Part 27

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The boy was about to finish his work when a hand fell on his shoulder. "What is it that you need?" the boy was beyond irritated now and was ready to get the day over with. He was sure that tomorrow would be better and he just wanted to sleep off today. "It's time for dinner." Pansy looked down at her friend and was concerned with how hard he was pushing down on his pen. He was really close to ripping holes in his paper. "Are you alright?" Pansy wrapped her arms around his neck and put her chin on his head.

The boy sighed as he put his pen down and ignored the grey eyes that were looking at him. "I'm perfect. I'm almost done here then we'll head down." The boy leaned out of her touch and worked incredibly faster to get his work done so he could leave with his friend. Pansy sat down beside him after moving the stack of books from the chair. "Are you almost done Draco?" the girl looked over at her other friend who nodded but never spoke. "Maybe you can walk with us?" Pansy smiled at him but her best friend quickly spoke up.

"I don't think that's possible but if you want to walk him, I'll meet you there. I wouldn't dare make the king uncomfortable." the boy rolled his eyes before putting his unfinished work away and grabbed all of his items. After making sure he had everything he walked away and made sure to head down to the grand hall since he told her he'd meet her there. "What did you do to upset him?" Pansy sighed looking over at the blonde who just shrugged.

He felt terrible for saying it but what was he supposed to do, apologize? Even if he did he wouldn't have a reason worth forgiving. He didn't even know why the words came out of his mouth so it's impossible to come up with something. "I said something I didn't mean. It just slipped out really." Draco looked at the girl that he hadn't confided in for weeks. He used to be so close with her but it was just getting ridiculous with how far apart they've grown. "Just apologize Dracy." Pansy shook her head slightly at how the situation was so weird.

The solution was obvious but since Draco was so stubborn he probably wouldn't apologize. "I can't, I don't even know why I said it." The boy finished up his work and put it in his bag. He stood up and waited for her to be by his side. Once she was he walked off with her clinging to him the way that she used to. "You like him." Pansy looked at her friend with a smile but he just laughed at her which upset her slightly. "I don't. I'm just dragging him with me till he gets bored." The boy walked faster as he was starting to feel anxious.

he didn't really have a reason to but he hated it when Pansy asked questions. Even if he knew the truth, she had a way to twist the questions around until she got the answer she wanted. "Did you apologize for what happened to his face?" Pansy looked at him once more as they entered the grand hall. The boy just shrugged and she nodded. The girl let go of his arm and went to join her other friends at the table. When she sat down she noticed that the (s/c) boy's face did seem to have a scar forming now.

"Feeling better yet?" Pansy quickly slipped into the seat beside her friend and grabbed his arm for a moment before serving herself food. She noticed that he hadn't served himself any and was working on his paper instead. Being the kind friend she is, she decided to serve him a plate as well for when he was finished. "Whatever Draco said to you, I'm sure he doesn't mean it. He's weird. The way he feels better about his life is by trying to stay on top of everyone. He just needs your patience." Pansy took a bit of her food as she watched the boy put away his work and start eating.

He nodded to whatever she was saying as he didn't feel like speaking. He noticed how much of a silent day it was for him. It was odd but at the same time, it reminded him of being at home. Moments had passed and Pansy was now waiting for her friend to finish up his food so they could leave. "To the common room!" the pale girl declared as she grabbed onto the boy's arm and they walked off together. "Where's Silverman?" The boy finally spoke up as he realized the happy boy was not with him. It was weird since Levi was always

there next to him or with Pansy. In fact (y/n)  was sure that Levi didn't have any other friends. "I have no clue really. I'm sure he's already in the common room." Pansy hugged her friend impossibly tighter as they entered the common room. It was a bit concerning to her that it was empty since she was sure that Levi would be there. "I hope you don't mind Kin but I would really like to sleep the day off." (y/n) looked at her with a small smile since he wanted to be nice as possible. "Yeah, of course, goodnight." Pansy smiled and hugged her friend before letting him walk off.

She knew he was so upset but just wanted him to feel better even if it was just a little. The boy walked off feeling slightly more relaxed and started to get ready for bed. He rushed through it like his life depended on it and ran to his bed after. The boy breathed out as his head hit the pillow and a tear started to roll down his cheek. He tried everything and he still wasn't good enough to be Draco's friend. It felt like it was supposed to happen! His father and Lucius were friends. With one last sigh, the boy closed his eyes.

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