Part 22

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A week has passed since Blaise lost his friends to the Slytherin that seemed to have no hate in his heart. A week since Draco had felt that he was completely alone in this world and was paranoid in secret. A week since Pansy had seen Fred since she had been keeping her distance. A week since Levi had smiled brightly after learning that Blaise had called him a rat. A week since the (s/c) boy had his friends all together but he was determined to get his group of friends and Draco back together for Thanksgiving. "Hey, Kin what do you plan on doing today?" The boy looked at Pansy with a bright smile but she didn't seem too happy with him.

"Nothing? Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway, you're busy now so make sure to find me after you've gotten ready." The boy was up extra early and hadn't bothered getting ready yet as he was on a mission to get to as many of the people he wanted to see. The boy ran back into the boy's dormitories and found Levi still fast asleep which made him smile.

"Hey, pretty boy it's time to get up." (y/n) shook the tanned male for a few seconds before he saw Levi's eyes open. A smile made its way across the (h/c)ettes face. "You have plans for today so go get dressed." After informing the boy he made his way to the washroom knowing that's exactly where he'd find the Malfoy kid. The boy carefully walked in with his eyes closed but as he heard the sink start to run he opened his eyes. "I could have been nude you idiot." Draco glared towards the boy as he fixed his hair in its rightful way. The other boy just shrugged slightly, "That's why I walked in with my eyes closed. I just wanted to let you know that you're busy today so... come find me after you're done getting ready." Draco shoved the boy slightly on his way out and just made his way to the common room.

He was confused as to why he would tell Draco that he now had plans. He was sure that he didn't but maybe someone was trying to pass on a message through the (E/c) eyed boy. "You guys too?" Levi quietly spoke up as he noticed the other two people sitting at the table. They didn't respond verbally instead they nodded over to the tan boy. "Imagine if he was planning on killing us." Draco huffed as his brows furrowed. He was starting to get very irritated with how long he's having to wait for the shorter boy to finish getting ready.

It was ridiculous how he would say "Find me when you're done getting ready" when he wasn't even ready himself. It was like the idiot wanted them to find him in the washroom. "He wouldn't kill us in the common room. He's crazy but not that crazy... he doesn't like to get caught." Pansy wasn't looking at anyone as she felt awkward.

She used to speak to Draco every day but it's been a week now and it was as if she had forgotten how irritated he could get. "I think we should talk about what happened." Levi was starting to think it was a crime to speak of the events that had happened last week. No one ever wanted to speak about it but it would be helpful to know who could be trusted. "I'm glad you guys waited for me." (y/n) smiled brightly at the three people who sat at the table. Draco looked over at the boy and froze immediately. He had spent the last week avoiding everyone by taking different ways to get to class.

He had forgotten how absolutely stunning the (h/c)ette looked with his freshly washed hair going in its natural way. "Of course, you said I now had plans for today so I needed an explanation." Pansy rolled her eyes over at the boy but immediately felt bad once she realized he doesn't mean any harm. The boy just moved a hand through his hair so he could fix it and sat down at the table next to the blonde since he was the closest.

"Right... we're all going to hang out today at the black lake. We need to go get Fred and George of course." The boy winked over at the two people across from him as he remembered what Levi had said about George. "I am not hanging with those disgusting Weasley's." Draco spat moving his hand on the table for some sort of dramatic effect. The boy next to him just giggled a little, "Don't be ridiculous. If you don't want to talk to them you don't have to but they are coming and so are you. Let's go." The boy quickly got up and waited expectantly for the rest of them to get up.

Levi was the first to get up since he was excited that he would get to talk to this group again. Pansy was next as she thought about how she needed to give Fred an explanation for avoiding him the past week. Draco was the last to get up, he told himself that he only got up and left with them because Blaise was passing by.

As they walked through the halls toward the Gryffindor common room they saw Harry and his friends. "Hey, Ron! It's good to see you again. Do you know where your brothers are?" (y/n) felt his cheeks heat up slightly since he had forgotten how cute Ron looked. It had been a long time since he had last seen Ron and he kind of missed him. "They should be outside in the courtyard." Ron smiled at the other boy but was quickly dragged away by Hermione that he didn't get the chance to say anything else. "Why is your face so red?" Draco's eyebrows were scrunched together as he looked over at the (s/c) boy.

He wanted to know what the deal was, was the boy embarrassed? "No reason, come on we're almost there." The small boy quickly walked toward the place they would find the twins. Pansy decided to grab (y/n)'s arm and see how he would react. She wasn't sure if they were still on good terms but by doing this hopefully, she would be able to tell.

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