Part 49

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All was fairly normal that day, of course (y/n) noticed eyes burning into the back of his head anytime he laughed a joke that Adrian told him. He tried his best to ignore it as it only happened in between classes, since he didn't seem to have any with the other male. "I caught wind of a rumor, want to hear about it?" Adrian looked down at the boy who now looked intrigued, of course, rumors are the way to many Slytherin's hearts. After all, unspoken knowledge is power. "Hit me with it before I hit you." The small (h/c)ette smiled widely, if there was one thing he loved it was knowing things he shouldn't.

The boy gasped as he was jerked to the side, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing shoving me over like that? And back up your face is too close to mine, it's hideous." (y/n) pretended to gag but his breath caught wind as he noticed that there was no space in this particular area for the older boy to move. It was almost unsettling, he wasn't used to being this close with other people that weren't a certain annoying blonde. "I don't want others to hear what I have to say, besides, I'm not that bad to look at and I think we both know that." Adrian flashed a smile which earned him more fake gags from the smaller boy.

"Get on with it then because if someone passes by this little crook we're in they might get the wrong idea." The (s/c) boy rolled his eyes, and awaited an answer that seemed like it was taking a thousand years to get. "There's a room on the same floor as the library that a holds a mirror to show you all your greatest desires, it's only rumor though, I haven't ever seen it with my own eyes." The news was shocking to the smaller boy, a mirror to show you the deepest desires of your mind? He wanted to see the mirror, more importantly he wanted to show Draco.

He wanted to see what it was that the blondes mind desired from life. "What the bloody hell are you both doing? It's disgusting, stop shoving him where he doesn't belong." In a flash the pale boy yanked the smaller male to be by his side. He wasn't sure what was going on but he didn't particularly enjoy the way things looked, he wasn't even sure why. "How do you know where he belongs?" Adrian looked down at Draco, he was rather amused at the entire situation so he couldn't help but to poke more fun at it. "In class, is where he belongs obviously, he's going to be late." The blonde hadn't let go of the (h/c)ettes arm and it was starting to hurt the more he yanked on it.

"Your highness, I understand that we need to get to potions but you yanking on my arm this roughly hurts more than the scolding I'd get from the professor." The smaller boy winced a little, he was having trouble keeping up with the blondes large strides, especially when his arm was being squeezed to death. "What exactly was it that you two were doing hiding off in that small space?" Draco let go, he felt bad but only slightly since it wasn't his fault that he had forgotten to let go. "Oh, he was telling me about a rumor that he heard. I have to go check it out and you're going to come with me, okay?" The was no time for the blonde to respond as they had just finished walking into class and had taken a seat.

Not a second later Severus started class looking at the two boys who sat quietly and looked almost too embarrassed to be sitting there. "Each of you are to get out a book and study the the five potions in this chapter as well as the ingredients needed. Do a thorough job, you'll be turning in notes, work diligently and study as there will be a test, this time not a paper test." After instructing the class Severus took a seat as he studied how and which students got up first. Of course, not everyone took the opportunity to get it done, in fact many of them took the time to play games but it wasn't his problem. He warned them.

"So, we should take double the notes since we'll have to study one pair and turn in the other." (y/n) looked over at the pale boy who just sighed, he already knew what the other was going to say, something along the lines of 'this is too much work, how dare he make me work this hard' in reality this much work seemed fair, besides, they were going to be making these potions when the test came around. "Don't look so upset, in our future years, I can tell we'll be doing more hands on work." The smaller boy started to read and take his notes, he made sure to carefully write why each ingredient was important to the potion as well as what the potion was good for and any alternative ingredients.

"You should just let me copy your notes, it would be much easier that way." Draco poked the other boy when he hadn't gotten a response, he tried to distract the other male multiple times but it seemed like nothing was working. He took the time to look at what sort of notes the other was taking and rushed to finish his own notes. Even though he had practically copied the shorter boys writing he finished faster. He had gotten the hang of what to write down and even made his copy of notes to study before the other boy had finished.

He had attempted yet again to distract the other and when it hadn't worked he huffed. He set down his things and got incredibly close to the other boys face but was heavily disappointed when the other didn't even bat an eye. "This thing you're doing is very distracting, stop." (y/n) continued to write in hopes of finishing his notes by the end of class. With Draco by his side like this it was proven to get difficult but he wanted to finish now since it would free up his time later. "It doesn't look like you're getting very distracted, actually, it seems like you're doing perfectly fine." The (h/c)ette could feel the boys breath on his skin which made him pause for just a moment.

What an odd feeling, it was almost prickly on his skin, not as unpleasant as pins in needles but a feeling that got your heart racing slightly. "Whatever, I'm glad that it seems like you've finished but I haven't yet so if you could back up ever so slightly that would be great." He continued taking his notes while ignoring the other male who hadn't moved back to his original spot. "How is it that your notes are so detailed and nice looking? You've even put little pictures by your list of ingredients." The blonde looked down at the shorter males paper unaware at how close he was getting, this however didn't slip by the (h/c)ette.

In fact, it sent the other into a slight panic but he had no idea why. "I just think they're easier to read this way, besides, your notes are probably hideous." (y/n) was trying to scoot away from the other boy and when he thought he had gotten away he looked back over to his left and was nose to nose with the blonde. "Wha- why the hell are you so close? back up!" The smaller male felt heat rise to his cheeks and was embarrassed beyond explanation. How did they end up so close? "Are we finished with out notes here?" The (s/c) boy looked up to see his uncle standing there with an eyebrow raised.

"My apologies professor, I didn't mean to be messing around in class, I'll get back to my notes." The boy continued writing which left Draco looking stunned but he hadn't moved, leaving his face close to the smaller males. "Five points taken from Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy if you have finished I would suggest closing your open mouth and reading over your notes." Severus pointed down at the boys notes. As much as it pained the man to take points away from his own house it needed to be done.

It seemed like every time he tried to separate those two they end up getting to closer, at this point keeping them apart seems almost pointless but he had to try everything. As soon as class ended the two boys were the first ones to leave. "This whole five points thing was your fault by the way." (y/n) looked up at the blonde who just scoffed, they were silent as they walked back to the common room. Potions was their last class for the day and honestly, the smaller male was glad. "You two look rough, like you've seen hell." Adrian was quick to greet the two boys as they entered the room.

"I feel like I did, it was Draco's fault though, where's Blaise and Pansy?" The (h/c)ette looked at the brunette who just smiled widely and pointed over to the chess table, honestly this was probably the largest common room out of them all. "So are you going to check it out?" Adrian was right in front of the younger male now and was waiting for a response but he ended getting one from the blonde, "Why don't you two just date already? You seem to like him so much." At this the (s/c) boy fake gagged again, as if that wasn't enough he pretended to faint.

"I'm wounded, as if my standards would be so low." The smaller male shoved a finger into the older males chest and pushed him a little. "My my, no need to be so nasty, I'll treat you like a king." Adrian let out a loud laugh which earned him a glare and slight slap on the arm. "I wouldn't be caught dead running around with you." A glare was sent his way but there was no malice behind it, in fact, the smaller boy looked amused. "Oh but you already have been, just hours ago." More dramatic eye rolling came from the smaller male.

"How could I ever betray his highness, I can't be a king when I am just a humble servant to the amazing king himself." (y/n) turned and gave a slight bow toward Draco, the conversation then died down and everyone settled into a comfortable silence with small talk every now and again.

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