Part 40

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Quickly the girl whispered her plan to the dark skinned wizard and walked toward the two boys who where still side by side. "Dance with me Draco dearest." The girl held out her hand as she waited for her tall friend to take it but he never did. A moment later Blaise walked up to (y/n) and took a dramatic bow, he then extended his hand, "Mr. Prince, may I have this dance?" A smile made it's way onto the (h/c)ettes face and he took the other males hand. "Only since you asked me properly." Blaise pulled the shorter male close to him and they started to waltz.

The black haired male had taken the position of the lead, placing his hand on the smaller boys waist. "I know what your last name is." Blaise whispered carefully, he wanted to, make sure no one heard him beside the boy he was dancing with. "How?" (y/n) was in shock, he was spun around but never got his answer, looking away from his dance partner the boy had caught a glimpse of Draco looking displeased as he spun Pansy.

It made him smile, "You fancy Draco?" Blaise was quiet yet again as he wanted to keep their discussion private. The (h/c)ette shook his head and decided to make eye contact with the other, "I don't suppose I fancy anyone, I think I'm too young for that." (y/n) watched as the other male rolled his eyes, "You can fancy someone at any age, it doesn't matter if you're five or fifty, just admit it, you fancy him." Once again the (h/c)ette shook his head.

It wasn't true, he didn't fancy the blonde, it doesn't matter if people don't need to be a certain age. He didn't want to feel those kinds of emotions, after all, they were only trouble. Lost in thought the boy didn't notice how he was quickly spun off to someone new until his chest collided with another.

Looking up, he felt his cheeks heat up slightly, "Hello again Mr. Malfoy, why did Blaise pass me to you?" A shrug was given in response and he felt the air get slightly colder, "Maybe he just wanted to dance with Parkinson. That would leave me with you or was it that you wanted to spend more time latched onto him?" Draco raised a brow at the smaller boy who just laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, I was just curious. Unless, you were jealous, would you rather me want to be latched onto you?" The (h/c)ette was being sarcastic, he even added a very obvious fake gasp.

They weren't even friends so jealousy was out of the question. It was funny to see the shocked look on the pale boys face. "Me? Jealous of what, your undying affection for Blaise? As if, I know you like me better." Was it true, was Draco jealous? It was an answer the Blonde was trying to figure out himself. It did bother him a little to see (y/n) dancing with someone else but that was probably because of all the trouble Blaise had caused. Draco had pulled the smaller male closer to him without noticing, the (e/c) eyed boy did notice but didn't feel the need to point this out.

They seemed to invade each others personal space often. It was normal at this point, at least somewhat normal since it had just started today. The boy was looking at the taller males chest and only then realized little snowflakes melting in his clothes. He looked up and saw that the sky had turned white and snow really was falling. "Draco?" The smaller male whispered, it was quiet outside and he didn't feel like disturbing the peace.

Surprisingly the taller male heard him and responded with a hum. "It's snowing, see." Removing his hand from the pale one he held out his palm while skillfully continuing the dance. Once he had caught a snowflake he held his palm to the blondes face. "How much snow do you think we'll get?" Draco looked down at the boy but he was paying no attention to him. Instead the smaller male looked at the sky with a smile as he continued his dance, remembering the events from earlier Draco spun the boy around.

"It's so amazing." (y/n) laughed a little, the moment felt fake, there he was dancing with the taller male and it had started snowing. It was like a film his uncle once let him watch. Only the people in the film were falling in love and he wasn't. "Probably should go inside, right?" The blonde looked at the smaller male who shook his head, "It's not too cold yet, we could just go back to the tea we abandoned." The two boys stopped dancing and walked back to the table, to their surprise they found Pansy and Blaise already sitting.

"We got fresh tea, how was your dance?" The girl winked at her best friend who rolled his eyes in response, the dance was great but he wasn't going to admit it. Saying it out loud would be like loosing a war, if he told them it was good then they would think he has feelings for the blonde. "Take a seat and drink some tea, that's what you came here for, right?" Blaise was slightly annoyed with how often the other male went into inner monologue, seriously, couldn't he just get a journal to write in?

"You sure know how to treat a person." Sarcastically, the smaller male did his best at mocking a lovey tone and sat down. "Dinner should be ready soon." Pansy smiled at those she sat with. Her plan had worked beautifully and she had even gotten a photograph out of it. It was a big bonus for her. They all sat around for half an hour drinking tea and making fun of each other, mostly it was Blaise and (y/n) bickering, then it was Draco and (y/n) bickering, then it was all three of them. Eventually they had calmed down and Dobby came to get them for dinner.

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