Days went by and I found different ways to occupy myself mostly I went for long walks. Lately a stray black dog joined me, one time I spilled my guts to it. I let the dog in about my meltdown Christmas Eve, and how awful my family was. Today I was just heading out at the same time as Professor Lupin. "Alyssa, where have you been?" I shrugged, "I've been around." He nodded holding the door open, "nice day for a walk isn't it?" I thanked him walking through, "yeah." He stared out at the lake, "so where have you been during meals?" I started towards the forest, "I eat later, you know trying to do my work." He gave me a small smile, "good for you." I sighed looking at the Hogwarts gates it reminded me of our family's manor. "I was actually coming to find you." I looked up at him. "Your father came to visit Dumbledore, the details aren't important but I know your father is not allowing you to house elsewhere during the summer."
I gave Lupin a confused look, "what's that supposed to mean." He shoved his hands in his coat pocket, "he wants you to go back." I stopped walking, "really? Why?" Professor Lupin shrugged, "I don't think it's for the right reasons, which is why I have a gift for you." He handed me a small box, I opened it carefully. "This is a bracelet, if you tap the beads in this order, someone will be notified you need help. Or you need out." I didn't know what to say, I was in shock father was allowing me to go home. "I don't understand.... he said I wasn't part of the family." Lupin sighed, "I think there's a plan behind his madness, which is why I decided that bracelet is the safest idea." I tied it around my wrist, "I see." We sat down on a bench, "professor do you have any children?" He shook his head, "no it's just me." I nodded, "I appreciate you looking out for me I'm sure you have lots going on." He gave me a small smile, "I'm sorry, this must be a very difficult time, and to hear they now want you back, I can't imagine what you must be feeling." I sighed, "you're right, there's a reason he suddenly wants me home. Do you think Dumbledore said something?" Lupin stood up, "I'm not sure Alyssa. Maybe you yourself should speak to him."
I made my way back to the castle, straight to Dumbledores office. "Ms. Malfoy, come take a seat." I did as he said. "I'm assuming Professor Lupin spoke to you." I nodded, "professor why? Why does he suddenly want me back?" Dumbledore sighed standing up, "go to the penisive this is better if you watch."
My father stood glaring at Dumbledore, "where is my daughter." Dumbledore stood unresponsive. "You have no control over her." Dumbledore stood up, "and why is it you want her, me and professor Lupin were both in the room, you made it clear she was not to come home." My father threw a glass off of the desk. "She's needed at home." Dumbledore shook his head, "I'm afraid I can not allow that." Father shot up, "how dare you keep her away from us." Dumbledore stood up as well, "she's safer here. Do you really have no ounce of love for your daughter. You're willing to sacrifice her up to death eaters." Father shot daggers out of his eyes, "you have no idea what you are talking about." Dumbledore chuckled, "that's where you're wrong. Alyssa has no business with those people Lucious, and you know that. They'll kill her." Father scoffed, "better them than me." I watched as Dumbledore stormed to the upper layer of his office, "you are disgusting. There is no way she will ever be returned to you." My father smiled, "oh with my influence there is a very good chance indeed. She is my daughter after all. This is her time to prove worthy, that's all I've ever asked." Dumbledore shook his head, "you're okay with them killing her?" Father rolled his eyes, "you don't know what they'll do."
I pushed myself up gasping for air, "what is that?" Dumbledore sighed, "that's what your father came for. I'm afraid there's not much I can do. Which is why that bracelet was given to you." I was taking deep breaths, "what exactly does sacrificing mean?" Dumbledore motioned for me to sit back down, "to prove loyalty to the dark lord a family usually offers a member up to prove worthiness. Your father is choosing you."
I walked out of the office to the common room curling up on the couch. The dark lord was gone, Harry defeated him last year why was father still trying to prove loyalty. Why couldn't Draco do it, he's in Slytherin, he was born for this. I didn't move I watched the sun rise too shocked to move or react.

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...