Chapter 11

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I woke up early the next morning getting dressed and ready to say goodbye. I had plans to meet Cedric up at the astronomy tower before he left. Quickly I made my way there, i passed Draco in the stairwell, and for a moment I believed he gave me a small smile. "Alyssa." I turned around staring at him. "I hope you do have a good holiday , honestly." I nodded, "thank you." I continued to the tower running up to Cedric, "hey Lyss." He wrapped his arms around me laughing. "I just wanted to give you this." He handed me a small bag. "Cedric you didn't have to buy me anything." He shrugged, "wait until Christmas to open it. You know you can still come to my house if you want." I smiled, "no you enjoy Christmas with your family." He leaned in kissing me softly, "I'll miss you girlfriend." I kissed him back, "I'll miss you more boyfriend I guess." He gave me one last hug and we left from there.

My next goodbyes were in the common room. Fred and George both hugged me, "merry Christmas Alyssa." I smiled, "have a good holdidays." I then gave Ginny and Ron quick hugs, "goodbye guys." Hermione said goodbye to me next and that left Harry. We walked into the corner of the room. "Are you sure you don't want to come with, Molly loves you." I rolled my eyes, "no it's okay. Anyway I haven't told any of them yet." Harry nodded, "you should soon. I'll miss you." I hugged him, "goodbye Harry."

As they were all leaving the common room I slipped away quickly. Sitting down on my bed enjoying one moment alone. Around supper time I finally went downstairs to eat considering I hadn't since yesterday. In the great hall all the tables had been cleared and a small circular table was set up. Professor Dumbledore Snape and Lupin were there. So were two first years a couple forth years and one sixth. I knew no one. "Ah Ms. Malfoy, glad you could join us, please take a seat." I sat down keeping my eyes glued to the table. I listened in on the conversations around me, not being part of any of them. As soon as dinner was done being served I started to stand up. "Not staying for desert?" Dumbledore asked. I shook my head no, "not hungry."

I then made my way to the library, if I got anything out of my conversation with Professor Lupin yesterday it was that I needed to try harder in my classes. I sat at a table enjoying the complete silence and emptiness of the library. I worked on my transfiguration first catching up on past assignments. I then got bored of that class, and worked on my herbology, which likely was one of my worst classes. Professor Lupin walked in a couple hours later holding up the map. "Homework I see." I nodded. He sat down across from me, "you were quiet at dinner." I shrugged, "what was I supposed to say, I've never spoken to half the people there." He smiled, "I suppose, I'm sure it was hard seeing your friends leave today." I didn't answer. "Look, I came to apologize for yesterday, I realize I may have been a bit forward. My illness seems to be getting the best of me lately." I gave him a small smile, "it's okay sir. I understand I'm not the most pleasant to be around either." He chuckled handing me a piece of chocolate, "merry christmas." I took it gratefully, "thank you." I set my pencil down, looking out at the snow, "Did you ever meet Sirius' parents?"

Lupin shook his head, "I didn't, but I heard enough to know I wouldn't want too." I took a bite of my chocolate, "I remember regulus. He's dead now, but they looked alike." He passed me another piece of chocolate, "two because it's Christmas." I shook my head, "Regulus was in Slytherin, and Sirius was in Gryffindor. They looked so much alike. Me and Draco are twins, one of us in each house. Isn't that a sign? I'm exactly like Sirius Black. That's not a good thing." Lupin nodded, "everybody is different Alyssa, you and Sirius are related, and in a very similar situation." I laughed nervously, "it's scary how similar, you were friends with Sirius. So tell me how much are we alike. If I'm going to end up a mass murderer I should at least get a heads up." I watched as he tried to hold back his smile, "Alyssa, that's being paranoid. You haven't had it easy I'm aware, but you're a good kid." I sighed, closing my books, "I don't know what I'm going to do." Lupin gave me a small smile, "trust your friends, that's the first step." I thought for a moment, and he did have a point. "I told Cedric." Lupin nodded, "that's an excellent start. I've seen you two together quite a bit." I smiled, "He cares a lot." I watched as Lupin stood up, "as long as he makes you happy, I'm happy, you should get some rest." I nodded, "goodnight professor."

When I got down to my room I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness, angrily I sat down on my bed glaring at the present Cedric bought me. Without hesitation I ripped it apart, it was a Hogwarts pullover. I looked deeper and there was a necklace, it had the date we officially began dating. I clipped it around my neck throwing the sweater on. It was beautiful and thoughtful, a part of me wondered what I did to deserve Cedric, someone who I felt comfortable talking too, who I felt incredibly happy with. It was early but a part of me already knew I loved him, I didn't want him to go anywhere, which made me scared that he would, that eventually he would look at me the same way my father did. I contemplated all of this in front of the fire, not able to push myself to sleep, I stared at the flames smiling, they were so peaceful, and quiet, something that I enjoyed.

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