Part 19

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!!Trigger warning!! This chapter has verbal and physical abuse! Not super intense, still please be careful. If you want to skip don't read within the bolded characters below.

The boy didn't stop even when the people started to push against him since the game was now over. "Uncle Sev!" The boy yelled once he had found his uncle. He ran up to his uncle and just jumped into his arms. He was beyond worried and just wanted to know if his uncle was hurt but he started to cry. He was relieved but so many terrible thoughts had run through his mind when he was trying to find his uncle. He was terrified and those thoughts made him realize he would be completely and utterly lost without his uncle.
"A-Are you alright Uncle Sev?" (y/n) was finally able to choke out a question.

Severus was holding his nephew tightly to be sure that the boy wouldn't fall. He wasn't sure whether or not to scold the boy for showing him this much affection. "I'm alright, it doesn't hurt." Severus set the boy down onto the floor and as the boy was looking around the hallway he had noticed the back of a tall man's head. The hair color was nowhere near forgettable and anxiety started to fill the boy. "I have to go but I'll check on you later." The boy hugged his uncle once more before racing to the Slytherin common room since he needed to make it there before Lucius to warn everyone.

The boy had shoved his way through everyone and had made it to his common room with a minute or two to spare.

"LUCIUS MALFOY IS COMING EVERYONE RUN!!" The boy was out of breath but he needed as many people out of the common room. He had a small inkling that Lucius was like his uncle when irritated. he would call out anyone, anywhere despite the timing. Everyone but his friends had left the common room and now they all sat there in silence waiting for the angered man's arrival. "Draco Lucius Malfoy." the doors to the common room crashed open as Lucius entered with his robe opening dramatically. Draco ran out of his seat and presented himself to his father but quickly noticed that he wasn't the only one.

"I don't recall telling you to stand with my son." Lucius shoved the boy slightly with his cane and it completely shocked the boy. (y/n) hadn't thought about how hostile or aggressive Lucius would be, "Everyone out... now!" The pale man yelled at everyone and they all ran out including the (s/c) boy but he didn't remove himself from right outside of the door. He heard items crashing and it concerned him greatly. Draco was standing in front of his father's eyes widened as his father's cane had almost hit his face. "Father p-please let me explain." Draco looked at his father and tried his best to not sound scared as his father hated when he was scared.

"Please, look at you... I thought you were pathetic before with you always being terrified of not only me but practically everyone else around you. Now you have to go running around with those damned Weasley's." Lucius smashed something very close to Draco once more using his cane. The man shoved the boy to the ground still using the stick and glared down at him, "You will repeat after me... the Weasley's are a pathetic example of purebloods." Lucius watched as the boy wouldn't look at him so he started to yell. Only then did Draco whisper out the phrase. A few moments had passed with this same cycle until Draco was now trapped against a wall and was absolutely terrified that the end of his father's cane would collide with his face.

He had been yelling questions about why he had decided to run around with the Weasley's and Draco was at this point completely hopeless that someone would come rushing in to save him. "If you're going to be a lazy excuse for a father you could at least be quieter." (y/n) had slammed the doors open now as he was completely angered by what he had heard going on in this room. His heart had broken when he heard Draco's shaking voice answer to Lucius. He couldn't take another second and knew he had to do something. "Excuse me?" Lucius then turned to the other boy and shoved him with his cane only to be surprised by him not falling.

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