Part 30

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A few minutes passed and (y/n) sighed as he knew that he needed to wake Draco in order for them to make it to dinner. The only problem was him not wanting to wake the boy. It wasn't because he wished Draco to be well-rested. It was because he knew the pale boy would despise him even more for being there with him. The (s/c) boy moved slowly in an attempt to get out from under the pale boy but it failed.

When he moved Draco clung tighter to him. However, he did find it incredibly easy to move despite someone being on top of him. Draco was oddly light so the boy put himself in an impossibly more awkward position with the boy and lifted them, both, off the ground until he was standing. As soon as he was standing there with the taller boy in his arms he started to move towards the school that awaited their presence. The
(h/c)ette walked as quickly as he could so that he wouldn't be seen by anyone. The boy was so focused on trying to not be seen that he didn't notice the professor staring at him.
McGonagall shook her head as she looked over at the young Riddle carrying Malfoy. It was odd to her, how one person as small as him could carry the taller boy. With one last glance, she quickly walked over to the potions classroom. As soon as she entered the classroom Severus snapped his book shut and looked at the woman that stood before him.

"Severus, is there something going on with the students in your house?" The woman looked down at the raven-haired man and watched as he stood from his seat. "I don't suppose you mean every single child." Severus was very curious as to what the professor wanted but kept his usual bored expression on his face. "Of course not Severus, don't be a buffoon. I'm talking about Riddle and Malfoy." Manerva rolled her eyes at the man. She knew it was highly unprofessional but she came to speak to him in an unprofessional manner.

"Ah yes, my nephew and Mr. Malfoy, if you paid attention to the children's chatter you would know." The man dragged along the idea of what he meant as he found the woman's wide eyes amusing. They always seemed like they were about to pop right out of her head. "What are you on about, Severus?" The man hadn't answered for a second and again the woman had spoken.

He was truly finding amusement in the way she was acting. She always seemed like such a madwoman with the way she put emphasis on her words. "They had a run-in with Lucius a while back. He was so gracious with his visit, he left my nephew a scar. He also left his son wounded.. mentally I assume. If it was physically I'm sure my nephew would have tried to fistfight an older man. He's quite, hot-headed and reckless when it comes to people he cares about." Severus was starting to ramble on about how he knew that (y/n) cared for Draco.

He found it quite evident that his nephew cared for Malfoy in a.. different way. The boy always twisted his ring around the blonde like an idiot making it known to everyone. "Severus! Why didn't you say that Lucius was on the grounds? He hurt children." Snape looked at the woman once more before he chuckled just a little. He wished that most people understood the way his family and the Malfoy's fit together. Telling Alec wouldn't have stopped anything from happening. "I'm afraid it wouldn't have mattered." The dark-haired man hooked his arm in the air and waited for Manerva to take it.
(y/n) placed the boy down on his bed and left for a moment. Not a moment later Draco had awoken from his sleep as he noticed the warmth missing. The pale boy rubbed his eyes and sat up. His eyes started to burn and he still felt exhausted. A familiar screech sounded and he quickly turned his head towards the door. "Oh good, you're up. It's time to eat." The (e/c) eyed boy looked over at the blonde and waited for a response but he never got one.

Instead, the pale boy rolled himself out of the bed and stood up rubbing his eyes again. He then started to walk towards the boy and made sure to stop right next to him. "Alright, let's go then." The small boy shrugged but held the door open as he waited for Draco to walk through it. The two walked side by side. "How did I get inside?" The pale boy was now aware of the fact that he had fallen asleep outside and woke in a bed.

"You were carried in." (y/n) hoped that no questions would be asked after that. He really didn't want things to get awkward and he really didn't feel like being insulted. Draco thought for a few more moments about how he had felt someone hug him before he fell asleep. He knew it wasn't a coincidence that the shorter boy was right there when he woke. The two entered the grand hall together and went their separate ways. The (s/c) boy quickly sat next to his friends and everything went silent for a moment.

"Where the bloody hell have you been? I thought you were kidnapped by Potter or something." Pansy looked at her friend with concern. He looked oddly exhausted. "I went looking for Draco, it's no big deal." The boy looked at his best friend and watched as she looked towards the blonde.

The dark-haired girl knew better than to believe what her friend had said. She knew that looking for Draco wouldn't have made him that exhausted or wouldn't have made Draco look that well-rested. She knew what happened almost as piece by piece. (y/n) had hugged Draco to sleep, of course, the pale boy wouldn't admit it to many but he trusted Pansy. They were once best friends. The girl shrugged and put food on her friend's plate as she decided not to press on it further.

She would simply just have to tell Fred what she knew. Minus the personal information about the blonde of course. "Eat up," She smiled at him and continued to eat her own food while having small conversations with everyone. The rest of dinner went by extremely slow for the boy who was now starting to nod off at the table.

The boy quickly stood up and walked right out of the grand hall. His body felt was too heavy for walking. He felt as though he was dragging every part of himself over to his common room. He didn't want to ask for help since he tried to act as normal as possible. At this point, he was struggling to keep himself up and was starting to stumble around. He was going in every direction and at that point had no idea where he was going.

Fast footsteps were heard before he felt arms keep him up. His back was pressed against someone and he was very confused. "Please, can't even keep yourself up for longer than a second? You seriously should have asked for help instead of stumbling around like a bloody idiot." Draco huffed as he started walking them towards the common room. It was ridiculous how far off (y/n) was from the dorms.

The git was nearly outside. "Why do you have to be so heavy?" At this point, the blonde was thinking about letting go of the smaller boy. He wasn't carrying him but holding up all his weight was too much for him. "I clearly mm, have more muscle than you, that's why." The (s/c) boy shook his and Draco would have laughed if it wasn't for him almost dropping the boy. The taller boy sighed when he saw the common room door insight. He was taking this as a sign to work out.. when he's older of course. He didn't have a reason to start right now.

It was too much work anyway. "Pureblood." Draco huffed out as he stood in front of the door with the boy in his arms. (y/n) started to move around as he wanted out of Draco's arms but he slipped so he stopped. "That is uncomfortable stop, besides, you're making this harder for me." The pale boy rolled his eyes as he entered the dormitories. He placed the boy next to his bed and watched as the (h/c)ette flopped onto it. Draco rolled his eyes and quickly left to get ready for bed. As soon as he finished his night routine he put himself in bed and closed his eyes feeling exhausted.

He had slept for most of the day yet still felt sleepy. With a final sigh, he emptied his mind and let sleep take him to better places.

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