Part 10

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As the morning light went through the boy's dormitory window grey eyes opened. Quickly removing himself from his warm bed Draco grabbed the appropriate clothing and left to change. He was the first person to be up and was grateful for that because it would mean no one would be near him in case they caught a glimpse of his skin. As the boy swiftly pulled his nightwear off he was careful not to look anywhere other than his clothes. After changing Draco left to sit down in the common room to wait for his friends. "H-hey Draco right?" The pale boy looked over his shoulder quickly as he saw a hand about to touch him.

"What is it that you need (y/n)?" Draco didn't mean to sound rude but the quick movement of the
(s/c) boys hand had sent a huge wave of terror over him. "Would you actually tell my father if I were to befriend the Weasley twins?" The
(e/c) eyed boy looked at the grey eyes that belonged to Draco. He was breathtaking and if he wanted to tell his father then so be it. (y/n) would listen to whatever came out of the pale boy's mouth.

"I suppose not... but that wouldn't stop me from being loud about trying to stop you." Draco shook his head and mumbled out a small 'someone should at least be able to have fun' which caused curiosity so spark in the smaller boy. "Starting early... and with Draco are we? Gosh, you talk to more boys than I do." Pansy made her way over to the two and sat next to Draco making sure to cling to his arm and annoy him. "Just trying to make friends is all." The small boy smiled at her and just walked off to find the grand hall for breakfast. A few minutes after he had taken a seat at the table the sound of two chairs was heard.

"Thought you could escape us?" Pansy grabbed (y/n)'s arm and held it close to her. The small boy looked down at the head that rested on his shoulder. He then looked up to see that Blaise was looking at the girl weirdly. "Honestly, I thought you'd both go sit with Malfoy."

At that sentence, the boy took a small glance at the other end of the table and saw that the blonde was now interacting with his friends. "Please, we like you way better... plus you don't get annoyed with me." Pansy flashed the boy a smile and he nodded a little even though he was confused. Sure Draco seemed to get annoyed easily with little things but there was probably a reason for that. "I don't think it's very fair for you to compare us both since we are two completely different people, Ms. Parkinson." (y/n) looked down at the girl with a small frown but then fixed it up into a smile as he realized she probably had no idea and that this was some sort of lesson for her.

"I suppose you're right but I probably won't stop. We should get to class now." Pansy removed herself from the boy's arm and stood quickly. She knew what he had said was right but still didn't like it. She compared Draco to almost everyone in the school, it was completely normal for her to do and now she would have to stop.

"Yeah, we should, Blaise stop being a cow and moooove." The (s/c) boy laughed a little but Blaise just scoffed, "I most certainly am not a cow you git. I bet I'll get better grades than you, then you'll be the one to be called a brainless cow." Blaise stood up as he was finishing up his chewing. He knew they only joked but was starting to wonder when they were going to have a serious conversation of some sort. As the trio made their way into potions class the small boy spotted his uncle through a door in the room. "Excuse me for a moment." (y/n) politely excused himself from his group of friends then walked right into the door that his uncle was in.

"Hmm first day of class and you're not ready? Such a shame Uncle Severus... such a shame." The boy looked at the back of his uncle's head his black hair flowed onto his shoulders. "Well, if it isn't my favorite nephew." Severus looked down at the small boy and noticed how he was perfectly dressed in his Hogwarts uniform which would surely make his father proud.

The boy had a wide smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling in happiness. He really loved his Uncle Severus it was like having a father that seemed to actually like him and have fun. "I'm your only nephew." The boy rolled his eyes slightly even though the smile on his face was still bright as ever. "Class is going to start in five minutes and I've got to make my dramatic entrance so go have a seat and behave." Severus looked at the boy who rolled his eyes ever so slightly and it made him smile just a tiny bit. "I'm the most well-behaved person there is, see you in class professor." (y/n) waved at his uncle and walked out taking a seat in the row behind the first.

He waited for a short moment as the seat next to him squeaked when someone sat next to him. The boy looked to his left and watched as none other than Draco Malfoy himself sat next to him. "I don't remember Blaise being this quiet." The (s/c) boy looked over to the blonde and waited for a response but just got a bored look from him instead. A small sigh escaped his lips, "Pansy insisted on sitting next to Blaise if she couldn't sit next to me, and well the two other twats I walk with never leave each other's side." Draco looked at the (h/c) haired boy since he had looked away.

It was odd to him how his robe had no wrinkles in it. His clothes were oddly perfect the way they didn't seem to have any creases or wrinkles he was just perfectly dressed in pressed clothes. Draco rolled his eyes slightly and rested his hand on his shoulder for a moment as the door was slammed open and the professor came walking in. As if on queue a gust of wind made it's way over to Professor Snape and moved his robe in a dramatic manner. "There will be no careless wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." Snape's voice filled the silent classroom as he made his way to the front and started to walk slowly from one side to another before he stopped in the middle.

(y/n) turned his head a little to look at the boy that sat next to him. He watched as a curious look made its way onto the pale boy's face and a wide smile soon replaced the look. He could tell Draco was excited and probably liked his uncle. "I don't expect you to appreciate the science that is potion-making but for those select few who possess the predisposition." Severus took a small breath to look over at his nephew and found himself looking to the Malfoy's kid who sat next to him.

He looked extremely happy to be in this class and it gave the man a small amount of pride in his job. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." The professor raised a small hand to make it a bit more dramatic, he thought he was doing fairly well until he saw that someone wasn't paying attention. As he had stopped talking for a moment (y/n) had taken the opportunity to again look over to his left and see that Draco had an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face as he continued to look at the professor.

Curiosity got the best of the (s/c) boy and he looked to see what his uncle was staring at. It was Harry who was clearly not paying attention and was writing something down. Perhaps it was some notes? No, it couldn't have been, what kind of weirdo writes notes on an opening speech when the class hasn't even started? "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities formidable enough and confident enough to not... pay.. attention." His voice was still monotone but the (s/c) boy knew his uncle better than that.

He could tell that his uncle was clearly irritated. His (e/c) eyes watched as Hermione elbowed Harry just a tad so he would pay attention. Although it was clearly too late to save him from what was about to happen she did it again which caused Harry to look at the professor. "Mr. Potter, our new celebrity, tell me what would I get if I mixed powdered asphodel root to an infusion of wormwood?" (y/n) knew that Harry had no idea and that even when answering with 'I don't know' his uncle would still choose to attack him for not paying attention.

Hermione raised her hand even though she was not being spoken to which irritated the (h/c)ette. "Professor, I apologize for the interruption I truly do, but I find it the smallest bit unprofessional for you to call out a student in the middle of a lecture like that. As for you Granger, it is disrespectful to continuously try to shove your way into a reprimanding when you're not the one being spoken to. As for you Potter, pay attention to the start of the lecture he clearly wasn't saying anything that needed notes to be taken on." The boy knew better than to interrupt his uncle but it was either that or watch as Harry continued to get embarrassed in front of the whole class.

"Thank you Mr. Rid for that interruption as much as I found the first bit unnecessary you did finish my reprimanding towards Potter and added one in for Ms. Granger. You seem to have been brought up well, I will be taking five points from Gryffindor's house and two will be awarded to Slytherin." Snape looked at his nephew and nodded slightly which made the boy sigh in relief as his fellow Slytherins cheered. The boy was relieved to know that his uncle was not angry with him and he got a bonus... 2 points to his house. The rest of the day went on and now everyone was headed to the grand hall for dinner.

: Just trying to defuse the tension...

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