A big flash was set off in front of me and I jumped back. I turned to see Sirius face to face with me and my dad. "Get away from my family," he spat punching my father square in the face. I took this moment to break away holding my wand up ready.
More light flashed and I nodded as Tonks, Mad-eye, Remus and Kingsley appeared casting curses. Sirius grabbed Harry and I pulling us behind a stone, "you need to get the others away from here to safety." Harry shook his head, "I'm not leaving you." Sirius wrapped his arm around me, and I couldn't help but hug him tightly, he was alright. "you've done beautifully both of you. But they'll kill Alyssa, and you know it Harry. Maybe not Lucious.. but." We all spun around as my father screamed at Sirius, "BLACK." He pulled out his wand and I grabbed mine stepping in-front of Sirius, this made him stop but another death eater appeared and I had no choice but to cast spells at him instead leaving my father for Harry and Sirius.
I watched them both take him down and I began running to him at the same time Bellatrix casted the killing curse towards me. Sirius lunged forward taking me down and falling on top of me but I could tell it hit him, he wasn't moving. I screamed a terrible and painful scream. I felt paralyzed, all feeling had left my body.
I pushed Sirius off of me staring at his lifeless face, rage filled me and I chased after Harry ready to kill her. He was casting curses and I was doing the same pushing my wand up against her neck. "Do it." I slammed my fist down into her face wanting to hurt her more but I was pushed off by Dumbledore. I collapsed down onto the ground crying loudly and more hurt then I ever have. Harry caught me putting himself on top, I opened my eyes once to see Voldemort standing over me, but I wouldn't stop screaming calling out for Sirius. And Harry wouldn't move, I didn't want his protection. I looked again to see Dumbledore fighting him, there were sparks of magic everywhere. And all of a sudden there was shards of glass, flying at us from every angle. I was ready for the impact, ready to die, but it never hit.
Harry was gasping for air, in immense pain, I knew that Voldemort and his scar were interacting. "HARRY, DONT LET HIM. I CANNOT LOSE YOU TOO. YOU CANT LEAVE." I was begging shaking him intensely. "Please don't leave," I was sobbing aggressively playing Sirius' death over in my head. "I NEED YOU. HARRY POTTER I ALWAYS STUCK BY YOU. IN THAT GRAVEYARD, AND NOW YOU NEED TO STICK BY ME. GET OVER THE PAIN. I DID HARRY, I DID AND NOW YOU HAVE TO. YOU DONT GET A CHOICE BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FAMILY. AND I WILL NOT LOSE ANYONE ELSE TODAY IS THAT UNDERSTOOD. HARRY?"
I was laying on the ground with him sobbing hysterically into his shoulder. "I need you." I felt Harry being pulled off of me but I held him close to me. Covering his eyes even as Voldemort stood over top of us. "Don't look Harry. It's alright I'm here." Voldemort shook his head, "you two are fools, and you are going to die just as that boy did." I buried my head in Harry's shoulder still covering his eyes for him. I waited to die, I was accepting the fact that once again Voldemort was stronger than us. But I stayed where I was still holding onto Harry with every ounce of fight I had left in me. I knew that if we were going we were at least going together.
I opened my eyes, I saw Voldemort gone was but many ministry members were now here. I held a motionless Harry in my arms looking up at Dumbledore, "he can't be dead. HES NOT DEAD." Dumbledore sank down beside us and I fell onto him, forcing the weight of me and Harry into his arms. "He's not dear, but Sirius is gone."
I shook my head staring at the wall, handing Harry to Dumbledore. "Where are you going?" He asked. I looked away, "I need Remus right now. You can help Harry, I can't." I didn't make eye contact with any one of our friends, instead I made my way into the room where Sirius had died. I stopped when I saw his body just lying there. I had no tears left, just that awful feeling of hurt. I saw Remus standing there turned away from me looking down at the body. "You shouldn't be in here, you're bleeding." Mad eye insisted.
I didn't answer instead I continued walking standing right over top of my father. "God I hate you, with everything inside of me. But I can't kill you, and that makes me hate myself even more. Sirius didn't deserve it and neither did Cedric. You didn't kill them but you watched, and I will never forgive you." Tonks put her hand on my shoulder. And my father just stared at me with no emotion in his eyes. "You're my daughter." I shook my head, "no, you know who loved me like I was their daughter. Who told me how much they loved me, and cared about me? Sirius, and that man over there." I pointed at Remus. "And if I lose any one else I will lose myself, maybe then I'll finally be strong enough to end your pathetic little life. Maybe then."
I let Remus hug me closer than he ever had before, "we're going to be alright." I nodded looking away from Sirius' body. This was my breaking point. Sirius wasn't supposed to ever leave. "He was supposed to stick it out till the end. He promised."

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...