Part 15

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The (s/c) boy walked out of the classroom with a triumphed look on his face and a very happy Levi by his side. "That was incredible! Maybe you should teach when you're older." Levi continued to praise the taller boy as he walked beside him. He was completely unaware of the confidence that he was giving the other male. The (s/c) boy looked down slightly and was sort of happy that he found someone shorter than him. Everyone joked about his height but despite the jokes, he was actually average for his age. "Honestly he's right! You wouldn't believe it but Hermione was trying to teach me." Ron had caught up to the two Slytherins that he had seen from afar.

"She was all like 'it's levioooosa not leviosaaar. She's a nightmare honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends." Ron was complaining about Hermione to the two Slytherins which made the
(h/c)ette laugh. Until she bumped Ron with her shoulder and ran off crying. "Honestly, if she cries because you call her a nightmare I can only imagine how annoying she gets whenever someone else says something slightly rude to her." The boy laughed until he realized that Ron being the kind person he is probably feels guilty about it now.

"She'll come around I promise." The boy looked over at Ron who smiled brightly at him. They walked in comfortable silence for a few more moments before (y/n) noticed that he hadn't introduced Levi to Ron. "Ron this here is Levi." The boy pointed over to the tanned boy and started to walk slower in an attempt to give the two some space to talk. They seemed to like each other right away since they both started laughing at something Ron had said. "Hey (y/n)! Wait up." the (h/c)ette stopped for the female that was running after him so that she could catch up. Once Pansy had reached the boy she took his arm like always and held it close.

She had noticed that her friend was oddly quiet today and it had her sort of worried. "Something the matter love?" Pansy looked at her friend not bothering to pay attention to where they were walking. She watched as the boy gave her a small nodded and so she decided to fill the rest of their walk with random things that had happened to her this morning.

"Then I actually ended up talking to one of the Weasley brothers. A rather tall cute looking guy with shaggy hair... tell Draco and you're dead." Pansy glared over at the (s/c) boy for a moment only to see him smiling at her. "Fred or George?" (y/n) couldn't help but smile at her since he would have never thought Pansy would be calling one of the Weasley's cute. "F-Fred." Pansy could feel her heartbeat increase as anxiety set in. Sure she shouldn't be nervous but if Draco were to find out that she thought one of the Weasley's were cute she'd get in trouble. "I won't tell Draco... I think Ron is quite cute." The boy muttered out in an attempt to diffuse the tension that was created in the air.

Though much to his surprise Pansy jumped and smacked him on the arm. "I knew you were into blokes!" The girl whisper yelled so no one would hear in case her friend was trying to keep it a secret. The boy just rolled his eyes slightly irritated at the fact that she would think that. There was no possible way that he liked blokes. I mean he had spent quite a lot of time with them already and never felt the way his mother did when she met his father.

"I don't think I like blokes but I do notice when a person is cute." (y/n) shrugged and walked into the Slytherin common room. "I should have known you would be with Pansy... what is she your girlfriend?" Blaise glared over to the girl that was clinging so tightly to the (e/c) eyed boy. He always wondered why it was never him, she always ran to someone else. "No way." the (s/c) boy pretended to throw up but laughed as he knew it was a joke. Pansy just faked a hurt look for a moment before laughing as well, "It's alright, really, I had someone else in mind for you anyway." The girl smirked at her best friend and watched as his brows furrowed slightly.

"Kin we're only eleven." The boy sat himself down on the couch closest to the fire and just looked around as there wasn't much to do. "Age is just a number, after all, I'd be surprised if anyone could resist me." Draco pulled on his robe just a tad to show how attractive he truly was.

The pale boy found zero truth in his words he'd honestly be surprised if anyone even liked him just a small bit. Especially with the way he's been acting Draco genuinely disliked most of his own behavior but his father said he was superior so he would act as such. "Blimey! Draco no one's touching you and we're all sitting in the same room." (y/n) laughed so hard his face was turning red and tears were starting to spill from his eyes. He was only joking as he thought the boy was perfect but he would never admit that especially not when Pansy already thought he liked blokes. "That's hardly fair! Most of the people in here are blokes. Of course, they wouldn't like me." Draco frowned slightly as the words had hurt him just a small amount but he shook it off.

People did like him.. his friends at least liked him a little since they were his friends. "Blokes can like blokes don't discriminate Draco Dearest." Pansy took this opportunity to speak as she was sure it would help her best friend in the future and even if it didn't help him then it would definitely help someone else.

"What no! That's not how things are supposed to work you weirdo." Draco could feel his cheeks heat up as the words left his mouth. That would be weird, wouldn't it? A pair of blokes holding hands or even hugging... as Draco thought about it he actually did think it was rather normal. Not only did he think it was normal but the idea seemed super appealing to him and that maybe one day he would find his hand in another blokes hand. Then again the boy half dismissed the thought as (y/n) was right, they were only eleven. "Did you hear the news?" Draco coughed a little as he re-announced his presence only now realizing that he had spaced out for quite a while.

"What news?" Blaise looked at the pale boy with slight irritation as he was finally getting into a serious conversation with pansy and his other friend. "Potter is the new seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team." Draco rolled his eyes trying to bring back some of his old self.

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