Part 37

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"It's not that your self image means nothing to me, it's more complicated than that." The shorter boy looked up at the blonde, he really did feel bad but he shouldn't do anything about that. He had lied because he wanted to keep arguing with Draco and now he ended up in a difficult situation. "I don't understand but I don't want to continue this conversation anymore either, let's go." The pale boy started walking toward the entrence of the manor and didn't look back even once, he really wanted to be alone but he knew (y/n) wanted to see the garden, so there he is, taking the other boy to see the garden.

The blonde opened the door and waited for the smaller one to walk out, he still had rules to follow and so he would treat the other male with hospitality even if he didn't feel like it. "Where are we going?" The
(h/c)ette couldn't help but to get curious as to why they were now outside. "You said you wanted to see the garden and so that's where I'm taking you now." Draco finally looked back but to his surprise the shorter male was not behind him, instead the (s/c) boy was right by his side.

Shrugging it off the blonde walked toward the garden in a quick manner, he wanted to get there as soon as possible. The garden was one of his favorite places besides the music room. He loved the plants that bloomed every year, even if they were always dark colored. It didn't bother him too much and he always sat out with a cup of tea on a bad day. It was peaceful outside, it made him feel at ease. "Are they always this dark?"
(y/n) looked at all of the roses, how is it possible that they were all a dark shade of black?

He didn't mind at all, they were so pretty and he could have sworn he saw a black lily somewhere around here. "Always? No, sometimes they're white, I've been asking mother if there's a spell to get them to change based on emotion. She liked the idea at first, she later said it would be too exposing." The blonde went over to the small white table that he had come to love a little too much.

The smaller boy had stood there for a couple of moments just admiring the other male, he looked incredibly good surrounded by all of the flowers, it did make him look paler than usual but somehow it added to his beauty. "I get what she means, Imagine if you were out here with someone you liked and the flowers changed colors but only half way because your feelings are one sided." at those words Draco shook his head in slight disappointment

(y/n) was slightly worried that this would turn into another argument and wasn't sure if he should say something else or just stay silent. Seeing the flowers change color would be very pretty but it just seemed risky. "I'm sure there would be a spell to turn it off, it would just be nice to see a different color, something that isn't just black and white." The blonde reached out and touched one of the flowers causing a weird feeling to swirl around the smaller boys stomach, was he sick?

He was fine just seconds ago but somehow looking at the taller boy reach out and touch the flower in such a gentle manner had set something off in his stomach. The boy chose to ignore it and responded to the other male, "You're not wrong, it would look mesmerizing to see a wave of color randomly wash over the flowers. I just think it's a bit scary." (y/n) had taken this time to walk over and place himself in the seat that was in front of the pale boy.

He wanted to pick a flower and save it till the petals started to dry up but he wasn't sure if he was allowed to so he just sat there and waited. "I don't think I'd care if someone I cared for didn't feel the same way, I suppose it would hurt at first but it's better to know than to wish for something that will never happen. If I know then I can move forward, I can forget." The blonde looked toward the (h/c)ette and took a moment to look into those (e/c) eyes.

He took a moment to notice how despite there being no sun the other males eyes still sparkled an incredible amount, he liked it. It had reminded him of the stars at night, it was like even though the other boy had already endured a great amount of damage he was still unique and happy. "Even if that's a good way to think about it I can't help but to think it sounds rather depressing." (y/n) was started to feel incredibly weird, he needed help, he liked being here alone with the other male but it made him slightly nervous.

What if they ran out of things to say? What if they start to fight again? What if his stomach sickness gets worse? God damnit where's Parkinson? "Does it? I just mean that I don't think I care all that much for love. There's never a person who will stay or care for you forever." Draco shrugged a little, it was no big deal to him, so what if you don't find love and are forever alone? At least you don't have to worry for anyone other than yourself.

There's no one there to tell you that you're too messy or that they hate how dark the manor is. No one to say that the colors need to change, it's just you. "It's not always like that, what about the kind of love that lasts forever? The kind where you both love each other so much that nothing stops you from being together, the kind where you would do anything for them. The kind where you're almost positive that you'd kill for them, what about that kind of love?" Was (y/n) even sure what he was talking about?
no, that was the answer.

His mother never said that's what love is like but the boy thought about the fact that he wanted that for himself. He wanted someone who didn't care about how angry he got, a love that showed even when you didn't say it out loud. A kind of love that would live even after death, a love you don't have to question.

"Don't be silly, that kind of love doesn't exist. The only love you'll get is a person who is of the same status as you, pureblooded and wealthy, nothing else. If they end up loving you then good for you and if they don't then it still doesn't matter. They'll live with you and keep you company until the end but there will be nothing there for you. You will live in a home with a stranger." Draco hadn't moved his eyes from the (e/c) ones, he was being serious and was pretty sure that's what would happen to him.

He would be forced to marry a wealthy witch and forced to carry on the bloodline. It doesn't matter what he wants, that much his father has made clear. "Dark way to look at it, I'm sure you'll find someone you like, maybe they'll be pureblood and wealthy." The smaller boy relaxed a bit more but questioned why Draco looked so tense, he was only eleven how much stress could he have, oh wait, his father is Lucius.

"Are you pure blood?" The blonde had gotten curious about the other boys blood status. If his father didn't mind the (h/c)ette then he surely had to be a pureblood. "I don't believe so, I think both my parents are considered half bloods, so does that make me one too?" The smaller one was never sure how blood-status' worked. He knew pureblood meant no muggle parents and he knew that muggle borns where those with parents who were muggles. He never knew what made someone a half-blood.

"Well, you see, people with halfblooded parents can either be a squib or pureblood, and you can do magic, correct?" The blonde pieced everything together very quickly. If theres one thing he knew well, it was blood status. The smaller boy nodded but got very curious as to what a 'squib' was. "Then you're technically a pureblood." The blonde was satisfied with this and now knew why his family liked the smaller male. He was from a wealthy family and was a pureblood.

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