house so full of themselves? Malfoy you clearly need glasses as I'm the most attractive one here." (y/n) raised his head in slight pride despite knowing what he said was not the truth. To be completely honest no one could possibly amount to how the pale boy looked. He was as (y/n) has said before, perfect. "Speaking of ugly people what were you doing with that Weasley?" The blonde looked over at the (s/c) boy and frowned slightly when he saw a fond look on the
(h/c)ettes face.

"I met Ron today on the train. He's pretty nice and quite adorable so I wouldn't call him ugly. I plan on befriending his brothers." 
(y/n) looked straight into Malfoy's eyes and watched as they seemed to burn in anger. "You will not befriend the Weasleys... or... or I'll tell your father!" Draco yelled pretty loud and his cheeks reddened in embarrassment. He didn't mean to sound this eager to keep the other boy from being friends with the Weasley's but he knew if his father wouldn't like it then (y/n)' father wouldn't like it either. "Must you always try to stay on top of everyone? Give me a break, I finally get out of the house let me live and I'll let you live." the boy sighed and quickly left to change.

When he came back in Blaise and Malfoy were having their own conversation. It had something to do with Pansy and the Weasley's, most likely speaking badly about them. (y/n) just got into his bed and covered himself with his sheets.

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