Chapter 54

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Instead of joining Ron and Hermione I sat down beside Fred. "Detention already." George laughed, "way to go. Better than us." I smiled clutching my hand. "What's that?" George asked pulling my other hand away. "Bloody hell. She did this?" I sighed mad at myself for letting them notice. "I really don't want to talk about it. There's not much we can do." Fred nodded, "that's brutal." I nodded in agreement, "she's a bitch." George laughed. "I heard that's what you called her." I bit my lip, "she was telling lies..." Fred stopped me, "it's ok Alyssa we know." I gave them a small smile, "you guys handing out your homemade candy?" They nodded, offering me a piece. "I know better than that." Slowly I stood up, "I'll see you later." George shrugged, "it's almost dark out." I nodded, "I'm aware."

I pulled Cedric's sweater over top of my shirt quickly making my way outside. I saw Snape Dumbledore and McGonagall standing ahead. I tried to make my way past them quickly, but I was stopped as expected. "And where are you off to Ms.Black?" I bit my lip, "a walk." They all looked outside, "at this hour?" I nodded, "just wanted to see that memorial. It's by the lake, I was gonna take a walk." Dumbledore smiled, "we put it there for you dear, I know where you two used to sit, and hang out. I truly am sorry." I nodded, "well you didn't kill him so don't be."

I saw a new bench with a plaque with his name on it, surrounding the bench was beautiful flowers. I sat down staring at the lake unsure how to feel, it was a beautiful gesture, but it was also a reminder that there was no Cedric to sit with me by the lake again. It felt wrong but I was filled with sudden anger, mostly because he was dead, he left me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and spun around quickly. "Draco." I nodded. He sat down wrapping his arm around me, "how are you doing?" I sighed, "I honestly don't know." I looked up at him, "were you okay this summer?" He shrugged, "nothing compared to yours." I scoffed, "I'm just so lost. I don't know how to feel about any of it. I just want him." Draco nodded, "he was a good guy. I was happy for you, glad that you had someone like him." I gave him a small smile, "I was too." Draco stood up, "it's late, come on." I took his hand slowly getting up taking one last look at the lake. He walked me back stopping by the great hall. "Night Alyssa." I gave him a hug, "thank you."

When I got back to the common room I saw Fred and George playing chess by the fireplace. "How was the lake?" I smiled sitting down with them, "it was alright. Who's winning?" Fred winked, "I'm letting George." I laughed walking over to Harry and Ron, I watched Fred and George finish their game and head upstairs. Leaving us three alone. "Did she hurt you too?" Ron asked. I looked at him confused and he grabbed my hand. "Listen Ron I'm fine." He sighed and we all spun around as the fire began whispering.

"Sirius?" Harry asked spinning around. "What are you doing?" I whispered. I saw Sirius' face appear, "answering Harry's letter." I nodded kneeling down. "Look I have some news, the order wouldn't want me telling you this." I nodded urging him to continue, "things aren't going well at the order, fudge is blocking the truth, and disappearances are just how it started last time." I bit my lip thinking. "I wish I could tell you more, however Alyssa you haven't written at all, and I can tell you Remus is stressed as ever. It'd be nice to hear from you. I'm sure it's been hard." I sighed, "it has, but I really am sorry. I miss you all." He smiled, "someone's coming, be careful. Keep in touch, Alyssa." I smiled, "miss you."

The fire shrivelled back down and I stood up. "He really is back, out there isn't he?" Ron asked. I quietly made my way to the door hurrying to the astronomy tower.

Dear Remus and disowned,
   I'm sorry it's taken me a long time to write. Not too much has happened, I can't really describe how I feel. I told Draco I felt lost, I guess is the best word for it. Everything felt so right last year, Cedric and I were great. But I suppose it doesn't matter how good we were anymore, they dedicated a bench to him. It was right by the black lake, that's where we used to sit all the time. The whole castle is just a giant reminder, I want the hurt to go away, but I don't want to forget him. Our new defence against the dark arts declared his death as a tragic accident, which is ridiculous. I may have gotten a little upset when she said that, I did get a detention on the first day. I think it's safe to say her and I don't get along. Anyway I really hope you guys are good. I miss you very much.

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