Part 35

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"It's our ballroom, we don't use it often but I'm hoping one year we'll be able to use it." Draco looked down at the shorter boy next to him. It was a beautiful room, it had a big crystal chandelier and the room was very light compared to the rest of the manor. "I've had to practice ballroom dancing before. My parents said it would be useful and yet I haven't had to use it at all." (y/n) looked up at Draco, the boy honestly felt slightly embarrassed. After all, who in there right minds has to take dancing lessons? "I had to take them too, I heard most wealthy families make their kids take it. I think it's ridiculous and annoying, when will I ever need to dance? Dancing isn't even a necessary part of life I mean let's be realist.." at that point the blonde had started rambling on about how unnecessary dancing is which left the small boy staring up at him.

It truly amazed the smaller one how easy it was for Draco to talk continuously about something. It made him feel weird inside, it was like seeing Draco talk this much made him oddly happy. Draco had noticed that the (h/c)ette had spaced out mid rant and was now waving a hand in the boys face in an attempt to gain his attention. His efforts went unnoticed for a while before he decided to speak a little louder "I get that I'm attractive but you keep giving me that little drool face of yours. It's bloody disgusting." Draco was still waving a hand in the boys face and was obviously confused, what could have (y/n) like this?

It was weird and honestly frightening. The blonde didn't like it at all. "Huh?" the smaller boy finally snapped out of his thoughts and was looking at Draco confused. The blonde scoffed, was the small idiot being serious? "Stop being weird and let me go show you your room." The pale boy closed the door carefully and started his walk back to the staircase at the front of the manor. "I just wanted you to know that I wasn't thinking of you back there. I had lost track of my thoughts." the smaller boy was in a slight panic over the situation.

He wasn't even sure why he had spaced out and he definitely didn't want Draco to think he was some weird person who liked him because that simply was not the case.

"Do you fancy someone?" Draco was now curious as to who the (s/c) boy was thinking of because the look he had on his face wasn't a regular thinking face. "Fancy? I don't fancy anyone. I am far too young for that and those kinds of emotions are the ones I shouldn't feel. They're too strong and they're wrong." (y/n) seemed so focused on his words that he hadn't noticed that Draco stopped at a room in the hall. "They're not wrong, that's how you're alive, sure maybe those feelings aren't always the best but we can't help them." Draco shrugged and opened the door for the shorter boy to walk through.

"Are all your rooms this dark?" (Y/n) didn't mind the dark interior of the manor but he still wanted to know if there was more to it than blacks, greys, and the occasional white. "Well, there's usually hints of green but nothing more. The dark isn't so bad, you'll learn to enjoy it." Draco turned around to walk off but he just stayed. He was curious as to what the smaller boy would say next and even though he would never admit it, he was afraid of being alone. It wasn't that he was afraid of what could "grab" him. It was that he was afraid of dying by himself and he knew death could come at any moment.

"I already enjoy the dark. I think people tend to stay in the dark for far too long that they learn to hate it instead of love it. The dark keeps you company." The (h/c)ette started to fix his things properly. He had gone into the closet to change into more comfortable clothing, he was due for a nap. "The light can keep you company as well and it's way warmer than the dark" Draco entered the room and shut the door. He had no intention of leaving so he wasn't going to show it. Instead, he sat down on a leather chair and waited for the boy to come out of the closet.

"I enjoy the slight chill of the dark, sometimes it feels better than the warmth, embrace your dark side Draco." The small boy walked out of the closet in his jumper with comfortable pants.

"I don't want to, I'd much rather just exist in peace." Draco eyed the shorter boy suspicious as he watched the boy walk over to the bed and get in without a problem. It truly concerned the pale boy. It seemed as the other male was too comfortable with being here. All this talk about dark and light was starting to creep him out if he was being honest. "What are you doing?" Avoiding anymore talk of light and dark Draco decided to change the subject. "Trying to sleep, I'm exhausted your presence drains me." (Y/n) stifled a laugh as he laid himself down and got comfortable.

"Oh sure, I drain your presence, it's not like I'm the one always being weird." The blonde reminded himself of their earlier situation down at the ballroom.

He was still going through thinking of every person that the (s/c) boy had spoken to. Maybe he fancied pansy and wasn't saying anything. He really couldn't tell. Just as the blonde was going to speak about how he never got a response he heard soft breaths. At this point he had no other choice but to leave, how weird would it be if he stayed there? It had to be very weird. With that Draco carefully got up and left to find his other friends.

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